NULL 145 global/global.c {"absolute", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, NULL 146 global/global.c {"completion", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, NULL 147 global/global.c {"definition", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, NULL 148 global/global.c {"regexp", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, NULL 149 global/global.c {"file", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, NULL 150 global/global.c {"local", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, NULL 151 global/global.c {"file-list", required_argument, NULL, 'L'}, NULL 152 global/global.c {"nofilter", optional_argument, NULL, 'n'}, NULL 153 global/global.c {"grep", no_argument, NULL, 'g'}, NULL 154 global/global.c {"basic-regexp", no_argument, NULL, 'G'}, NULL 155 global/global.c {"ignore-case", no_argument, NULL, 'i'}, NULL 156 global/global.c {"idutils", no_argument, NULL, 'I'}, NULL 157 global/global.c {"other", no_argument, NULL, 'o'}, NULL 158 global/global.c {"only-other", no_argument, NULL, 'O'}, NULL 159 global/global.c {"print-dbpath", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, NULL 160 global/global.c {"path", no_argument, NULL, 'P'}, NULL 161 global/global.c {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, NULL 162 global/global.c {"reference", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, NULL 163 global/global.c {"rootdir", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, NULL 164 global/global.c {"symbol", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, NULL 165 global/global.c {"tags", no_argument, NULL, 't'}, NULL 166 global/global.c {"through", no_argument, NULL, 'T'}, NULL 167 global/global.c {"update", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, NULL 168 global/global.c {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, NULL 169 global/global.c {"invert-match", optional_argument, NULL, 'V'}, NULL 170 global/global.c {"cxref", no_argument, NULL, 'x'}, NULL 173 global/global.c {"encode-path", required_argument, NULL, ENCODE_PATH}, NULL 174 global/global.c {"from-here", required_argument, NULL, FROM_HERE}, NULL 177 global/global.c {"match-part", required_argument, NULL, MATCH_PART}, NULL 178 global/global.c {"path-style", required_argument, NULL, PATH_STYLE}, NULL 182 global/global.c {"result", required_argument, NULL, RESULT}, NULL 184 global/global.c {"single-update", required_argument, NULL, SINGLE_UPDATE}, NULL 218 global/global.c STRBUF *sb = NULL; NULL 225 global/global.c if (normalize(file, get_root_with_slash(), cwd, path, sizeof(path)) == NULL) NULL 232 global/global.c if ((p = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL)) == NULL) NULL 239 global/global.c dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 240 global/global.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 244 global/global.c tagline = dbop_first(dbop, tag, NULL, 0); NULL 252 global/global.c if (p != NULL && *p == ' ') { NULL 305 global/global.c char *libdir = NULL, *nextp = NULL; NULL 310 global/global.c if ((nextp = locatestring(libdir, PATHSEP, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) NULL 316 global/global.c dbop = dbop_open(makepath(libdbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 317 global/global.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 319 global/global.c tagline = dbop_first(dbop, tag, NULL, 0); NULL 321 global/global.c if (tagline != NULL) { NULL 333 global/global.c const char *av = NULL; NULL 513 global/global.c if (encode_chars == NULL && getenv("GTAGSBLANKENCODE")) NULL 644 global/global.c if (rel2abs(single_update, cwd, regular_path_name, sizeof(regular_path_name)) == NULL) NULL 666 global/global.c if (realpath(context_file, buf) == NULL) NULL 721 global/global.c if (realpath(file_list, buf) == NULL) NULL 874 global/global.c prefix = NULL; NULL 881 global/global.c char *libdir, *nextp = NULL; NULL 888 global/global.c if ((nextp = locatestring(libdir, PATHSEP, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) NULL 894 global/global.c if (!test("f", makepath(libdbpath, dbname(db), NULL))) NULL 924 global/global.c prefix = NULL; NULL 947 global/global.c while ((line = strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 971 global/global.c DBOP *dbop = dbop_open(NULL, 1, 0600, DBOP_RAW); NULL 977 global/global.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 980 global/global.c prefix = NULL; NULL 981 global/global.c prefix_length = (prefix == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(prefix); NULL 989 global/global.c while ((path = gfind_read(gp)) != NULL) { NULL 991 global/global.c if (prefix == NULL) { NULL 996 global/global.c while ((p = locatestring(p, prefix, flags)) != NULL) { NULL 1002 global/global.c if (p != NULL) { NULL 1008 global/global.c for (path = dbop_first(dbop, NULL, NULL, DBOP_KEY); path != NULL; path = dbop_next(dbop)) { NULL 1110 global/global.c while ((grep = strbuf_fgets(ib, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 1146 global/global.c convert_put_using(cv, encoded_pattern, path, linenum, p, NULL); NULL 1171 global/global.c GFIND *gp = NULL; NULL 1229 global/global.c while ((path = args_read()) != NULL) { NULL 1233 global/global.c if (normalize(path, get_root_with_slash(), cwd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) { NULL 1255 global/global.c while ((buffer = strbuf_fgets(ib, fp, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 1265 global/global.c (user_specified) ? NULL : gp->dbop->lastdat); NULL 1329 global/global.c while ((path = gfind_read(gp)) != NULL) { NULL 1363 global/global.c fprintf(stderr, " (using '%s').