s                 240 global/literal.c 	struct words *s;
s                 242 global/literal.c 	s = smax = w;
s                 248 global/literal.c 			s->out = 1;
s                 249 global/literal.c 			s = w;
s                 251 global/literal.c 		loop:	if (s->inp == c) {
s                 252 global/literal.c 				s = s->nst;
s                 255 global/literal.c 			if (s->inp == 0) goto enter;
s                 256 global/literal.c 			if (s->link == 0) {
s                 259 global/literal.c 				s->link = ++smax;
s                 260 global/literal.c 				s = smax;
s                 263 global/literal.c 			s = s->link;
s                 269 global/literal.c 		s->inp = c;
s                 272 global/literal.c 		s->nst = ++smax;
s                 273 global/literal.c 		s = smax;
s                 276 global/literal.c 	s = w;
s                 288 global/literal.c 	struct words *s;
s                 290 global/literal.c 	s = w;
s                 292 global/literal.c init:	if ((s->inp) != 0) {
s                 293 global/literal.c 		*rear++ = s->nst;
s                 297 global/literal.c 	if ((s = s->link) != 0) {
s                 302 global/literal.c 		s = *front;
s                 306 global/literal.c 	cloop:	if ((c = s->inp) != 0) {
s                 308 global/literal.c 			*rear = (q = s->nst);
s                 316 global/literal.c 			state = s->fail;
s                 335 global/literal.c 		if ((s = s->link) != 0)
s                  58 gtags-cscope/alloc.c my_strdup(char *s)
s                  60 gtags-cscope/alloc.c 	return(strcpy(mymalloc(strlen(s) + 1), s));
s                  44 gtags-cscope/alloc.h char	*my_strdup(char *s);
s                  44 gtags-cscope/basename.c 	char	*s;
s                  46 gtags-cscope/basename.c 	if ((s = strrchr(path, '/')) != 0) {
s                  47 gtags-cscope/basename.c 		return(s + 1);
s                  93 gtags-cscope/command.c     char *s;
s                 311 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    s = "w";
s                 316 gtags-cscope/command.c 		s = "a";
s                 323 gtags-cscope/command.c 		if ((file = myfopen(filename, s)) == NULL) {
s                 644 gtags-cscope/command.c     char    *s;
s                 785 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    for (s = Pattern; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
s                 787 gtags-cscope/command.c 		if (strchr("/\\[.^*", *s) != NULL) {
s                 790 gtags-cscope/command.c 		if (caseless == YES && isalpha((unsigned char)*s)) {
s                 792 gtags-cscope/command.c 		    if(islower((unsigned char)*s)) {
s                 793 gtags-cscope/command.c 			putc(toupper((unsigned char)*s), script);
s                 794 gtags-cscope/command.c 			putc(*s, script);
s                 796 gtags-cscope/command.c 			putc(*s, script);
s                 797 gtags-cscope/command.c 			putc(tolower((unsigned char)*s), script);
s                 801 gtags-cscope/command.c 		    putc(*s, script);
s                 804 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    for (s = newpat; *s != '\0'; ++s) {	/* new text */
s                 805 gtags-cscope/command.c 		if (strchr("/\\&", *s) != NULL) {
s                 808 gtags-cscope/command.c 		putc(*s, script);
s                 169 gtags-cscope/display.c     char    *s;
s                 291 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    while ((s = strchr(tempstring, '\t')) != NULL) {
s                 292 gtags-cscope/display.c 		*s = ' ';
s                 296 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    s = tempstring;
s                 299 gtags-cscope/display.c 		if ((i = strlen(s)) > width) {
s                 302 gtags-cscope/display.c 		    for (i = width; s[i] != ' ' && i > 0; --i) {
s                 310 gtags-cscope/display.c 		printw("%.*s", i, s);
s                 311 gtags-cscope/display.c 		s += i;
s                 318 gtags-cscope/display.c 		while (*s == ' ') {
s                 319 gtags-cscope/display.c 		    ++s;
s                 322 gtags-cscope/display.c 		if (*s == '\0') {
s                 365 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    s = "s";
s                 367 gtags-cscope/display.c 		s = "";
s                 369 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    printw("* %d more line%s - press the space bar to display more *", i, s);
s                 556 gtags-cscope/display.c 	char	*s;
s                 558 gtags-cscope/display.c 	s = "Unknown error";
s                 560 gtags-cscope/display.c         s = strerror(errno);
s                 563 gtags-cscope/display.c 		s = sys_errlist[errno];
s                 566 gtags-cscope/display.c 	(void) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %s", text, s);
s                 691 gtags-cscope/display.c 	char	*s, *slash;
s                 695 gtags-cscope/display.c 	s = buf;
s                 696 gtags-cscope/display.c 	if (*s == '/') {
s                 697 gtags-cscope/display.c 		++s;
s                 699 gtags-cscope/display.c 	while ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) {
