op                393 htags/anchor.c anchor_dump(FILE *op, int lineno)
op                397 htags/anchor.c 	if (op == NULL)
op                398 htags/anchor.c 		op = stderr;
op                401 htags/anchor.c 			fprintf(op, "%d %s(%c)\n",
op                 43 htags/cflowindex.c 	FILE *ip, *op;
op                 60 htags/cflowindex.c 	if ((op = fopen(makepath(distpath, output, NULL), "w")) == NULL) {
op                 65 htags/cflowindex.c 	fputs_nl(gen_page_begin(title, TOPDIR), op);
op                 66 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                 67 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs(header_begin, op);
op                 68 htags/cflowindex.c 	fputs(gen_href_begin_simple(output), op);
op                 70 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs(title, op);
op                 71 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs(gen_href_end(), op);
op                 72 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(header_end, op);
op                 73 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(verbatim_begin, op);
op                166 htags/cflowindex.c 		fprintf(op, gen_name_number(atoi(anchor)));
op                170 htags/cflowindex.c 		fwrite(cflow_posix, name - cflow_posix, 1, op);
op                181 htags/cflowindex.c 				fprintf(op, gen_href_begin(SRCS, fid, HTML, lineno));
op                190 htags/cflowindex.c 			fprintf(op, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, lineno));
op                193 htags/cflowindex.c 		fwrite(name, name_end - name, 1, op);
op                195 htags/cflowindex.c 			fputs(gen_href_end(), op);
op                201 htags/cflowindex.c 				fputs(quote_little, op);
op                203 htags/cflowindex.c 				fputs(quote_great, op);
op                205 htags/cflowindex.c 				fputc(*p, op);
op                207 htags/cflowindex.c 		fputc('\n', op);
op                210 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(verbatim_end, op);
op                211 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                212 htags/cflowindex.c         fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                215 htags/cflowindex.c 	fclose(op);
op                158 htags/common.c fputs_nl(const char *s, FILE *op)
op                160 htags/common.c 	fputs(s, op);
op                161 htags/common.c 	putc('\n', op);
op                 60 htags/dupindex.c 	FILE *op = NULL;
op                111 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(gen_list_end(), op);
op                112 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                113 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                159 htags/dupindex.c 						op = get_descripter(fileop);
op                160 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(gen_page_begin(tag, SUBDIR), op);
op                161 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                162 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(gen_list_begin(), op);
op                163 htags/dupindex.c 						fputs_nl(gen_list_body(srcdir, ctags_x, fid), op);
op                170 htags/dupindex.c 					fputs_nl(gen_list_body(srcdir, ctags_x, fid), op);
op                181 htags/dupindex.c 				fputs_nl(gen_list_end(), op);
op                182 htags/dupindex.c 				fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                183 htags/dupindex.c 				fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                352 htags/fileindex.c 			 fputs(s, op);				\
op                360 htags/fileindex.c 	FILE *op = NULL;
op                369 htags/fileindex.c 		op = get_descripter(fileop);
op                370 htags/fileindex.c 		print_directory_header(op, level, basedir);
op                467 htags/fileindex.c 		print_directory_footer(op, level, basedir);
op                483 htags/fileindex.c print_directory_header(FILE *op, int level, const char *dir)
op                493 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(gen_page_begin(strbuf_value(sb), SUBDIR), op);
op                494 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                498 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs(strbuf_value(sb), op);
op                514 htags/fileindex.c 				fputs(gen_href_begin(NULL, path2fid(path), HTML, NULL), op);
op                515 htags/fileindex.c 			fputs(p, op);
op                517 htags/fileindex.c 				fputs(gen_href_end(), op);
op                519 htags/fileindex.c 			fputc('/', op);
op                522 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(header_end, op);
op                535 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, parent, suffix, NULL, "Parent Directory"), op);
op                538 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs(gen_image(PARENT, back_icon, ".."), op);
op                540 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs("[..]", op);
op                541 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(gen_href_end(), op);
op                543 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(flist_begin, op);
op                545 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(list_begin, op);
op                547 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs(br, op);
op                548 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(br, op);
op                559 htags/fileindex.c print_directory_footer(FILE *op, int level, const char *dir)
op                576 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(flist_end, op);
op                578 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(list_end, op);
op                580 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs_nl(br, op);
op                581 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, parent, suffix, NULL, "Parent Directory"), op);
op                583 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs(gen_image(PARENT, back_icon, ".."), op);
op                585 htags/fileindex.c 		fputs("[..]", op);
op                586 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(gen_href_end(), op);
op                587 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                588 htags/fileindex.c 	fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                416 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                425 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(path, "index.html", NULL), "w");
op                426 htags/htags.c  	if (op == NULL)
op                428 htags/htags.c  	fputs(html_begin, op);
op                429 htags/htags.c  	fputs(html_end, op);
op                430 htags/htags.c  	fputc('\n', op);
op                431 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                439 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                442 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(path, "w");
op                443 htags/htags.c  	if (op) {
op                445 htags/htags.c  			fputs(data, op);
op                446 htags/htags.c  			fputc('\n', op);
op                448 htags/htags.c  		fclose(op);