\n", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL)); NULL 1413 global/global.c if ((key = locatestring(tag, ".", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 1415 global/global.c else if ((key = locatestring(tag, "::", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 1423 global/global.c if (dbop_get(data->dbop, key) != NULL) { NULL 1466 global/global.c langmap = NULL; NULL 1471 global/global.c plugin_parser = NULL; NULL 1476 global/global.c data.dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 1477 global/global.c if (data.dbop == NULL) NULL 1480 global/global.c data.dbop = NULL; NULL 1482 global/global.c data.fid = NULL; NULL 1484 global/global.c if (langmap != NULL) NULL 1495 global/global.c while ((av = args_read()) != NULL) { NULL 1499 global/global.c if (normalize(av, get_root_with_slash(), cwd, path, sizeof(path)) == NULL) { NULL 1504 global/global.c if (!test("f", makepath(root, path, NULL))) { NULL 1506 global/global.c if (test("d", NULL)) NULL 1540 global/global.c if (data.dbop != NULL) NULL 1577 global/global.c STRBUF *sb = NULL, *ib = NULL; NULL 1579 global/global.c FILE *fp = NULL; NULL 1640 global/global.c if (curpath[0] != '\0' && fp != NULL) NULL 1648 global/global.c fp = fopen(makepath(root, curpath, NULL), "r"); NULL 1649 global/global.c if (fp == NULL) NULL 1654 global/global.c if (atoi(p) < last_lineno && fp != NULL) { NULL 1697 global/global.c fp = NULL; NULL 1727 global/global.c fp = NULL; NULL 1812 global/global.c char *libdir, *nextp = NULL; NULL 1819 global/global.c if ((nextp = locatestring(libdir, PATHSEP, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) NULL 1825 global/global.c if (!test("f", makepath(libdbpath, dbname(db), NULL))) NULL 1843 global/global.c fprintf(stderr, " (using '%s')", makepath(dbpath, dbname(db), NULL)); NULL 139 global/literal.c HANDLE hMap = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(f), NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, stb.st_size, NULL); NULL 140 global/literal.c if (hMap == NULL) NULL 143 global/literal.c if (buf == NULL) NULL 151 global/literal.c if (buf == NULL) NULL 203 global/literal.c convert_put_using(cv, encoded_pattern, file, lineno, strbuf_value(sb), NULL); NULL 122 gozilla/gozilla.c if (!test("r", makepath(p, gozillarc, NULL))) NULL 124 gozilla/gozilla.c if (!test("r", makepath(p, dos_gozillarc, NULL))) NULL 127 gozilla/gozilla.c if (!(ip = fopen(makepath(p, gozillarc, NULL), "r"))) NULL 129 gozilla/gozilla.c if (!(ip = fopen(makepath(p, dos_gozillarc, NULL), "r"))) NULL 132 gozilla/gozilla.c while ((p = strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, flag)) != NULL) { NULL 170 gozilla/gozilla.c return ent ? ent->value : NULL; NULL 183 gozilla/gozilla.c if (test("d", makepath(dbpath, "HTML", NULL))) NULL 184 gozilla/gozilla.c strlimcpy(htmldir, makepath(dbpath, "HTML", NULL), sizeof(htmldir)); NULL 185 gozilla/gozilla.c else if (test("d", makepath(root, "HTML", NULL))) NULL 186 gozilla/gozilla.c strlimcpy(htmldir, makepath(root, "HTML", NULL), sizeof(htmldir)); NULL 187 gozilla/gozilla.c else if (test("d", makepath(root, "html/HTML", NULL))) NULL 189 gozilla/gozilla.c strlimcpy(htmldir, makepath(root, "html/HTML", NULL), sizeof(htmldir)); NULL 191 gozilla/gozilla.c return NULL; NULL 200 gozilla/gozilla.c const char *p, *browser = NULL, *definition = NULL; NULL 274 gozilla/gozilla.c if (definition == NULL) { NULL 281 gozilla/gozilla.c if ((p = alias(strbuf_value(arg))) != NULL) { NULL 298 gozilla/gozilla.c const char *HTMLdir = NULL; NULL 309 gozilla/gozilla.c if (HTMLdir != NULL) { NULL 322 gozilla/gozilla.c if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == NULL) NULL 324 gozilla/gozilla.c if (rel2abs(argument, cwd, result, sizeof(result)) == NULL) NULL 361 gozilla/gozilla.c const char *path = makepath(htmldir, "MAP", NULL); NULL 368 gozilla/gozilla.c while ((p = strbuf_fgets(sb, fp, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 383 gozilla/gozilla.c makefileurl(makepath(htmldir, ptable.part[1].start, NULL), 0, URL); NULL 404 gozilla/gozilla.c if (p != NULL && convertpath(dbpath, htmldir, p, sb) == 0) NULL 461 gozilla/gozilla.c p = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 462 gozilla/gozilla.c if (p == NULL) { NULL 552 gozilla/gozilla.c lpParameters = NULL; NULL 554 gozilla/gozilla.c if (ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, lpFile, lpParameters, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= (HINSTANCE)32) NULL 92 gtags-cscope/alloc.c if (p == NULL) { NULL 124 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { NULL 323 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((file = myfopen(filename, s)) == NULL) { NULL 379 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((file = mypopen(newpat, "w")) == NULL) { NULL 454 gtags-cscope/command.c execute(shell, shell, NULL); NULL 604 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((file = myfopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { NULL 621 gtags-cscope/command.c if ( (refsfound = myfopen(temp1, "rb")) == NULL) { NULL 647 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((script = myfopen(temp2, "w")) == NULL) { NULL 695 gtags-cscope/command.c if((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { NULL 722 gtags-cscope/command.c if ((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { NULL 787 gtags-cscope/command.c if (strchr("/\\[.^*", *s) != NULL) { NULL 805 gtags-cscope/command.c if (strchr("/\\&", *s) != NULL) { NULL 823 gtags-cscope/command.c execute("sh", "sh", temp2, NULL); NULL 63 gtags-cscope/constants.h (read_block() != NULL ? *blockp : '\0')) NULL 173 gtags-cscope/display.c if (refsfound == NULL) { NULL 291 gtags-cscope/display.c while ((s = strchr(tempstring, '\t')) != NULL) { NULL 431 gtags-cscope/display.c char *findresult = NULL; /* find function output */ NULL 468 gtags-cscope/display.c if ((refsfound = myfopen(temp1, "r")) == NULL) { NULL 478 gtags-cscope/display.c if (findresult != NULL) { NULL 509 gtags-cscope/display.c start = time(NULL); NULL 511 gtags-cscope/display.c if ((now = time(NULL)) - start >= 1) NULL 670 gtags-cscope/display.c if (refsfound == NULL) { NULL 699 gtags-cscope/display.c while ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) { NULL 704 gtags-cscope/display.c if ((slash = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) { NULL 739 gtags-cscope/display.c if (refsfound == NULL) { NULL 740 gtags-cscope/display.c if ((refsfound = myfopen(temp1, "wb")) == NULL) { NULL 746 gtags-cscope/display.c if ( (refsfound = myfopen(temp1, "wb")) == NULL) { NULL 59 gtags-cscope/edit.c if (refsfound == NULL) { NULL 82 gtags-cscope/edit.c if (refsfound == NULL) { NULL 120 gtags-cscope/edit.c (void) execute(editor, editor, plusnum, file, NULL_DEVICE, NULL); NULL 140 gtags-cscope/edit.c if (prependpath != NULL && *file != '/') { NULL 49 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 63 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 89 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 103 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 117 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 136 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 150 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 172 gtags-cscope/find.c return NULL; NULL 387 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c sigaction(SIGWINCH,&winch_action,NULL); NULL 456 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) { NULL 523 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c } else if (reflines != NULL) { NULL 630 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c if (refsfound != NULL) NULL 85 gtags-cscope/history.c return NULL; NULL 98 gtags-cscope/history.c return NULL; NULL 298 gtags-cscope/input.c if (v != NULL && strlen(v) < (lastchar - out)) { NULL 322 gtags-cscope/input.c if ((v = getenv(out)) != NULL && strlen(v) < (lastchar - out)) { NULL 65 gtags-cscope/mouse.c {NULL, NULL} NULL 76 gtags-cscope/mouse.c {NULL, NULL} NULL 178 gtags-cscope/mouse.c for (i = 1; menu[i].text != NULL; ++i) { NULL 187 gtags-cscope/mouse.c for (i = 0; menu[i].text != NULL; ++i) { NULL 219 gtags-cscope/mouse.c if (loaded != NULL) { /* only true for myx */ NULL 223 gtags-cscope/mouse.c for (i = 0; loaded[i].text != NULL; ++i) { NULL 226 gtags-cscope/mouse.c loaded = NULL; NULL 296 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 305 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); /* not a mouse report after all */ NULL 314 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 320 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 324 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 330 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 336 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 345 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); /* '2' means button is released */ NULL 392 gtags-cscope/mouse.c return(NULL); NULL 395 gtags-cscope/mouse.c else return(NULL); NULL 47 gtags-cscope/mygetenv.c if (value == NULL || *value == '\0') { NULL 133 gtags-cscope/mypopen.c return(NULL); NULL 150 gtags-cscope/mypopen.c return(NULL); NULL 176 gtags-cscope/mypopen.c return(NULL); NULL 126 gtags/gtags.c {"compact", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, NULL 127 gtags/gtags.c {"dump", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, NULL 128 gtags/gtags.c {"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, NULL 129 gtags/gtags.c {"idutils", no_argument, NULL, 'I'}, NULL 130 gtags/gtags.c {"incremental", no_argument, NULL, 'i'}, NULL 131 gtags/gtags.c {"max-args", required_argument, NULL, 'n'}, NULL 132 gtags/gtags.c {"omit-gsyms", no_argument, NULL, 'o'}, /* removed */ NULL 133 gtags/gtags.c {"objdir", no_argument, NULL, 'O'}, NULL 134 gtags/gtags.c {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, NULL 135 gtags/gtags.c {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, NULL 136 gtags/gtags.c {"warning", no_argument, NULL, 'w'}, NULL 149 gtags/gtags.c {"accept-dotfiles", no_argument, NULL, OPT_ACCEPT_DOTFILES}, NULL 156 gtags/gtags.c {"config", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_CONFIG}, NULL 157 gtags/gtags.c {"encode-path", required_argument, NULL, OPT_ENCODE_PATH}, NULL 158 gtags/gtags.c {"gtagsconf", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GTAGSCONF}, NULL 159 gtags/gtags.c {"gtagslabel", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GTAGSLABEL}, NULL 160 gtags/gtags.c {"path", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PATH}, NULL 161 gtags/gtags.c {"single-update", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SINGLE_UPDATE}, NULL 263 gtags/gtags.c if (realpath(gtagsconf, path) == NULL) NULL 273 gtags/gtags.c version(NULL, vflag); NULL 316 gtags/gtags.c while ((ctags_x = strbuf_fgets(ib, stdin, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) NULL 325 gtags/gtags.c DBOP *dbop = NULL; NULL 331 gtags/gtags.c if ((dbop = dbop_open(dump_target, 0, 0, DBOP_RAW)) == NULL) NULL 338 gtags/gtags.c for (dat = dbop_first(dbop, NULL, NULL, 0); dat != NULL; dat = dbop_next(dbop)) { NULL 357 gtags/gtags.c if (file_list == NULL && test("f", GTAGSFILES)) NULL 424 gtags/gtags.c if (objdir == NULL) NULL 430 gtags/gtags.c if (iflag && (!test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL)) || NULL 431 gtags/gtags.c !test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GRTAGS), NULL)) || NULL 432 gtags/gtags.c !test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL)))) { NULL 480 gtags/gtags.c if (!test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL))) NULL 514 gtags/gtags.c if (chmod(makepath(dbpath, "ID", NULL), 0644) < 0) NULL 555 gtags/gtags.c path = makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL); NULL 584 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) { NULL 605 gtags/gtags.c find_open(NULL); NULL 606 gtags/gtags.c while ((path = find_read()) != NULL) { NULL 619 gtags/gtags.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 625 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) NULL 628 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) { NULL 652 gtags/gtags.c if ((path = gpath_fid2path(fid, &type)) == NULL) NULL 709 gtags/gtags.c utime(makepath(dbpath, dbname(db), NULL), NULL); NULL 750 gtags/gtags.c if (gtop == NULL) NULL 779 gtags/gtags.c if (test("f", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GRTAGS), NULL))) { NULL 786 gtags/gtags.c data.gtop[GRTAGS] = NULL; NULL 800 gtags/gtags.c path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); NULL 801 gtags/gtags.c if (path == NULL) NULL 807 gtags/gtags.c if (data.gtop[GRTAGS] != NULL) NULL 832 gtags/gtags.c data.fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 833 gtags/gtags.c if (data.fid == NULL) NULL 839 gtags/gtags.c if (data.gtop[GRTAGS] != NULL) NULL 844 gtags/gtags.c if (data.gtop[GRTAGS] != NULL) NULL 885 gtags/gtags.c find_open(NULL); NULL 