s                 701 gtags-cscope/display.c 		if ((int)strlen(s) >= 3 && strncmp(slash - 3, ".ss", 3) == 0) {
s                 702 gtags-cscope/display.c 			*subsystem = s;
s                 703 gtags-cscope/display.c 			s = slash + 1;
s                 704 gtags-cscope/display.c 			if ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) {
s                 705 gtags-cscope/display.c 				*book = s;
s                 710 gtags-cscope/display.c 		s = slash + 1;
s                 720 gtags-cscope/display.c 	char	*s;
s                 722 gtags-cscope/display.c 	s = path + strlen(path) - 1;
s                 724 gtags-cscope/display.c 		while (s > path && *--s != '/') {
s                 728 gtags-cscope/display.c 	if (s > path && *s == '/') {
s                 729 gtags-cscope/display.c 		++s;
s                 731 gtags-cscope/display.c 	return(s);
s                 109 gtags-cscope/edit.c 	char	*s;
s                 116 gtags-cscope/edit.c 	if (strcmp(s = mybasename(editor), "more") == 0 || strcmp(s, "page") == 0) {
s                  69 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h #  define memcpy(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n))
s                  70 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h #  define memmove(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n))
s                 286 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h void	addcmd(int f, char *s);
s                 338 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h void	writestring(char *s);
s                 351 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h int	mygetline(char p[], char s[], unsigned size, int firstchar, BOOL iscaseless);
s                 147 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c     char *s;
s                 178 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 	for (s = argv[0] + 1; *s != '\0'; s++) {
s                 181 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 	    if (isdigit((unsigned char) *s)) {
s                 182 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		field = *s - '0';
s                 186 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) {
s                 187 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		    s = *++argv;
s                 189 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		if (strlen(s) > PATLEN) {
s                 194 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		strcpy(Pattern, s);
s                 197 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 	    switch (*s) {
s                 262 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		c = *s;
s                 263 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) {
s                 264 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		    s = *++argv;
s                 266 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		if (*s == '\0') {
s                 276 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		    reflines = s;
s                 285 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		    if (*s < '0' || *s > '9' ) {
s                 291 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		    dispcomponents = atoi(s);
s                 304 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 			*s);
s                 460 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 	    if (*(s = buf + strlen(buf) - 1) == '\n') {
s                 461 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 		*s = '\0';
s                  57 gtags-cscope/help.c 	char	**ep, *s, **tp, *text[MAXHELP];	
s                 135 gtags-cscope/help.c 			for (s = *tp; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
s                 136 gtags-cscope/help.c 				if (*s == '\n') {
s                  54 gtags-cscope/history.c addcmd(int f, char *s)
s                  69 gtags-cscope/history.c 	h->text = my_strdup( s);
s                 113 gtags-cscope/input.c mygetline(char p[], char s[], unsigned size, int firstchar, BOOL iscaseless)
s                 131 gtags-cscope/input.c     strcpy ( s, p);
s                 139 gtags-cscope/input.c 	s[i++] = firstchar;	/* save it */
s                 147 gtags-cscope/input.c 		sright[ri++] = s[--i];
s                 152 gtags-cscope/input.c 		s[i++] = sright[--ri];
s                 153 gtags-cscope/input.c 		addch(s[i-1]);
s                 161 gtags-cscope/input.c 		sright[ri++] = s[--i];
s                 163 gtags-cscope/input.c 		addch(s[i]);
s                 172 gtags-cscope/input.c 		s[i++] = sright[--ri];
s                 173 gtags-cscope/input.c 		addch(s[i-1]);
s                 185 gtags-cscope/input.c 		s[i] = '\0';
s                 207 gtags-cscope/input.c 		s[i++] = c;	/* save it */
s                 235 gtags-cscope/input.c 	s[i++] = sright[--ri];
s                 239 gtags-cscope/input.c     s[i] = '\0';
s                 271 gtags-cscope/input.c     char	*s, *v;
s                 285 gtags-cscope/input.c 	s = out;
s                 286 gtags-cscope/input.c 	while (s < lastchar && *in != '/' && *in != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*in)) {