op                579 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                582 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(dist, file, NULL), "w");
op                583 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                586 htags/htags.c  	fputs(strbuf_value(result), op);
op                587 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                624 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                626 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                627 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                629 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#!/bin/sh", op);
op                630 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                631 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# rebuild.sh: rebuild hypertext with the previous context.", op);
op                632 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                633 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# Usage:", op);
op                634 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#\t% sh rebuild.sh", op);
op                635 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                636 htags/htags.c  	fprintf(op, "cd %s && GTAGSCONF='%s' htags%s\n", cwdpath, save_config, save_argv);
op                637 htags/htags.c          fclose(op);
op                649 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                651 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                652 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                654 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_begin("HELP", TOPDIR), op);
op                655 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                656 htags/htags.c  	fputs(header_begin, op);
op                657 htags/htags.c  	fputs("Usage of Links", op);
op                658 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(header_end, op);
op                660 htags/htags.c  		fputs(verbatim_begin, op);
op                661 htags/htags.c  	fputs("/* ", op);
op                664 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_image(CURRENT, icons[n], label[n]), op);
op                666 htags/htags.c  				fputc(' ', op);
op                668 htags/htags.c  			fprintf(op, "[%s]", label[n]);
op                672 htags/htags.c  		fprintf(op, "[+line file]");
op                673 htags/htags.c  	fputs(" */", op);
op                675 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(verbatim_end, op);
op                677 htags/htags.c  		fputc('\n', op);
op                678 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(define_list_begin, op);
op                680 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_term_begin, op);
op                682 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_image(CURRENT, icons[n], label[n]), op);
op                684 htags/htags.c  			fprintf(op, "[%s]", label[n]);
op                686 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_term_end, op);
op                687 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_desc_begin, op);
op                688 htags/htags.c  		fputs(msg[n], op);
op                689 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(define_desc_end, op);
op                692 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_term_begin, op);
op                693 htags/htags.c  		fputs("[+line file]", op);
op                694 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_term_end, op);
op                695 htags/htags.c  		fputs(define_desc_begin, op);
op                696 htags/htags.c  		fputs("Current position (line number and file name).", op);
op                697 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(define_desc_end, op);
op                699 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(define_list_end, op);
op                700 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                701 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                702 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                777 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                779 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                780 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                783 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_page_frameset_begin(title), op);
op                784 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frameset_begin("cols='200,*'"), op);
op                786 htags/htags.c  			fputs_nl(gen_frameset_begin("rows='33%,33%,*'"), op);
op                787 htags/htags.c  			fputs_nl(gen_frame("search", makepath(NULL, "search", normal_suffix)), op);
op                789 htags/htags.c  			fputs_nl(gen_frameset_begin("rows='50%,*'"), op);
op                795 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frame("defines", makepath(NULL, "defines", normal_suffix)), op);
op                796 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frame("files", makepath(NULL, "files", normal_suffix)), op);
op                797 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frameset_end(), op);
op                798 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frame("mains", makepath(NULL, "mains", normal_suffix)), op);
op                799 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(noframes_begin, op);
op                800 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                801 htags/htags.c  		fputs(index, op);
op                802 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                803 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(noframes_end, op);
op                804 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_frameset_end(), op);
op                805 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                807 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_page_index_begin(title, jscode), op);
op                808 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                810 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_insert_header(TOPDIR), op);
op                811 htags/htags.c  		fputs(index, op);
op                813 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_insert_footer(TOPDIR), op);
op                814 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                815 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                817 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                829 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                831 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                832 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                834 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_index_begin(title, jscode), op);
op                835 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                837 htags/htags.c  		fputs(gen_insert_header(TOPDIR), op);
op                838 htags/htags.c  	fputs(index, op);
op                840 htags/htags.c  		fputs(gen_insert_footer(TOPDIR), op);