887 gtags/gtags.c while ((path = find_read()) != NULL) { NULL 895 gtags/gtags.c data.fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 896 gtags/gtags.c if (data.fid == NULL) NULL 92 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c char *p = NULL; NULL 104 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c if ((p = (char *)malloc(st.st_size)) == NULL) NULL 116 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c if (p != NULL) NULL 154 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c if ((m = (struct map *)malloc(sizeof(struct map) * n)) == NULL) NULL 194 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c global_map = NULL; NULL 196 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c global_contents = NULL; NULL 271 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c if (global_contents == NULL || global_map == NULL) NULL 275 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c if (result == NULL) NULL 78 htags/anchor.c static const char *const options[] = {NULL, " ", "r", "s"}; NULL 83 htags/anchor.c anchor_input[db] = NULL; NULL 116 htags/anchor.c if (p == NULL) NULL 121 htags/anchor.c end = CURRENT = NULL; NULL 123 htags/anchor.c if (vb == NULL) NULL 132 htags/anchor.c if ((xp = anchor_input[db]) == NULL) NULL 138 htags/anchor.c while ((ctags_xid = xargs_read(xp)) != NULL) { NULL 142 htags/anchor.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(ctags_xid, NULL, &fid); NULL 173 htags/anchor.c else if ((p = locatestring(p, ptable.part[PART_TAG].start, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) { NULL 193 htags/anchor.c if (ctags_xid == NULL) { NULL 195 htags/anchor.c anchor_input[db] = NULL; NULL 199 htags/anchor.c table = NULL; NULL 225 htags/anchor.c curp = NULL; NULL 240 htags/anchor.c a->reserve = NULL; NULL 246 htags/anchor.c start = curp = end = NULL; NULL 255 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 268 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 270 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 289 htags/anchor.c if (table == NULL) NULL 290 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 292 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 299 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 305 htags/anchor.c return NULL; NULL 321 htags/anchor.c if (table == NULL) NULL 355 htags/anchor.c if (CURRENTDEF == NULL) { NULL 397 htags/anchor.c if (op == NULL) NULL 49 htags/anchor.h (a)->reserve = NULL; \ NULL 284 htags/asm.c : NULL) NULL 673 htags/asm.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1686 htags/asm.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1720 htags/asm.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2016 htags/asm.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2040 htags/asm.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2046 htags/asm.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2050 htags/asm.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 284 htags/c.c : NULL) NULL 709 htags/c.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1819 htags/c.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1853 htags/c.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2149 htags/c.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2173 htags/c.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2179 htags/c.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2183 htags/c.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 74 htags/cache.c assoc[GSYMS] = symbol ? assoc_open() : NULL; NULL 116 htags/cache.c assoc[i] = NULL; NULL 56 htags/cflowindex.c if ((ip = fopen(cflow_file, "r")) == NULL) { NULL 60 htags/cflowindex.c if ((op = fopen(makepath(distpath, output, NULL), "w")) == NULL) { NULL 92 htags/cflowindex.c while ((cflow_posix = strbuf_fgets(input, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 96 htags/cflowindex.c anchor = name = path = lineno = anchor_end = name_end = path_end = lineno_end = NULL; NULL 175 htags/cflowindex.c const char *fid = NULL; NULL 180 htags/cflowindex.c if (test("f", path) && (fid = path2fid_readonly(path)) != NULL) NULL 183 htags/cflowindex.c path = lineno = NULL; /* not to print </a> */ NULL 190 htags/cflowindex.c fprintf(op, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, lineno)); NULL 279 htags/common.c if (ip != NULL) { NULL 283 htags/common.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 296 htags/common.c if (ip != NULL) { NULL 300 htags/common.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 320 htags/common.c const char *dir = NULL; NULL 386 htags/common.c return gen_page_generic_begin(title, place, 0, NULL); NULL 407 htags/common.c return gen_page_generic_begin(title, TOPDIR, 1, NULL); NULL 545 htags/common.c return gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, file, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); NULL 556 htags/common.c return gen_href_begin_with_title_target(dir, file, suffix, key, NULL, NULL); NULL 567 htags/common.c return gen_href_begin_with_title_target(dir, file, suffix, key, title, NULL); NULL 628 htags/common.c if (fid == NULL) NULL 739 htags/common.c return gen_input_with_title_checked(name, value, type, 0, NULL); NULL 284 htags/cpp.c : NULL) NULL 673 htags/cpp.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1684 htags/cpp.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1718 htags/cpp.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2014 htags/cpp.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2038 htags/cpp.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2044 htags/cpp.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2048 htags/cpp.