s                 287 gtags-cscope/input.c 	    *s++ = *in++;
s                 289 gtags-cscope/input.c 	*s = '\0';
s                 314 gtags-cscope/input.c 	    s = out;
s                 315 gtags-cscope/input.c 	    while (s < lastchar && *in != '/' && *in != '\0' &&
s                 317 gtags-cscope/input.c 		*s++ = *in++;
s                 319 gtags-cscope/input.c 	    *s = '\0';
s                2073 htags/asm.c    static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2076 htags/asm.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                2206 htags/c.c      static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2209 htags/c.c      	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                 158 htags/common.c fputs_nl(const char *s, FILE *op)
s                 160 htags/common.c 	fputs(s, op);
s                2071 htags/cpp.c    static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2074 htags/cpp.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                 347 htags/fileindex.c #define PUT(s) do {						\
s                 350 htags/fileindex.c 				strbuf_puts(files, s);		\
s                 352 htags/fileindex.c 			 fputs(s, op);				\
s                  31 htags/incop.c  strtolower(const char *s)
s                  43 htags/incop.c  		*t = tolower((unsigned char)*s);
s                  44 htags/incop.c  		s++;
s                1974 htags/java.c   static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                1977 htags/java.c   	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                2249 htags/php.c    static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2252 htags/php.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                 167 htags/src2html.c echos(const char *s)
s                 169 htags/src2html.c         strbuf_puts(outbuf, s);
s                 655 htags/src2html.c put_string(const char *s)
s                 657 htags/src2html.c 	for (; *s; s++)
s                 658 htags/src2html.c 		put_char(*s);
s                 137 libglibc/regex.c #     define bzero(s, n)	(memset (s, '\0', n), (s))
s                 139 libglibc/regex.c #     define bzero(s, n)	__bzero (s, n)
s                 148 libglibc/regex.c #    define memcpy(d, s, n)	(bcopy (s, d, n), (d))
s                 622 libglibc/regex.c # define DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN(p, s, e) 				\
s                 623 libglibc/regex.c   if (debug) print_partial_compiled_pattern (s, e)
s                 969 libglibc/regex.c # define DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN(p, s, e)
s                1675 libglibc/regex.c # define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (size_t) (s))
s                1678 libglibc/regex.c # define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (s))
s                5561 libglibc/regex.c re_comp (s)
s                5562 libglibc/regex.c     const char *s;
s                5566 libglibc/regex.c   if (!s)
s                5593 libglibc/regex.c   ret = regex_compile (s, strlen (s), re_syntax_options, &re_comp_buf);
s                5607 libglibc/regex.c re_exec (s)
s                5608 libglibc/regex.c     const char *s;
s                5610 libglibc/regex.c   const int len = strlen (s);
s                5612 libglibc/regex.c     0 <= re_search (&re_comp_buf, s, len, 0, len, (struct re_registers *) 0);
s                  38 libglibc/snprintf.c snprintf (char *s, size_t maxlen, const char *format, ...)
s                  45 libglibc/snprintf.c   done = vsprintf (s, format, arg);
s                  44 libltdl/ltdl.h #define LT_STRLEN(s)	(((s) && (s)[0]) ? strlen (s) : 0)
s                1864 libparser/asm_parse.c yyerror(const struct parser_param *param, const char *s)
s                 163 libparser/asm_parse.y yyerror(const struct parser_param *param, const char *s)
s                 173 libparser/asm_res.h           register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
s                 175 libparser/asm_res.h           if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
s                2308 libparser/asm_scan.c static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2311 libparser/asm_scan.c 	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                 471 libparser/c_res.h           register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
s                 473 libparser/c_res.h           if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
s                 357 libparser/cpp_res.h           register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
s                 359 libparser/cpp_res.h           if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
s                 236 libparser/java_res.h           register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
s                 238 libparser/java_res.h           if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
s                 381 libparser/parser.c dbg_print(int level, const char *s)
s                 386 libparser/parser.c 	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
s                 764 libparser/php.c debug_print(const char *s, ...)
