Opened 14 years ago
Last modified 14 years ago
#24 deploy defect
Reported by: | mitty | Owned by: | mitty |
Priority: | critical | Component: | configuration |
Keywords: | trac,query,trac.ini | Cc: |
Description (last modified by mitty)
- trac.iniに以下の様な設定をしても、グループ化が効かない
default_query = status!=closed&group=owner
- TicketQueryマクロでは使用できる
Owner: mitty (62 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Status | Type | Priority | Component | Created |
#1 | デフォルトGWを複数設置するケーススタディ | assigned | task | major | network | 16 years |
#2 | dhclientが頻繁にDHCPREQUESTを送信する問題 | new | defect | major | network | 16 years |
#3 | 違うNIC宛のパケットが全て特定のNICにのみ届く場合がある | new | defect | minor | network | 16 years |
#4 | ルータPCのLAN側配下のクライアントPCから、ルータPCのWAN側IPを使ってルータPCと通信できない | assigned | defect | major | network | 16 years |
#5 | NIC bondingを用いた際に、dhcpを使うとどのような挙動を示すか | new | task | minor | network | 16 years |
#6 | /sbin/dhclient-scriptについて | new | task | trivial | network | 16 years |
#7 | apache slowloris DoSの評価 | new | defect | critical | research | 16 years |
#8 | [Ubuntu] swatの日本語ページからヘルプへのリンクが間違っている | assigned | defect | minor | document | 16 years |
#9 | syslog監視スクリプトの導入 | new | task | minor | monitoring | 16 years |
#10 | [warn] long lost child came home! (pid 9057) | new | defect | trivial | configuration | 16 years |
#11 | svn/tracへのアクセス権限を、http/httpsで変える | deploy | task | blocker | configuration | 15 years |
#12 | Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused | new | defect | trivial | configuration | 15 years |
#13 | /etc/cron.* へのスクリプトの登録 | new | defect | trivial | configuration | 15 years |
#14 | wikiのヘッドラインで一部の単語のレイアウトが崩れる | new | defect | minor | research | 14 years |
#15 | 0.12でgraphviz pluginが動かない | deploy | defect | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#16 | svn commit with HTTPSでエラーが起こる | reopened | defect | blocker | configuration | 14 years |
#17 | /static/trac/js/messages/en_US.js が無い | new | defect | minor | coding | 14 years |
#18 | フォローしていない人から@が飛んできたときに知らせる | new | enhancement | major | 14 years | |
#19 | 自動的にフォローし返す | new | enhancement | critical | 14 years | |
#20 | 全体のリファクタリング | new | enhancement | blocker | 14 years | |
#21 | 光学ドライブ/USBレスでWindowsのインストール | new | task | minor | document | 14 years |
#22 | Twitterの#GB[0-9]+をまとめるサービス | new | task | major | 14 years | |
#23 | 暗号化オーバーレイネットワーク | new | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#24 | tracのqueryの設定 | deploy | defect | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#25 | wubiで、GUI以上に細かく設定してインストール | assigned | task | blocker | research | 14 years |
#26 | ubuntu with wubiで/hostの自動マウント解除 | new | task | minor | configuration | 14 years |
#27 | trac「担当者」プルダウンから不要なユーザを削除 | new | task | minor | configuration | 14 years |
#28 | trac/wikiのページ上部にも「編集」その他ボタンを追加 | new | enhancement | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#29 | InterTracの設定 | deploy | task | blocker | configuration | 14 years |
#30 | publicに出来るticketの移動 | assigned | task | critical | document | 14 years |
#31 | Calendar pluginの導入 | new | task | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#32 | チケットとカスタムクエリの日付表示フォーマットを変える | new | enhancement | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#33 | Baculaを導入する | new | task | blocker | research | 14 years |
#34 | yoshino.xlsxをlabに移行する | new | task | blocker | yoshino | 14 years |
#35 | 左端のメモ欄が折り返して全体表示になっていない | new | defect | major | yoshino | 14 years |
#36 | フリーキーワード合計消費検索機能の追加 | new | enhancement | major | yoshino | 14 years |
#37 | tracのマルチリポジトリ機能を用いて、svnを統合 | deploy | task | blocker | configuration | 14 years |
#38 | trac ticketに、「開始日」「期限」「終了日」カスタムフィールドを追加 | assigned | task | blocker | configuration | 14 years |
#39 | tracからメールが送られてくるようにする | new | task | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#40 | tweet gateway | new | task | major | 14 years | |
#41 | カラオケ検索gateway | new | task | minor | coding | 14 years |
#42 | DVカメラから取り込むソフトを探す | deploy | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#43 | メールによってticketを閉じる | new | enhancement | major | configuration | 14 years |
#44 | Knoppixに含まれているopensslの脆弱性 | new | defect | blocker | research | 14 years |
#45 | tracopt.ticket.commit_updaterの設置 | new | task | major | configuration | 14 years |
#46 | SleipnirでAdBlockもどき | new | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#47 | MasterTicketsPlugin導入 | new | task | critical | configuration | 14 years |
#48 | Imageマクロへの移行 | new | task | minor | document | 14 years |
#49 | svn:logを変更できるようにする | new | task | minor | configuration | 14 years |
#50 | followingのdescriptionやurlから、ブログなどのrssを探して更新時にtweetするbot | new | enhancement | major | 14 years | |
#51 | 非Intel VT/AMD-v環境でのVMの可否について | assigned | task | major | research | 14 years |
#52 | pxeによるDebian/Ubuntu/Knoppix multi boot USB | assigned | task | critical | document | 14 years |