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 52 htags/defineindex.c FILEOP *fileop_MAP = NULL, *fileop_DEFINES, *fileop_ALPHA = NULL; NULL 53 htags/defineindex.c FILE *MAP = NULL; NULL 54 htags/defineindex.c FILE *DEFINES, *STDOUT, *TAGS, *ALPHA = NULL; NULL 71 htags/defineindex.c fileop_MAP = open_output_file(makepath(distpath, "MAP", NULL), 0); NULL 74 htags/defineindex.c fileop_DEFINES = open_output_file(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), 0); NULL 80 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin(NULL, "defines", normal_suffix, NULL), DEFINES); NULL 86 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, indexlink, normal_suffix, NULL, index_string), DEFINES); NULL 102 htags/defineindex.c if ((TAGS = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) NULL 105 htags/defineindex.c while ((_ = strbuf_fgets(sb, TAGS, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 119 htags/defineindex.c strbuf_puts(defines, gen_href_begin_with_title("defines", alpha_f, HTML, NULL, tmp)); NULL 127 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, indexlink, normal_suffix, NULL, index_string), ALPHA); NULL 179 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, indexlink, normal_suffix, NULL, index_string), ALPHA); NULL 198 htags/defineindex.c if (line == NULL) NULL 223 htags/defineindex.c const char *path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); NULL 235 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, strbuf_value(url), NULL, NULL, guide, target), STDOUT); NULL 253 htags/defineindex.c strbuf_puts(defines, gen_href_begin_with_title("defines", alpha_f, HTML, NULL, tmp)); NULL 260 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, indexlink, normal_suffix, NULL, index_string), ALPHA); NULL 276 htags/defineindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, "mains", normal_suffix, NULL, index_string), DEFINES); NULL 39 htags/dupindex.c static const char *dirs[] = {NULL, DEFS, REFS, SYMS}; NULL 40 htags/dupindex.c static const char *kinds[] = {NULL, "definition", "reference", "symbol"}; NULL 41 htags/dupindex.c static const char *options[] = {NULL, "", "r", "s"}; NULL 59 htags/dupindex.c FILEOP *fileop = NULL; NULL 60 htags/dupindex.c FILE *op = NULL; NULL 61 htags/dupindex.c FILE *ip = NULL; NULL 97 htags/dupindex.c if ((ip = popen(strbuf_value(command), "r")) == NULL) NULL 99 htags/dupindex.c while ((ctags_xid = strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 102 htags/dupindex.c ctags_x = parse_xid(ctags_xid, fid, NULL); NULL 131 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); NULL 152 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); NULL 199 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); NULL 109 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 112 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 117 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 127 htags/fileindex.c if ((p = locatestring(p, "include", MATCH_AT_FIRST)) == NULL) NULL 128 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 132 htags/fileindex.c if (((q = locatestring(p, "include_next", MATCH_AT_FIRST)) == NULL) && NULL 133 htags/fileindex.c ((q = locatestring(p, "import", MATCH_AT_FIRST)) == NULL) && NULL 134 htags/fileindex.c ((q = locatestring(p, "include", MATCH_AT_FIRST)) == NULL)) NULL 135 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 148 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 151 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 157 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 170 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 235 htags/fileindex.c return NULL; NULL 359 htags/fileindex.c FILEOP *fileop = NULL; NULL 360 htags/fileindex.c FILE *op = NULL; NULL 375 htags/fileindex.c strbuf_puts(files, gen_href_begin_with_title_target("files", path2fid(basedir), HTML, NULL, NULL, target)); NULL 382 htags/fileindex.c while ((path = getpath()) != NULL) { NULL 388 htags/fileindex.c if (local == NULL) { NULL 450 htags/fileindex.c gen_href_begin_with_title_target(SRCS, path2fid(path), HTML, NULL, tips, target), NULL 497 htags/fileindex.c strbuf_sprintf(sb, "%s%sroot%s/", header_begin, gen_href_begin(NULL, top, normal_suffix, NULL), gen_href_end()); NULL 504 htags/fileindex.c for (p = path + 1; p != NULL; p = strchr(p, '/')) { NULL 514 htags/fileindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin(NULL, path2fid(path), HTML, NULL), op); NULL 535 htags/fileindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, parent, suffix, NULL, "Parent Directory"), op); NULL 581 htags/fileindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, parent, suffix, NULL, "Parent Directory"), op); NULL 625 htags/fileindex.c path2fid(path), HTML, NULL, tips, target)); NULL 629 htags/fileindex.c if ((suffix = locatestring(path, ".", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL NULL 630 htags/fileindex.c && (lang = decide_lang(suffix)) != NULL NULL 673 htags/fileindex.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin_with_title(level == 0 ? "files" : NULL, NULL 674 htags/fileindex.c path2fid(path), HTML, NULL, tips)); NULL 715 htags/fileindex.c gp = gfind_open(dbpath, NULL, other_files ? GPATH_BOTH : GPATH_SOURCE); NULL 742 htags/fileindex.c if ((filesop = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w")) == NULL) NULL 747 htags/fileindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin(NULL, "files", normal_suffix, NULL), filesop); NULL 763 htags/fileindex.c FILEMAP = NULL; NULL 765 htags/fileindex.c if (!(FILEMAP = fopen(makepath(distpath, "FILEMAP", NULL), "w"))) NULL 766 htags/fileindex.c die("cannot open '%s'.", makepath(distpath, "FILEMAP", NULL)); NULL 820 htags/fileindex.c if ((PIPE = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) NULL 823 htags/fileindex.c while ((ctags_x = strbuf_fgets(input, PIPE, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 833 htags/fileindex.c if ((suffix = locatestring(ptable.part[PART_PATH].start, ".", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL NULL 834 htags/fileindex.c && (lang = decide_lang(suffix)) != NULL NULL 838 htags/fileindex.c if (last == NULL || (inc = get_inc(last)) == NULL) NULL 881 htags/fileindex.c fputs(gen_href_begin_with_title_target(upperdir(SRCS), path2fid(filename), HTML, NULL, NULL, target), INCLUDE); NULL 896 htags/fileindex.c inc->contents = NULL; NULL 926 htags/fileindex.c fputs_nl(gen_list_body(upperdir(SRCS), line, NULL), INCLUDE); NULL 938 htags/fileindex.c inc->ref_contents = NULL; NULL 247 htags/htags.c const char *prolog_script = NULL; /**< include script at first */ NULL 248 htags/htags.c const char *epilog_script = NULL; /**< include script at last */ NULL 249 htags/htags.c const char *call_file = NULL; /**< file name of cflow output */ NULL 250 htags/htags.c const char *callee_file = NULL; /**< file name of cflow output */ NULL 262 htags/htags.c const char *htags_options = NULL; /**< htags_options */ NULL 273 htags/htags.c {"alphabet", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, NULL 274 htags/htags.c {"compact", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, NULL 275 htags/htags.c {"dbpath", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, NULL 276 htags/htags.c {"dynamic", no_argument, NULL, 'D'}, NULL 277 htags/htags.c {"form", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, NULL 278 htags/htags.c {"frame", no_argument, NULL, 'F'}, NULL 279 htags/htags.c {"func-header", optional_argument, NULL, 'h'}, NULL 280 htags/htags.c {"gtags", no_argument, NULL, 'g'}, NULL 281 htags/htags.c {"icon", no_argument, NULL, 'I'}, NULL 282 htags/htags.c {"line-number", optional_argument, NULL, 'n'}, NULL 283 htags/htags.c {"main-func", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, NULL 284 htags/htags.c {"other", no_argument, NULL, 'o'}, NULL 285 htags/htags.c {"system-cgi", required_argument, NULL, 'S'}, NULL 286 htags/htags.c {"symbol", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, NULL 287 htags/htags.c {"table-flist", optional_argument, NULL, 'T'}, NULL 288 htags/htags.c {"title", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, NULL 289 htags/htags.c {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, NULL 290 htags/htags.c {"warning", no_argument, NULL, 'w'}, NULL 291 htags/htags.c {"xhtml", optional_argument, NULL, 'x'}, NULL 329 htags/htags.c {"auto-completion", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_AUTO_COMPLETION}, NULL 330 htags/htags.c {"call-tree", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CALL_TREE}, NULL 331 htags/htags.c {"callee-tree", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CALLEE_TREE}, NULL 332 htags/htags.c {"cflow", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CFLOW}, NULL 333 htags/htags.c {"cvsweb", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CVSWEB}, NULL 334 htags/htags.c {"cvsweb-cvsroot", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CVSWEB_CVSROOT}, NULL 335 htags/htags.c {"gtagsconf", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GTAGSCONF}, NULL 336 htags/htags.c {"gtagslabel", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GTAGSLABEL}, NULL 337 htags/htags.c {"html-header", required_argument,NULL, OPT_HTML_HEADER}, NULL 338 htags/htags.c {"ncol", required_argument, NULL, OPT_NCOL}, NULL 339 htags/htags.c {"insert-footer", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INSERT_FOOTER}, NULL 340 htags/htags.c {"insert-header", required_argument, NULL, OPT_INSERT_HEADER}, NULL 341 htags/htags.c {"item-order", required_argument, NULL, OPT_ITEM_ORDER}, NULL 342 htags/htags.c {"tabs", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TABS}, NULL 343 htags/htags.c {"tree-view", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_TREE_VIEW}, NULL 418 htags/htags.c strlimcpy(path, makepath(distpath, name, NULL), sizeof(path)); NULL 425 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(path, "index.html", NULL), "w"); NULL 426 htags/htags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 427 htags/htags.c die("cannot make file '%s'.", makepath(path, "index.html", NULL)); NULL 440 htags/htags.c const char *path = makepath(distpath, name, NULL); NULL 468 htags/htags.c {"@page_begin@", NULL}, NULL 469 htags/htags.c {"@page_end@", NULL}, NULL 532 htags/htags.c while ((_ = strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 582 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(dist, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 626 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 651 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 719 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "search", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 729 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_input("pattern", NULL, NULL)); NULL 731 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_input(NULL, "Search", "submit")); NULL 732 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_input(NULL, "Reset", "reset")); NULL 746 htags/htags.c if (enable_idutils && test("f", makepath(dbpath, "ID", NULL))) { NULL 751 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_input_checkbox("icase", NULL, "Ignore case distinctions in the pattern.")); NULL 754 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_input_checkbox("other", NULL, "Files other than the source code are also retrieved.")); NULL 779 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 787 htags/htags.c fputs_nl(gen_frame("search", makepath(NULL, "search", normal_suffix)), op); NULL 795 htags/htags.c fputs_nl(gen_frame("defines", makepath(NULL, "defines", normal_suffix)), op); NULL 796 htags/htags.c fputs_nl(gen_frame("files", makepath(NULL, "files", normal_suffix)), op); NULL 798 htags/htags.c fputs_nl(gen_frame("mains", makepath(NULL, "mains", normal_suffix)), op); NULL 831 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 856 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 875 htags/htags.c op = fopen(makepath(distpath, file, NULL), "w"); NULL 932 htags/htags.c if (anchor_stream == NULL) { NULL 938 htags/htags.c gp = gfind_open(dbpath, NULL, other_files ? GPATH_BOTH : GPATH_SOURCE); NULL 939 htags/htags.c while ((path = gfind_read(gp)) != NULL) { NULL 953 htags/htags.c gp = gfind_open(dbpath, NULL, other_files ? GPATH_BOTH : GPATH_SOURCE); NULL 954 htags/htags.c while ((path = gfind_read(gp)) != NULL) { NULL 986 htags/htags.c while (strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF) != NULL) NULL 1048 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, tips,"_top")); NULL 1054 htags/htags.c gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, tips, "_top"), NULL 1074 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin_with_title_target(NULL, www, NULL, NULL, NULL, "_top")); NULL 1084 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, makesearchpart(NULL)); NULL 1092 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "call", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 1099 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "callee", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 1115 htags/htags.c while ((_ = strbuf_fgets(ib, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 1117 htags/htags.