/* ![[previous]](../icons/n_left.png)
This source file includes following definitions.
- java_hash
- java_lookup
- java_reserved_word
1 /* ANSI-C code produced by gperf version 3.0.4 */
2 /* Command-line: gperf --language=ANSI-C --struct-type --slot-name=name --hash-fn-name=java_hash --lookup-fn-name=java_lookup */
3 /* Computed positions: -k'1-2' */
5 #if !((' ' == 32) && ('!' == 33) && ('"' == 34) && ('#' == 35) \
6 && ('%' == 37) && ('&' == 38) && ('\'' == 39) && ('(' == 40) \
7 && (')' == 41) && ('*' == 42) && ('+' == 43) && (',' == 44) \
8 && ('-' == 45) && ('.' == 46) && ('/' == 47) && ('0' == 48) \
9 && ('1' == 49) && ('2' == 50) && ('3' == 51) && ('4' == 52) \
10 && ('5' == 53) && ('6' == 54) && ('7' == 55) && ('8' == 56) \
11 && ('9' == 57) && (':' == 58) && (';' == 59) && ('<' == 60) \
12 && ('=' == 61) && ('>' == 62) && ('?' == 63) && ('A' == 65) \
13 && ('B' == 66) && ('C' == 67) && ('D' == 68) && ('E' == 69) \
14 && ('F' == 70) && ('G' == 71) && ('H' == 72) && ('I' == 73) \
15 && ('J' == 74) && ('K' == 75) && ('L' == 76) && ('M' == 77) \
16 && ('N' == 78) && ('O' == 79) && ('P' == 80) && ('Q' == 81) \
17 && ('R' == 82) && ('S' == 83) && ('T' == 84) && ('U' == 85) \
18 && ('V' == 86) && ('W' == 87) && ('X' == 88) && ('Y' == 89) \
19 && ('Z' == 90) && ('[' == 91) && ('\\' == 92) && (']' == 93) \
20 && ('^' == 94) && ('_' == 95) && ('a' == 97) && ('b' == 98) \
21 && ('c' == 99) && ('d' == 100) && ('e' == 101) && ('f' == 102) \
22 && ('g' == 103) && ('h' == 104) && ('i' == 105) && ('j' == 106) \
23 && ('k' == 107) && ('l' == 108) && ('m' == 109) && ('n' == 110) \
24 && ('o' == 111) && ('p' == 112) && ('q' == 113) && ('r' == 114) \
25 && ('s' == 115) && ('t' == 116) && ('u' == 117) && ('v' == 118) \
26 && ('w' == 119) && ('x' == 120) && ('y' == 121) && ('z' == 122) \
27 && ('{' == 123) && ('|' == 124) && ('}' == 125) && ('~' == 126))
28 /* The character set is not based on ISO-646. */
29 #error "gperf generated tables don't work with this execution character set. Please report a bug to <bug-gnu-gperf@gnu.org>."
30 #endif
33 #include "strmake.h"
34 #define START_VARIABLE 1001
35 #define START_WORD 2001
36 #define START_SHARP 3001
37 #define START_YACC 4001
38 #define IS_RESERVED_WORD(a) ((a) >= START_WORD)
40 #define IS_RESERVED_SHARP(a) ((a) >= START_SHARP && (a) < START_YACC)
41 #define IS_RESERVED_YACC(a) ((a) >= START_YACC)
43 #define JAVA_ABSTRACT 2001
44 #define JAVA_BOOLEAN 2002
45 #define JAVA_BREAK 2003
46 #define JAVA_BYTE 2004
47 #define JAVA_CASE 2005
48 #define JAVA_CATCH 2006
49 #define JAVA_CHAR 2007
50 #define JAVA_CLASS 2008
51 #define JAVA_CONST 2009
52 #define JAVA_CONTINUE 2010
53 #define JAVA_DEFAULT 2011
54 #define JAVA_DO 2012
55 #define JAVA_DOUBLE 2013
56 #define JAVA_ELSE 2014
57 #define JAVA_ENUM 2015
58 #define JAVA_EXTENDS 2016
59 #define JAVA_FALSE 2017
60 #define JAVA_FINAL 2018
61 #define JAVA_FINALLY 2019
62 #define JAVA_FLOAT 2020
63 #define JAVA_FOR 2021
64 #define JAVA_GOTO 2022
65 #define JAVA_IF 2023
66 #define JAVA_IMPLEMENTS 2024
67 #define JAVA_IMPORT 2025
68 #define JAVA_INSTANCEOF 2026
69 #define JAVA_INT 2027
70 #define JAVA_INTERFACE 2028
71 #define JAVA_LONG 2029
72 #define JAVA_NATIVE 2030
73 #define JAVA_NEW 2031
74 #define JAVA_NULL 2032
75 #define JAVA_PACKAGE 2033
76 #define JAVA_PRIVATE 2034
77 #define JAVA_PROTECTED 2035
78 #define JAVA_PUBLIC 2036
79 #define JAVA_RETURN 2037
80 #define JAVA_SHORT 2038
81 #define JAVA_STATIC 2039
82 #define JAVA_STRICTFP 2040
83 #define JAVA_SUPER 2041
84 #define JAVA_SWITCH 2042
85 #define JAVA_SYNCHRONIZED 2043
86 #define JAVA_THIS 2044
87 #define JAVA_THROW 2045
88 #define JAVA_THROWS 2046
89 #define JAVA_UNION 2047
90 #define JAVA_TRANSIENT 2048
91 #define JAVA_TRUE 2049
92 #define JAVA_TRY 2050
93 #define JAVA_VOID 2051
94 #define JAVA_VOLATILE 2052
95 #define JAVA_WHILE 2053
96 #define JAVA_WIDEFP 2054
97 struct keyword { char *name; int token; };
99 #define TOTAL_KEYWORDS 54
100 #define MIN_WORD_LENGTH 2
101 #define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 12
102 #define MIN_HASH_VALUE 4
103 #define MAX_HASH_VALUE 82
104 /* maximum key range = 79, duplicates = 0 */
106 #ifdef __GNUC__
107 __inline
108 #else
109 #ifdef __cplusplus
110 inline
111 #endif
112 #endif
113 static unsigned int
114 java_hash (register const char *str, register unsigned int len)
