n                 212 global/global.c 	for (n = 0; isdigit(*p); p++)                                               \
n                 213 global/global.c 		n = n * 10 + (*p - '0');                                            \
n                 267 global/global.c 					int n, cur, last = 0;
n                 273 global/global.c 						cur = last + n;
n                 283 global/global.c 							cur = last + n;
n                1566 global/global.c                 for (n = 0; isdigit(*p); p++)                                  \
n                1567 global/global.c                         n = n * 10 + (*p - '0');                                \
n                1625 global/global.c 			int n = 0;
n                1677 global/global.c 						n = last + 1;
n                1678 global/global.c 						if (n > cont) {
n                1686 global/global.c 						cont = n + last;
n                1687 global/global.c 						n = last + 1;
n                1690 global/global.c 						n += last;
n                1692 global/global.c 					if (last_lineno != n && fp) {
n                1693 global/global.c 						while (lineno < n) {
n                1705 global/global.c 					convert_put_using(cv, tagname, gtp->path, n, src, fid);
n                1707 global/global.c 					last_lineno = last = n;
n                1716 global/global.c 					for (n = 0; isdigit(*p); p++)
n                1717 global/global.c 						n = n * 10 + *p - '0';
n                1720 global/global.c 					if (last_lineno == n)
n                1722 global/global.c 					if (last_lineno != n && fp) {
n                1723 global/global.c 						while (lineno < n) {
n                1735 global/global.c 					convert_put_using(cv, tagname, gtp->path, n, src, fid);
n                1737 global/global.c 					last_lineno = n;
n                  69 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h #  define memcpy(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n))
n                  70 gtags-cscope/global-cscope.h #  define memmove(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n))
n                 145 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 	int n = 0;
n                 152 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 			n++; 
n                 154 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 	if ((m = (struct map *)malloc(sizeof(struct map) * n)) == NULL)
n                 161 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
n                 178 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 	qsort(m, n, sizeof(struct map), cmp);
n                 180 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 	*lines = n;
n                 183 htags/asm.c        #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
n                 186 htags/asm.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                 190 htags/asm.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 354 htags/asm.c    #define asm_wrap(n) 1
n                 700 htags/asm.c    		int n; \
n                 701 htags/asm.c    		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 702 htags/asm.c    			     (c = getc( asm_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 703 htags/asm.c    			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 705 htags/asm.c    			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 708 htags/asm.c    		result = n; \
n                1836 htags/asm.c    	yy_size_t n;
n                1840 htags/asm.c    	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                1841 htags/asm.c    	buf = (char *) asm_alloc(n  );
n                1850 htags/asm.c    	b = asm__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                1907 htags/asm.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                1911 htags/asm.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2064 htags/asm.c    static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2067 htags/asm.c    	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2075 htags/asm.c    	register int n;
n                2076 htags/asm.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2079 htags/asm.c    	return n;
n                 183 htags/c.c          #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
n                 186 htags/c.c      #define yyless(n) \
n                 190 htags/c.c              int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 354 htags/c.c      #define c_wrap(n) 1
n                 736 htags/c.c      		int n; \
n                 737 htags/c.c      		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 738 htags/c.c      			     (c = getc( c_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 739 htags/c.c      			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 741 htags/c.c      			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 744 htags/c.c      		result = n; \
n                1969 htags/c.c      	yy_size_t n;
n                1973 htags/c.c      	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                1974 htags/c.c      	buf = (char *) c_alloc(n  );
n                1983 htags/c.c      	b = c__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                2040 htags/c.c      #define yyless(n) \
n                2044 htags/c.c              int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2197 htags/c.c      static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2200 htags/c.c      	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2208 htags/c.c      	register int n;