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(_, fid, NULL); NULL 1134 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "defines", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 1144 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, "files", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 1201 htags/htags.c if ((p = getenv("TMPDIR")) == NULL) NULL 1203 htags/htags.c if (p != NULL && test("d", p)) NULL 1221 htags/htags.c char *confpath = NULL; NULL 1222 htags/htags.c char *label = NULL; NULL 1448 htags/htags.c if ((ip = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) NULL 1450 htags/htags.c while (strbuf_fgets(sb, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF) != NULL) { NULL 1547 htags/htags.c newargv[i] = NULL; NULL 1560 htags/htags.c const char *av = NULL; NULL 1563 htags/htags.c const char *index = NULL; NULL 1757 htags/htags.c if (!test("f", makepath(arg_dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL))) NULL 1788 htags/htags.c av = (argc > 0) ? *argv : NULL; NULL 1899 htags/htags.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 1919 htags/htags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 1939 htags/htags.c path = makepath(dbpath, dbname(i), NULL); NULL 1958 htags/htags.c if (gtags_first(gtop, NULL, 0) == NULL) NULL 1967 htags/htags.c if (realpath(dbpath, buf) == NULL) NULL 1976 htags/htags.c GFIND *gp = gfind_open(dbpath, NULL, 0); NULL 2082 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(cgidir, "global.cgi", NULL), perm) < 0) NULL 2087 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(cgidir, "completion.cgi", NULL), perm) < 0) NULL 2092 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(cgidir, "ghtml.cgi", NULL), perm) < 0) NULL 2096 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(distpath, ".htaccess", NULL), 0644) < 0) NULL 2103 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(distpath, "", NULL), 0640) < 0) NULL 2113 htags/htags.c const char *path = makepath(distpath, "compress", NULL); NULL 2115 htags/htags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 2124 htags/htags.c const char *path = makepath(distpath, "GTAGSROOT", NULL); NULL 2126 htags/htags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 2191 htags/htags.c call_file = NULL; NULL 2194 htags/htags.c callee_file = NULL; NULL 2238 htags/htags.c if (chmod(makepath(distpath, "", NULL), 0640) < 0) NULL 81 htags/incop.c if (data == NULL) { NULL 90 htags/incop.c data->ref_contents = NULL; NULL 109 htags/incop.c return entry ? entry->value : NULL; NULL 121 htags/incop.c return entry ? entry->value : NULL; NULL 133 htags/incop.c return entry ? entry->value : NULL; NULL 146 htags/incop.c if (data->ref_contents == NULL) NULL 162 htags/incop.c return (data && data->ref_count) ? data : NULL; NULL 284 htags/java.c : NULL) NULL 650 htags/java.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1587 htags/java.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1621 htags/java.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 1917 htags/java.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 1941 htags/java.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 1947 htags/java.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 1951 htags/java.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 53 htags/path2url.c dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 54 htags/path2url.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 55 htags/path2url.c die("cannot open '%s'.", makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL)); NULL 56 htags/path2url.c for (path = dbop_first(dbop, "./", NULL, DBOP_PREFIX | DBOP_KEY); path; path = dbop_next(dbop)) { NULL 57 htags/path2url.c const char *no = dbop_lastdat(dbop, NULL); NULL 284 htags/php.c : NULL) NULL 751 htags/php.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1070 htags/php.c const char *keyword = strtrim((const char *)LEXTEXT, TRIM_HEAD, NULL); NULL 1148 htags/php.c struct anchor *a = NULL; NULL 1169 htags/php.c if ((a = anchor_get(p, i, 'Y', LINENO)) != NULL) { NULL 1193 htags/php.c struct anchor *a = NULL; NULL 1862 htags/php.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1896 htags/php.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2192 htags/php.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2216 htags/php.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2222 htags/php.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2226 htags/php.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 115 htags/src2html.c if (lang == NULL) NULL 188 htags/src2html.c return NULL; NULL 210 htags/src2html.c if (root != NULL) NULL 223 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin("../files", path2fid(path), HTML, NULL)); NULL 249 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin("..", "mains", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 251 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin("..", "help", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 261 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, key)); NULL 301 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, (i == A_FIRST) ? "TOP" : "BOTTOM")); NULL 305 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, lineno)); NULL 309 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, "TOP")); NULL 312 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(NULL, NULL, NULL, "BOTTOM")); NULL 315 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin("..", "mains", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 318 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin("..", "help", normal_suffix, NULL)); NULL 443 htags/src2html.c if (line == NULL) { NULL 458 htags/src2html.c const char *dir, *file, *suffix = NULL; NULL 482 htags/src2html.c dir = (*action == '/') ? NULL : ".."; NULL 493 