115 {
116 static unsigned char asso_values[] =
117 {
118 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
119 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
120 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
121 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
122 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
123 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
124 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
125 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
126 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
127 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 25, 15, 30,
128 50, 25, 20, 35, 0, 10, 83, 83, 40, 50,
129 10, 5, 10, 83, 5, 5, 0, 5, 55, 40,
130 15, 35, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
131 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
132 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
133 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
134 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
135 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
136 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
137 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
138 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
139 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
140 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
141 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
142 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83,
143 83, 83, 83, 83, 83, 83
144 };
145 return len + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[1]] + asso_values[(unsigned char)str[0]];
146 }
148 #ifdef __GNUC__
149 __inline
150 #if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__
151 __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
152 #endif
153 #endif
154 struct keyword *
155 java_lookup (register const char *str, register unsigned int len)
156 {
157 static struct keyword wordlist[] =
158 {
159 {""}, {""}, {""}, {""},
160 {"this", JAVA_THIS},
161 {"throw", JAVA_THROW},
162 {"throws", JAVA_THROWS},
163 {""},
164 {"try", JAVA_TRY},
165 {"true", JAVA_TRUE},
166 {"short", JAVA_SHORT},
167 {"static", JAVA_STATIC},
168 {""},
169 {"strictfp", JAVA_STRICTFP},
170 {"transient", JAVA_TRANSIENT},
171 {"super", JAVA_SUPER},
172 {""}, {""}, {""},
173 {"null", JAVA_NULL},
174 {"union", JAVA_UNION},
175 {"public", JAVA_PUBLIC},
176 {"private", JAVA_PRIVATE},
177 {"int", JAVA_INT},
178 {"protected", JAVA_PROTECTED},
179 {"break", JAVA_BREAK},
180 {""},
181 {"boolean", JAVA_BOOLEAN},
182 {"for", JAVA_FOR},
183 {"interface", JAVA_INTERFACE},
184 {"instanceof", JAVA_INSTANCEOF},
185 {""},
186 {"if", JAVA_IF},
187 {""},
188 {"char", JAVA_CHAR},
189 {"final", JAVA_FINAL},
190 {"return", JAVA_RETURN},
191 {"finally", JAVA_FINALLY},
192 {"new", JAVA_NEW},
193 {"enum", JAVA_ENUM},
194 {"const", JAVA_CONST},
195 {"native", JAVA_NATIVE},
196 {"package", JAVA_PACKAGE},
197 {"continue", JAVA_CONTINUE},
198 {"goto", JAVA_GOTO},
199 {"while", JAVA_WHILE},
200 {""},
201 {"extends", JAVA_EXTENDS},
202 {"abstract", JAVA_ABSTRACT},
203 {"long", JAVA_LONG},
204 {"false", JAVA_FALSE},
205 {"switch", JAVA_SWITCH},
206 {"synchronized", JAVA_SYNCHRONIZED},
207 {""},
208 {"byte", JAVA_BYTE},
209 {""},
210 {"widefp", JAVA_WIDEFP},
211 {"do", JAVA_DO},
212 {""},
213 {"case", JAVA_CASE},
214 {"catch", JAVA_CATCH},
215 {"double", JAVA_DOUBLE},
216 {""}, {""},
217 {"void", JAVA_VOID},
218 {"float", JAVA_FLOAT},
219 {"import", JAVA_IMPORT},
220 {""},
221 {"volatile", JAVA_VOLATILE},
222 {"else", JAVA_ELSE},
223 {"implements", JAVA_IMPLEMENTS},
224 {""}, {""}, {""}, {""},
225 {"class", JAVA_CLASS},
226 {""}, {""}, {""}, {""}, {""}, {""},
227 {"default", JAVA_DEFAULT}
228 };
230 if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
231 {
232 register int key = java_hash (str, len);
234 if (key <= MAX_HASH_VALUE && key >= 0)
235 {
236 register const char *s = wordlist[key].name;
238 if (*str == *s && !strcmp (str + 1, s + 1))
239 return &wordlist[key];
240 }
241 }
242 return 0;
243 }
245 int
246 java_reserved_word(const char *str, int len)
247 {
248 struct keyword *keyword;
250 keyword = java_lookup(str, len);
251 return (keyword && IS_RESERVED_WORD(keyword->token)) ? keyword->token : 0;
252 }
/* ![[previous]](../icons/n_left.png)