s                 768 libparser/php.c 	va_start(ap, s);
s                 769 libparser/php.c 	(void)vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
s                2322 libparser/php.c static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
s                2325 libparser/php.c 	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
s                 532 libparser/php_res.h           register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
s                 534 libparser/php_res.h           if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
s                  55 libutil/char.c isregex(const char *s)
s                  59 libutil/char.c 	while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
s                  75 libutil/char.c quote_string(const char *s)
s                  80 libutil/char.c 	for (; *s; s++) {
s                  81 libutil/char.c 		if (!isalnum((unsigned char)*s))
s                  83 libutil/char.c 		strbuf_putc(sb, *s);
s                  96 libutil/char.c quote_chars(const char *s, unsigned int c)
s                 101 libutil/char.c 	for (; *s; s++) {
s                 102 libutil/char.c 		if ((unsigned char)*s == c)
s                 104 libutil/char.c 		strbuf_putc(sb, *s);
s                 123 libutil/char.c quote_shell(const char *s)
s                 130 libutil/char.c 	strbuf_puts(sb, s);
s                 132 libutil/char.c 	for (; *s; s++) {
s                 133 libutil/char.c 		if (*s == SHELL_QUOTE) {
s                 139 libutil/char.c 			strbuf_putc(sb, *s);
s                  57 libutil/die.c  die(const char *s, ...)
s                  63 libutil/die.c  		va_start(ap, s);
s                  64 libutil/die.c  		(void)vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
s                  76 libutil/die.c  die_with_code(int n, const char *s, ...)
s                  82 libutil/die.c  		va_start(ap, s);
s                  83 libutil/die.c  		(void)vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
s                  94 libutil/die.c  message(const char *s, ...)
s                  99 libutil/die.c  		va_start(ap, s);
s                 100 libutil/die.c  		(void)vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
s                 106 libutil/die.c  warning(const char *s, ...)
s                 112 libutil/die.c  		va_start(ap, s);
s                 113 libutil/die.c  		(void)vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
s                  48 libutil/die.h  void die(const char *s, ...)
s                  50 libutil/die.h  void die_with_code(int n, const char *s, ...)
s                  52 libutil/die.h  void message(const char *s, ...)
s                  54 libutil/die.h  void warning(const char *s, ...)
s                 122 libutil/find.c trim(char *s)
s                 126 libutil/find.c 	for (p = s; *s; s++) {
s                 127 libutil/find.c 		if (isspace((unsigned char)*s))
s                 129 libutil/find.c 		if (*s == '\\' && *(s + 1))
s                 130 libutil/find.c 			s++;
s                 131 libutil/find.c 		*p++ = *s;
s                 288 libutil/getdbpath.c 			const char *s, *path;
s                 301 libutil/getdbpath.c 			s = strbuf_fgets(sb, fp, STRBUF_NOCRLF);
s                 302 libutil/getdbpath.c 			if (!test("d", s)) {
s                 310 libutil/getdbpath.c 				if (!isabspath(s))
s                 311 libutil/getdbpath.c 					s = realpath(makepath(root, s, NULL), buf);
s                 312 libutil/getdbpath.c 				strlimcpy(root, s, MAXPATHLEN);
s                  46 libutil/is_unixy.c 		char *s = getenv("SHELL");
s                  49 libutil/is_unixy.c 		unix_shell = (s == NULL) ? 0 : _is_unixy_shell(s);
s                  51 libutil/is_unixy.c 		unix_shell = (s != 0);
s                 168 libutil/linetable.c 	const char *s, *p;
s                 172 libutil/linetable.c 	s = linetable_get(lineno, NULL);
s                 177 libutil/linetable.c 		fwrite(s, 1, endp - s, op);
s                 182 libutil/linetable.c 		fwrite(s, 1, p - s, op);
s                  81 libutil/locatestring.c 	unsigned char s, p;
s                  88 libutil/locatestring.c 		s = tolower((unsigned char)*string);
s                  90 libutil/locatestring.c 		if (s != p)
s                  91 libutil/locatestring.c 			return s - p;
s                  92 libutil/locatestring.c 		if (s == 0)
s                  89 libutil/logging.c logging_printf(const char *s, ...)