n                2209 htags/c.c      	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2212 htags/c.c      	return n;
n                 183 htags/cpp.c        #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
n                 186 htags/cpp.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                 190 htags/cpp.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 354 htags/cpp.c    #define cpp_wrap(n) 1
n                 700 htags/cpp.c    		int n; \
n                 701 htags/cpp.c    		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 702 htags/cpp.c    			     (c = getc( cpp_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 703 htags/cpp.c    			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 705 htags/cpp.c    			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 708 htags/cpp.c    		result = n; \
n                1834 htags/cpp.c    	yy_size_t n;
n                1838 htags/cpp.c    	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                1839 htags/cpp.c    	buf = (char *) cpp_alloc(n  );
n                1848 htags/cpp.c    	b = cpp__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                1905 htags/cpp.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                1909 htags/cpp.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2062 htags/cpp.c    static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2065 htags/cpp.c    	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2073 htags/cpp.c    	register int n;
n                2074 htags/cpp.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2077 htags/cpp.c    	return n;
n                 288 htags/fileindex.c insert_comma(unsigned int n)
n                 296 htags/fileindex.c 	if (n == 0)
n                 298 htags/fileindex.c 	if (n > 1000000000)
n                 301 htags/fileindex.c 	for (; n > 0; n = n / 10) {
n                 309 htags/fileindex.c 		result[--i] = n % 10 + '0';
n                 648 htags/htags.c  	int n, last = 7;
n                 662 htags/htags.c  	for (n = 0; n <= last; n++) {
n                 664 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_image(CURRENT, icons[n], label[n]), op);
n                 665 htags/htags.c  			if (n < last)
n                 668 htags/htags.c  			fprintf(op, "[%s]", label[n]);
n                 679 htags/htags.c  	for (n = 0; n <= last; n++) {
n                 682 htags/htags.c  			fputs(gen_image(CURRENT, icons[n], label[n]), op);
n                 684 htags/htags.c  			fprintf(op, "[%s]", label[n]);
n                 688 htags/htags.c  		fputs(msg[n], op);
n                1213 htags/htags.c  	int i, n;
n                1270 htags/htags.c  	if (getconfn("ncol", &n)) {
n                1271 htags/htags.c  		if (n < 1 || n > 10)
n                1272 htags/htags.c  			warning("parameter 'ncol' ignored because the value (=%d) is too large or too small.", n);
n                1274 htags/htags.c  			ncol = n;
n                1276 htags/htags.c  	if (getconfn("tabs", &n)) {
n                1277 htags/htags.c  		if (n < 1 || n > 32)
n                1278 htags/htags.c  			warning("parameter 'tabs' ignored because the value (=%d) is too large or too small.", n);
n                1280 htags/htags.c  			tabs = n;
n                 183 htags/java.c       #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
n                 186 htags/java.c   #define yyless(n) \
n                 190 htags/java.c           int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 354 htags/java.c   #define java_wrap(n) 1
n                 677 htags/java.c   		int n; \
n                 678 htags/java.c   		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 679 htags/java.c   			     (c = getc( java_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 680 htags/java.c   			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 682 htags/java.c   			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 685 htags/java.c   		result = n; \
n                1737 htags/java.c   	yy_size_t n;
n                1741 htags/java.c   	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                1742 htags/java.c   	buf = (char *) java_alloc(n  );
n                1751 htags/java.c   	b = java__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                1808 htags/java.c   #define yyless(n) \
n                1812 htags/java.c           int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                1965 htags/java.c   static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                1968 htags/java.c   	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                1976 htags/java.c   	register int n;
n                1977 htags/java.c   	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                1980 htags/java.c   	return n;
n                  49 htags/path2url.c 	int n;
n                  61 htags/path2url.c 		n = atoi(no);
n                  62 htags/path2url.c 		if (n > nextkey)
n                  63 htags/path2url.c 			nextkey = n;
n                 183 htags/php.c        #define YY_LESS_LINENO(n)
n                 186 htags/php.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                 190 htags/php.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 354 htags/php.c    #define php_wrap(n) 1
n                 778 htags/php.c    		int n; \
n                 779 htags/php.c    		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 780 htags/php.c    			     (c = getc( php_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 781 htags/php.c    			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 783 htags/php.c    			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 786 htags/php.c    		result = n; \