op                841 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                842 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                843 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                854 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                856 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                857 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                859 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_index_begin("SEARCH", jscode), op);
op                860 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_begin, op);
op                861 htags/htags.c  	fputs(makesearchpart("mains"), op);
op                862 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(body_end, op);
op                863 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl(gen_page_end(), op);
op                864 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op                873 htags/htags.c  	FILE *op;
op                875 htags/htags.c  	op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w");
op                876 htags/htags.c  	if (!op)
op                878 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                879 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# Skeleton file for .htaccess -- This file was generated by htags(1).", op);
op                880 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                881 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# To make this file effective, undermentioned description is necessary", op);
op                882 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# in your system's configuration file.", op);
op                883 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                884 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# [/usr/local/apache/conf/http.conf]", op);
op                885 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# +-------------------------------------", op);
op                886 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# |...", op);
op                887 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# |AllowOverride Options FileInfo", op);
op                888 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                889 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# Htags was invoked with the -f, -c or -D option.", op);
op                890 htags/htags.c  	fprintf(op, "# You should start http server so that %s/*.cgi is executed\n", cgidir);
op                891 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("# as a CGI script.", op);
op                892 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("#", op);
op                893 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("Options +ExecCGI", op);
op                894 htags/htags.c  	fputs_nl("AddHandler cgi-script .cgi", op);
op                896 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("#", op);
op                897 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("# Htags have made gzipped html files because you specified the -c option.", op);
op                898 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("# If your browser doesn't decompress gzipped files, you should start", op);
op                899 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("# http server so that they are decompressed.", op);
op                900 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("#", op);
op                901 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("# Please rewrite appropriately the string '/cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi' below, or", op);
op                902 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("# copy the file 'cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi' itself to the system's CGI directory.", op);
op                903 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("#", op);
op                904 htags/htags.c  		fprintf(op, "AddHandler htags-gzipped-html %s\n", gzipped_suffix);
op                905 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("Action htags-gzipped-html /cgi-bin/ghtml.cgi", op);
op                906 htags/htags.c  		fputs_nl("#                         ==================", op);
op                908 htags/htags.c  	fclose(op);
op               1002 htags/htags.c  	int ip, op, size;
op               1011 htags/htags.c  	op = open(to, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0775);
op               1012 htags/htags.c  	if (op < 0)
op               1017 htags/htags.c  		if (write(op, buf, size) != size)
op               1020 htags/htags.c  	close(op);
op               1917 htags/htags.c  			FILE *op = fopen(path, "w");
op               1919 htags/htags.c  			if (op == NULL)
op               1922 htags/htags.c  				fprintf(op, "%s\n", distpath);
op               1923 htags/htags.c  				fclose(op);
op               2114 htags/htags.c  		FILE *op = fopen(path, "w");
op               2115 htags/htags.c  		if (op == NULL)
op               2118 htags/htags.c  			fputs(HTML, op);
op               2119 htags/htags.c  			fputc('\n', op);
op               2121 htags/htags.c  		fclose(op);
op               2125 htags/htags.c  		FILE *op = fopen(path, "w");
op               2126 htags/htags.c  		if (op == NULL)
op               2128 htags/htags.c  		fputs(cwdpath, op);
op               2129 htags/htags.c  		fputc('\n', op);
op               2130 htags/htags.c  		fclose(op);
op               1557 libglibc/regex.c static void store_op1 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc, int arg));
op               1558 libglibc/regex.c static void store_op2 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
op               1560 libglibc/regex.c static void insert_op1 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
op               1562 libglibc/regex.c static void insert_op2 _RE_ARGS ((re_opcode_t op, unsigned char *loc,
op               1646 libglibc/regex.c #define STORE_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
op               1647 libglibc/regex.c   store_op1 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3))
op               1650 libglibc/regex.c #define STORE_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
op               1651 libglibc/regex.c   store_op2 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), arg)
op               1654 libglibc/regex.c #define INSERT_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
op               1655 libglibc/regex.c   insert_op1 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), b)
op               1658 libglibc/regex.c #define INSERT_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
op               1659 libglibc/regex.c   insert_op2 (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - 3), arg, b)
op               2998 libglibc/regex.c store_op1 (op, loc, arg)
op               2999 libglibc/regex.c     re_opcode_t op;
op               3003 libglibc/regex.c   *loc = (unsigned char) op;
op               3011 libglibc/regex.c store_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2)
op               3012 libglibc/regex.c     re_opcode_t op;
op               3016 libglibc/regex.c   *loc = (unsigned char) op;