s                  99 libutil/logging.c 	va_start(ap, s);
s                 100 libutil/logging.c 	vfprintf(lp, s, ap);
s                  25 libutil/logging.h void logging_printf(const char *s, ...);
s                 128 libutil/path.c 	char *p, *s;
s                 142 libutil/path.c 		s = &p[2];		/* point drive char */
s                 143 libutil/path.c 		*p++ = *s++;
s                 145 libutil/path.c 		while (*p++ = *s++)
s                 102 libutil/split.c 	char *s = (char *)line;
s                 109 libutil/split.c 	for (count = 0; *s && count < npart; count++) {
s                 110 libutil/split.c 		while (*s && isblank(*s))
s                 111 libutil/split.c 			s++;
s                 112 libutil/split.c 		if (*s == '\0')
s                 114 libutil/split.c 		part->start = s;
s                 115 libutil/split.c 		while (*s && !isblank(*s))
s                 116 libutil/split.c 			s++;
s                 117 libutil/split.c 		part->end = s;
s                 118 libutil/split.c 		part->savec = *s;
s                 121 libutil/split.c 	if (*s) {
s                 122 libutil/split.c 		while (*s && isblank(*s))
s                 123 libutil/split.c 			s++;
s                 124 libutil/split.c 		part->start = s;
s                 207 libutil/split.c nextstring(const char *s)
s                 209 libutil/split.c 	while (*s)
s                 210 libutil/split.c 		s++;
s                 211 libutil/split.c 	return s + 1;
s                 227 libutil/split.c nextelement(const char *s)
s                 229 libutil/split.c 	while (*s && !isblank(*s))
s                 230 libutil/split.c 		s++;
s                 231 libutil/split.c 	if (!*s)
s                 233 libutil/split.c 	while (*s && isblank(*s))
s                 234 libutil/split.c 		s++;
s                 235 libutil/split.c 	if (!*s)
s                 237 libutil/split.c 	return s;
s                 173 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_nputs(STRBUF *sb, const char *s, int len)
s                 179 libutil/strbuf.c 			*sb->curp++ = *s++;
s                 208 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_puts(STRBUF *sb, const char *s)
s                 211 libutil/strbuf.c 		while (*s) {
s                 214 libutil/strbuf.c 			*sb->curp++ = *s++;
s                 227 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_puts_withterm(STRBUF *sb, const char *s, int c)
s                 230 libutil/strbuf.c 		while (*s && *s != c) {
s                 233 libutil/strbuf.c 			*sb->curp++ = *s++;
s                 244 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_puts_nl(STRBUF *sb, const char *s)
s                 247 libutil/strbuf.c 		while (*s) {
s                 250 libutil/strbuf.c 			*sb->curp++ = *s++;
s                 385 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_sprintf(STRBUF *sb, const char *s, ...)
s                 389 libutil/strbuf.c 	va_start(ap, s);
s                 390 libutil/strbuf.c 	strbuf_vsprintf(sb, s, ap);
s                 403 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_vsprintf(STRBUF *sb, const char *s, va_list ap)
s                 407 libutil/strbuf.c 	for (; *s; s++) {
s                 413 libutil/strbuf.c 			for (p = s; *p && *p != '%'; p++)
s                 415 libutil/strbuf.c 			if (p > s) {
s                 416 libutil/strbuf.c 				strbuf_nputs(sb, s, p - s);
s                 417 libutil/strbuf.c 				s = p;
s                 420 libutil/strbuf.c 		if (*s == '\0')
s                 422 libutil/strbuf.c 		if (*s == '%') {
s                 423 libutil/strbuf.c 			int c = (unsigned char)*++s;
s                 438 libutil/strbuf.c 			else if (isdigit(c) || (c == '-' && isdigit((unsigned char)*(s + 1)))) {
s                 444 libutil/strbuf.c 					format[i++] = *s++;
s                 445 libutil/strbuf.c 				while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s))
s                 446 libutil/strbuf.c 					format[i++] = *s++;
s                 447 libutil/strbuf.c 				format[i++] = c = *s;
s                 108 libutil/strbuf.h #define strbuf_puts0(sb, s) do {\
s                 109 libutil/strbuf.h 	strbuf_puts(sb, s);\
s                  40 libutil/strlimcpy.c 	const char *s = source;
s                  43 libutil/strlimcpy.c 		if (!(*dest++ = *s++))
s                 165 libutil/strmake.c strcpy_withterm(char *b, const char *s, int size, int term)
s                 169 libutil/strmake.c 	while (*s && *s != term)
s                 171 libutil/strmake.c 			*b++ = *s++;
s                 174 libutil/strmake.c 	return s;
s                 140 libutil/tab.c  			const char *s = replace(c);
s                 141 libutil/tab.c  			if (s)
s                 142 libutil/tab.c  				fputs(s, op);