n                2012 htags/php.c    	yy_size_t n;
n                2016 htags/php.c    	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                2017 htags/php.c    	buf = (char *) php_alloc(n  );
n                2026 htags/php.c    	b = php__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                2083 htags/php.c    #define yyless(n) \
n                2087 htags/php.c            int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2240 htags/php.c    static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2243 htags/php.c    	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2251 htags/php.c    	register int n;
n                2252 htags/php.c    	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2255 htags/php.c    	return n;
n                  97 libdb/bt_split.c 	u_int32_t n, nbytes, nksize = 0;
n                 198 libdb/bt_split.c 				n = NBINTERNAL(nksize);
n                 199 libdb/bt_split.c 				if (n < nbytes) {
n                 201 libdb/bt_split.c 					bt_pfxsaved += nbytes - n;
n                 203 libdb/bt_split.c 					nbytes = n;
n                 122 libdb/btree.h  #define	LALIGN(n)	(((n) + sizeof(pgno_t) - 1) & ~(sizeof(pgno_t) - 1))
n                 120 libdb/compat.h #define	bcmp(a, b, n)		memcmp(a, b, n)
n                 123 libdb/compat.h #define	bcopy(a, b, n)		memmove(b, a, n)
n                 133 libdb/compat.h #define	memcmp(a, b, n)		bcmp(a, b, n)
n                 136 libdb/compat.h #define	memmove(a, b, n)	bcopy(b, a, n)
n                 616 libglibc/getopt.c 		      int n;
n                 623 libglibc/getopt.c 			  n = __asprintf (&buf, _("\
n                 636 libglibc/getopt.c 			  n = __asprintf (&buf, _("\
n                 649 libglibc/getopt.c 		      if (n >= 0)
n                 734 libglibc/getopt.c 	      int n;
n                 741 libglibc/getopt.c 		  n = __asprintf (&buf, _("%s: unrecognized option '--%s'\n"),
n                 752 libglibc/getopt.c 		  n = __asprintf (&buf, _("%s: unrecognized option '%c%s'\n"),
n                 761 libglibc/getopt.c 	      if (n >= 0)
n                 800 libglibc/getopt.c 	    int n;
n                 804 libglibc/getopt.c 	    n = __asprintf (&buf, _("%s: invalid option -- '%c'\n"),
n                 811 libglibc/getopt.c 	    if (n >= 0)
n                 240 libglibc/obstack.h #define obstack_blank_fast(h,n) ((h)->next_free += (n))
n                 137 libglibc/regex.c #     define bzero(s, n)	(memset (s, '\0', n), (s))
n                 139 libglibc/regex.c #     define bzero(s, n)	__bzero (s, n)
n                 145 libglibc/regex.c #    define memcmp(s1, s2, n)	bcmp (s1, s2, n)
n                 148 libglibc/regex.c #    define memcpy(d, s, n)	(bcopy (s, d, n), (d))
n                 359 libglibc/regex.c #define TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) malloc ((n) * sizeof (t)))
n                 360 libglibc/regex.c #define RETALLOC(addr, n, t) ((addr) = (t *) realloc (addr, (n) * sizeof (t)))
n                 361 libglibc/regex.c #define RETALLOC_IF(addr, n, t) \
n                 362 libglibc/regex.c   if (addr) RETALLOC((addr), (n), t); else (addr) = TALLOC ((n), t)
n                 363 libglibc/regex.c #define REGEX_TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) REGEX_ALLOCATE ((n) * sizeof (t)))
n                1613 libglibc/regex.c #define GET_BUFFER_SPACE(n)						\
n                1614 libglibc/regex.c     while ((unsigned long) (b - bufp->buffer + (n)) > bufp->allocated)	\
n                  38 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h #define MALLOC(tp, n)		(tp*) lt__malloc((n) * sizeof(tp))
n                  39 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h #define REALLOC(tp, mem, n)	(tp*) lt__realloc((mem), (n) * sizeof(tp))
n                  49 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h LT_SCOPE void *lt__malloc (size_t n);
n                  50 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h LT_SCOPE void *lt__zalloc (size_t n);
n                  51 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h LT_SCOPE void *lt__realloc (void *mem, size_t n);
n                  52 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h LT_SCOPE void *lt__memdup (void const *mem, size_t n);
n                  77 libltdl/libltdl/slist.h LT_SCOPE SList *slist_nth	(SList *slist, size_t n);
n                  50 libltdl/lt__alloc.c lt__malloc (size_t n)
n                  54 libltdl/lt__alloc.c   if (! (mem = malloc (n)))
n                  61 libltdl/lt__alloc.c lt__zalloc (size_t n)
n                  65 libltdl/lt__alloc.c   if ((mem = lt__malloc (n)))
n                  66 libltdl/lt__alloc.c     memset (mem, 0, n);
n                  72 libltdl/lt__alloc.c lt__realloc (void *mem, size_t n)
n                  74 libltdl/lt__alloc.c   if (! (mem = realloc (mem, n)))
n                  81 libltdl/lt__alloc.c lt__memdup (void const *mem, size_t n)
n                  85 libltdl/lt__alloc.c   if ((newmem = lt__malloc (n)))
n                  86 libltdl/lt__alloc.c     return memcpy (newmem, mem, n);
n                 194 libltdl/slist.c slist_nth (SList *slist, size_t n)
n                 196 libltdl/slist.c   for (;n > 1 && slist; n--)
n                 207 libltdl/slist.c   size_t n;
n                 209 libltdl/slist.c   for (n = 0; slist; ++n)
n                 212 libltdl/slist.c   return n;