#53 | Debianでroot password -> empty でインストール | new | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#55 | 指定した二つのディレクトリ以下を再帰的に比較する | assigned | enhancement | major | coding | 14 years |
#56 | Perl interpreter bot in Twitter | new | task | minor | coding | 14 years |
#57 | x11vncをxinetd経由で用いると、勝手にログアウトする | assigned | defect | critical | research | 14 years |
#58 | 画像詳細エンジン | new | task | minor | undefined | 14 years |
#59 | StartCom SSL DV証明書導入 | new | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#60 | RAID1におけるMBRのupdate | new | task | minor | research | 14 years |
#61 | software RAID over iSCSI | new | task | major | research | 14 years |
#62 | Ubuntu 11.10でインストーラがフリーズ | assigned | defect | blocker | research | 13 years |
#63 | OperaでPukiwiki Plusを表示したときにフォントが変 | new | defect | major | research | 13 years |
Component: coding (4 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#17 | /static/trac/js/messages/en_US.js が無い | new | mitty | defect | minor | 14 years |
#41 | カラオケ検索gateway | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#55 | 指定した二つのディレクトリ以下を再帰的に比較する | assigned | mitty | enhancement | major | 14 years |
#56 | Perl interpreter bot in Twitter | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
Component: configuration (20 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#10 | [warn] long lost child came home! (pid 9057) | new | mitty | defect | trivial | 16 years |
#11 | svn/tracへのアクセス権限を、http/httpsで変える | deploy | mitty | task | blocker | 15 years |
#12 | Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused | new | mitty | defect | trivial | 15 years |
#13 | /etc/cron.* へのスクリプトの登録 | new | mitty | defect | trivial | 15 years |
#15 | 0.12でgraphviz pluginが動かない | deploy | mitty | defect | critical | 14 years |
#16 | svn commit with HTTPSでエラーが起こる | reopened | mitty | defect | blocker | 14 years |
#24 | tracのqueryの設定 | deploy | mitty | defect | critical | 14 years |
#26 | ubuntu with wubiで/hostの自動マウント解除 | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#27 | trac「担当者」プルダウンから不要なユーザを削除 | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#28 | trac/wikiのページ上部にも「編集」その他ボタンを追加 | new | mitty | enhancement | critical | 14 years |
#29 | InterTracの設定 | deploy | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#31 | Calendar pluginの導入 | new | mitty | task | critical | 14 years |
#32 | チケットとカスタムクエリの日付表示フォーマットを変える | new | mitty | enhancement | critical | 14 years |
#37 | tracのマルチリポジトリ機能を用いて、svnを統合 | deploy | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#38 | trac ticketに、「開始日」「期限」「終了日」カスタムフィールドを追加 | assigned | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#39 | tracからメールが送られてくるようにする | new | mitty | task | critical | 14 years |
#43 | メールによってticketを閉じる | new | mitty | enhancement | major | 14 years |
#45 | tracopt.ticket.commit_updaterの設置 | new | mitty | task | major | 14 years |
#47 | MasterTicketsPlugin導入 | new | mitty | task | critical | 14 years |
#49 | svn:logを変更できるようにする | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
Component: document (5 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#8 | [Ubuntu] swatの日本語ページからヘルプへのリンクが間違っている | assigned | mitty | defect | minor | 16 years |
#21 | 光学ドライブ/USBレスでWindowsのインストール | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#30 | publicに出来るticketの移動 | assigned | mitty | task | critical | 14 years |
#48 | Imageマクロへの移行 | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#52 | pxeによるDebian/Ubuntu/Knoppix multi boot USB | assigned | mitty | task | critical | 14 years |
Component: monitoring (1 match) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#9 | syslog監視スクリプトの導入 | new | mitty | task | minor | 16 years |
Component: network (6 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#1 | デフォルトGWを複数設置するケーススタディ | assigned | mitty | task | major | 16 years |
#2 | dhclientが頻繁にDHCPREQUESTを送信する問題 | new | mitty | defect | major | 16 years |
#3 | 違うNIC宛のパケットが全て特定のNICにのみ届く場合がある | new | mitty | defect | minor | 16 years |
#4 | ルータPCのLAN側配下のクライアントPCから、ルータPCのWAN側IPを使ってルータPCと通信できない | assigned | mitty | defect | major | 16 years |
#5 | NIC bondingを用いた際に、dhcpを使うとどのような挙動を示すか | new | mitty | task | minor | 16 years |
#6 | /sbin/dhclient-scriptについて | new | mitty | task | trivial | 16 years |
Component: research (16 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#7 | apache slowloris DoSの評価 | new | mitty | defect | critical | 16 years |
#14 | wikiのヘッドラインで一部の単語のレイアウトが崩れる | new | mitty | defect | minor | 14 years |
#23 | 暗号化オーバーレイネットワーク | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#25 | wubiで、GUI以上に細かく設定してインストール | assigned | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#33 | Baculaを導入する | new | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#42 | DVカメラから取り込むソフトを探す | deploy | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#44 | Knoppixに含まれているopensslの脆弱性 | new | mitty | defect | blocker | 14 years |