op               3026 libglibc/regex.c insert_op1 (op, loc, arg, end)
op               3027 libglibc/regex.c     re_opcode_t op;
op               3038 libglibc/regex.c   store_op1 (op, loc, arg);
op               3045 libglibc/regex.c insert_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2, end)
op               3046 libglibc/regex.c     re_opcode_t op;
op               3057 libglibc/regex.c   store_op2 (op, loc, arg1, arg2);
op                166 libutil/linetable.c linetable_print(FILE *op, int lineno)
op                177 libutil/linetable.c 		fwrite(s, 1, endp - s, op);
op                179 libutil/linetable.c 			fputc('\n', op);
op                182 libutil/linetable.c 		fwrite(s, 1, p - s, op);
op                197 libutil/pathconvert.c convert_open(int type, int format, const char *root, const char *cwd, const char *dbpath, FILE *op, int db)
op                215 libutil/pathconvert.c 	cv->op = op;
op                295 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(tag, cv->op);
op                296 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                297 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                298 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                299 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(lineno, cv->op);
op                305 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(fid, cv->op);
op                306 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                313 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(ctags_x, cv->op);
op                314 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                318 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                319 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                320 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                323 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                324 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                325 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(lineno, cv->op);
op                326 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                327 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                330 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                331 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(':', cv->op);
op                332 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(lineno, cv->op);
op                333 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(':', cv->op);
op                334 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                337 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                338 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                339 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(tag, cv->op);
op                340 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                341 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(lineno, cv->op);
op                342 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                346 libutil/pathconvert.c 			fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                348 libutil/pathconvert.c 			fputs("<unknown>", cv->op);
op                353 libutil/pathconvert.c 	(void)fputc(newline, cv->op);
op                366 libutil/pathconvert.c 	fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                367 libutil/pathconvert.c 	(void)fputc(newline, cv->op);
op                384 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                387 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(tag, cv->op);
op                388 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                389 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                390 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                391 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fprintf(cv->op, "%d", lineno);
op                399 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(fid, cv->op);
op                400 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                403 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fprintf(cv->op, "%-16s %4d %-16s %s",
op                407 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                408 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                409 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fprintf(cv->op, "%d", lineno);
op                410 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc('\t', cv->op);
op                411 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                414 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                415 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(':', cv->op);
op                416 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fprintf(cv->op, "%d", lineno);
op                417 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(':', cv->op);
op                418 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                421 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(convert_pathname(cv, path), cv->op);
op                422 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                423 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputs(tag, cv->op);
op                424 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                425 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fprintf(cv->op, "%d", lineno);
op                426 libutil/pathconvert.c 		fputc(' ', cv->op);
op                430 libutil/pathconvert.c 			fputs(rest, cv->op);
op                432 libutil/pathconvert.c 			fputs("<unknown>", cv->op);
op                437 libutil/pathconvert.c 	(void)fputc(newline, cv->op);
op                 27 libutil/pathconvert.h 	FILE *op;
op                126 libutil/tab.c  detab_replacing(FILE *op, const char *buf, const char *(*replace)(int c))
op                137 libutil/tab.c  				putc(' ', op);
op                142 libutil/tab.c  				fputs(s, op);
op                144 libutil/tab.c  				putc(c, op);
op                148 libutil/tab.c  	putc('\n', op);
op                 28 libutil/tab.h  void detab_replacing(FILE *op, const char *buf, const char *(*replace)(int c));
op                 67 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c static FILE *ip, *op;
op                127 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	op = fdopen(opipe[1], "w");
op                128 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	if (ip == NULL || op == NULL)
op                144 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	if (op == NULL)
op                147 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	fclose(op);
op                255 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	if (op == NULL)
op                259 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	fputs(param->file, op);
op                260 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	putc('\n', op);
op                261 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c 	fflush(op);