n                 276 libparser/asm_parse.c # define YYID(n) (n)
n                 190 libparser/asm_scan.c     #define  YY_LESS_LINENO(n) \
n                 193 libparser/asm_scan.c                 for ( yyl = n; yyl < asm_leng; ++yyl )\
n                 199 libparser/asm_scan.c #define yyless(n) \
n                 203 libparser/asm_scan.c         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 367 libparser/asm_scan.c #define asm_wrap(n) 1
n                 848 libparser/asm_scan.c 		int n; \
n                 849 libparser/asm_scan.c 		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 850 libparser/asm_scan.c 			     (c = getc( asm_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 851 libparser/asm_scan.c 			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 853 libparser/asm_scan.c 			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 856 libparser/asm_scan.c 		result = n; \
n                2068 libparser/asm_scan.c 	yy_size_t n;
n                2072 libparser/asm_scan.c 	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                2073 libparser/asm_scan.c 	buf = (char *) asm_alloc(n  );
n                2082 libparser/asm_scan.c 	b = asm__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                2139 libparser/asm_scan.c #define yyless(n) \
n                2143 libparser/asm_scan.c         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2299 libparser/asm_scan.c static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2302 libparser/asm_scan.c 	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2310 libparser/asm_scan.c 	register int n;
n                2311 libparser/asm_scan.c 	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2314 libparser/asm_scan.c 	return n;
n                 190 libparser/php.c     #define  YY_LESS_LINENO(n) \
n                 193 libparser/php.c                 for ( yyl = n; yyl < php_leng; ++yyl )\
n                 199 libparser/php.c #define yyless(n) \
n                 203 libparser/php.c         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                 367 libparser/php.c #define php_wrap(n) 1
n                 906 libparser/php.c 		int n; \
n                 907 libparser/php.c 		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
n                 908 libparser/php.c 			     (c = getc( php_in )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
n                 909 libparser/php.c 			buf[n] = (char) c; \
n                 911 libparser/php.c 			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
n                 914 libparser/php.c 		result = n; \
n                2122 libparser/php.c 	yy_size_t n;
n                2126 libparser/php.c 	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
n                2127 libparser/php.c 	buf = (char *) php_alloc(n  );
n                2136 libparser/php.c 	b = php__scan_buffer(buf,n );
n                2161 libparser/php.c #define yyless(n) \
n                2165 libparser/php.c         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
n                2313 libparser/php.c static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
n                2316 libparser/php.c 	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
n                2324 libparser/php.c 	register int n;
n                2325 libparser/php.c 	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
n                2328 libparser/php.c 	return n;
n                  76 libutil/die.c  die_with_code(int n, const char *s, ...)
n                  91 libutil/die.c  	exit(n);
n                  50 libutil/die.h  void die_with_code(int n, const char *s, ...)
n                 117 libutil/gtagsop.c seekto(const char *string, int n)
n                 120 libutil/gtagsop.c 	while (n--) {
n                 868 libutil/gtagsop.c 				int n = lno_array[i];
n                 870 libutil/gtagsop.c 				if (n == last)
n                 872 libutil/gtagsop.c 				if (last > 0 && n == last + 1) {
n                 878 libutil/gtagsop.c 							strbuf_putn(gtop->sb, n);
n                 893 libutil/gtagsop.c 						strbuf_putn(gtop->sb, n - last);
n                 895 libutil/gtagsop.c 						strbuf_putn(gtop->sb, n);
n                 902 libutil/gtagsop.c 				last = n;
n                 914 libutil/gtagsop.c 				int n = lno_array[i];
n                 916 libutil/gtagsop.c 				if (n == last)
n                 920 libutil/gtagsop.c 				strbuf_putn(gtop->sb, n);
n                 925 libutil/gtagsop.c 				last = n;
n                 179 libutil/split.c 	int i, n;
n                 181 libutil/split.c 	i = n = 0;
n                 183 libutil/split.c 		n = n * 10 + (*p - '0');
n                 192 libutil/split.c 		*n_fid = n;
n                 264 libutil/strbuf.c strbuf_putn(STRBUF *sb, int n)
n                 266 libutil/strbuf.c 	if (n == 0) {
n                 272 libutil/strbuf.c 		while (n) {
n                 275 libutil/strbuf.c 			num[i++] = n % 10 + '0';
n                 276 libutil/strbuf.c 			n = n / 10;
n                  39 libutil/strlimcpy.c 	int n = (int)limit;
n                  42 libutil/strlimcpy.c 	while (n--)
n                  51 libutil/tab.c  settabs(int n)
n                  53 libutil/tab.c  	if (n < 1 || n > 32)
n                  55 libutil/tab.c  	tabs = n;
n                  75 libutil/tab.c  		int n = (spaces < size) ? spaces : size;			\
n                  76 libutil/tab.c  		dest += n;							\
n                  77 libutil/tab.c  		size -= n;							\
n                  78 libutil/tab.c  		spaces -= n;							\
n                  81 libutil/tab.c  		} while (--n);							\