#46 | SleipnirでAdBlockもどき | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#51 | 非Intel VT/AMD-v環境でのVMの可否について | assigned | mitty | task | major | 14 years |
#53 | Debianでroot password -> empty でインストール | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#57 | x11vncをxinetd経由で用いると、勝手にログアウトする | assigned | mitty | defect | critical | 14 years |
#59 | StartCom SSL DV証明書導入 | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#60 | RAID1におけるMBRのupdate | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
#61 | software RAID over iSCSI | new | mitty | task | major | 14 years |
#62 | Ubuntu 11.10でインストーラがフリーズ | assigned | mitty | defect | blocker | 13 years |
#63 | OperaでPukiwiki Plusを表示したときにフォントが変 | new | mitty | defect | major | 13 years |
Component: twitter (6 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#18 | フォローしていない人から@が飛んできたときに知らせる | new | mitty | enhancement | major | 14 years |
#19 | 自動的にフォローし返す | new | mitty | enhancement | critical | 14 years |
#20 | 全体のリファクタリング | new | mitty | enhancement | blocker | 14 years |
#22 | Twitterの#GB[0-9]+をまとめるサービス | new | mitty | task | major | 14 years |
#40 | tweet gateway | new | mitty | task | major | 14 years |
#50 | followingのdescriptionやurlから、ブログなどのrssを探して更新時にtweetするbot | new | mitty | enhancement | major | 14 years |
Component: undefined (1 match) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#58 | 画像詳細エンジン | new | mitty | task | minor | 14 years |
Component: yoshino (3 matches) |
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Priority | Created |
#34 | yoshino.xlsxをlabに移行する | new | mitty | task | blocker | 14 years |
#35 | 左端のメモ欄が折り返して全体表示になっていない | new | mitty | defect | major | 14 years |
#36 | フリーキーワード合計消費検索機能の追加 | new | mitty | enhancement | major | 14 years |
Attachments (13)
Change History (23)
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- グループ化設定が効かない
- trac.ini
- 担当者指定は出来る
- trac.ini
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
comment:2 follow-up: ↓ 4 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Changed 14 years ago by mitty
comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- trac.iniは以下の設定をinherit
[query] default_anonymous_query = status!=closed&cc~=$USER default_query = status!=closed&owner=$USER items_per_page = 100
- apache conf of virtualhost
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status!=closed&group=owner [R,L]
- wget --spider
Location:!=closed&group=owner [following]
- wget --spider
- apache conf of virtualhost
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status!=closed&group=owner&order=priority [R,L]
- wget --spider
Location:!=closed&group=owner&order=priority [following]
- wget --spider
querying with browser address bar
- status=! closed&group=owner&order=priority!=closed&group=owner&order=priority ↓!closed&group=owner&order=priority
- status=! closed&group=owner!=closed&group=owner ↓!closed&group=owner
- status=! closed&group=owner
[query] default_query = status=!closed&group=owner
- 「更新」ボタンを押した際にアドレスバーに現れるURLをそのまま設定
[query] default_query = status=assigned&status=deploy&status=new&status=reopened&group=owner&order=priority
- 変わらず
comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
Replying to mitty:
- 目標とする表示
- Apacheのmod_rewriteを用いるのがとりあえずの解法
+ RewriteEngine On + RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} GET + RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status=!closed&group=owner [R,L]
comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- Status changed from new to deploy
comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- Description modified (diff)
comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- Status changed from deploy to reopened
- ログイン時とanonymousで異なるクエリにする
- RewriteCondで制御できるはず
comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- Status changed from reopened to assigned
- ログイン時 => 現状と同じ
- anonymous => closedも含める
- query:?group=component では不十分
- trac.ini側の設定も必要?
- query:?status=!*&group=component でとりあえずOK
- query:?status!=*&group=component はNG
comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by mitty
- Status changed from assigned to deploy
- for
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !POST RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !trac_auth= RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status=!&group=component [R,L]
- for
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ - [L] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !trac_auth= RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status=!&group=component [R,L] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} trac_auth= RewriteRule ^/trac/([^/]+)/query$ /trac/$1/query?status=!closed&group=component [R,L]
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using