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(outbuf, gen_href_begin_with_title(dir, file, suffix, NULL, tooltip(type, -1, count))); NULL 499 htags/src2html.c const char *path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); NULL 547 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(outbuf, gen_href_begin(NULL, path2fid(strbuf_value(inc->contents)), HTML, NULL)); NULL 551 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(outbuf, gen_href_begin(upperdir(INCS), id, HTML, NULL)); NULL 565 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(outbuf, gen_href_begin(NULL, path2fid(file), HTML, NULL)); NULL 595 htags/src2html.c word = strtrim(word, TRIM_ALL, NULL); NULL 676 htags/src2html.c static const char *guide = NULL; NULL 689 htags/src2html.c guide = NULL; NULL 693 htags/src2html.c guide = NULL; NULL 721 htags/src2html.c if (guide == NULL) NULL 730 htags/src2html.c guide = NULL; NULL 778 htags/src2html.c if (p != NULL) { NULL 785 htags/src2html.c if (basename != NULL) NULL 792 htags/src2html.c if (ip != NULL) { NULL 799 htags/src2html.c return NULL; NULL 835 htags/src2html.c fputs(fixed_guide_link_format(anchor_getlinks(0), fill_anchor(NULL, src)), out); NULL 851 htags/src2html.c && (module = get_cvs_module(src, &basename)) != NULL) { NULL 889 htags/src2html.c while ((_ = strbuf_fgets(sb, in, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL) { NULL 927 htags/src2html.c key = NULL; NULL 935 htags/src2html.c if (p == NULL) NULL 940 htags/src2html.c dir = NULL; NULL 961 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(define_index, gen_href_begin_with_title(NULL, NULL, NULL, tmp, tooltip('R', ancref->lineno, NULL))); NULL 983 htags/src2html.c const char *lang = NULL; NULL 78 libdb/bt_close.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 80 libdb/bt_close.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 97 libdb/bt_close.c if (t-> != NULL) { NULL 100 libdb/bt_close.c t-> = NULL; NULL 105 libdb/bt_close.c t-> = NULL; NULL 110 libdb/bt_close.c t-> = NULL; NULL 138 libdb/bt_close.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 140 libdb/bt_close.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 175 libdb/bt_close.c if ((p = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, P_META, 0)) == NULL) NULL 90 libdb/bt_debug.c for (i = P_ROOT; (h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, i, 0)) != NULL; ++i) { NULL 144 libdb/bt_debug.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pgno, 0)) != NULL) { NULL 263 libdb/bt_debug.c for (i = P_ROOT; (h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, i, 0)) != NULL; ++i) { NULL 79 libdb/bt_delete.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 81 libdb/bt_delete.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 103 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, c->pg.pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 114 libdb/bt_delete.c status = __bt_dleaf(t, NULL, h, c->pg.index); NULL 165 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((e = __bt_search(t, &c->key, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 185 libdb/bt_delete.c for (level = 0; (parent = BT_POP(t)) != NULL; ++level) { NULL 187 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, parent->pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 210 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 215 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, nextpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 224 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((e = __bt_search(t, &c->key, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 240 libdb/bt_delete.c for (level = 0; (parent = BT_POP(t)) != NULL; ++level) { NULL 242 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, parent->pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 264 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 271 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, prevpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 277 libdb/bt_delete.c return ((*hp = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, c->pg.pgno, 0)) == NULL); NULL 301 libdb/bt_delete.c loop: if ((e = __bt_search(t, key, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 398 libdb/bt_delete.c while ((parent = BT_POP(t)) != NULL) { NULL 400 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((pg = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, parent->pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 557 libdb/bt_delete.c if (key == NULL) { NULL 561 libdb/bt_delete.c &c->key, &c->key, NULL, NULL, 1)) != RET_SUCCESS) NULL 586 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((pg = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->prevpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 598 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((pg = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->nextpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 615 libdb/bt_delete.c __bt_ret(t, &e, &c->key, &c->key, NULL, NULL, 1)) == RET_SUCCESS) { NULL 637 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((pg = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->nextpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 643 libdb/bt_delete.c if ((pg = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->prevpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 73 libdb/bt_get.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 75 libdb/bt_get.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 84 libdb/bt_get.c if ((e = __bt_search(t, key, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 91 libdb/bt_get.c status = __bt_ret(t, e, NULL, NULL, data, &t->bt_rdata, 0); NULL 117 libdb/bt_open.c t = NULL; NULL 152 libdb/bt_open.c if ( == NULL) { NULL 154 libdb/bt_open.c if (b.prefix == NULL) NULL 175 libdb/bt_open.c if ((t = (BTREE *)malloc(sizeof(BTREE))) == NULL) NULL 185 libdb/bt_open.c if ((t->bt_dbp = dbp = (DB *)malloc(sizeof(DB))) == NULL) NULL 327 libdb/bt_open.c mpool_open(NULL, t->bt_fd, t->bt_psize, ncache)) == NULL) NULL 359 libdb/bt_open.c return (NULL); NULL 376 libdb/bt_open.c if ((meta = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, 0, 0)) != NULL) { NULL 384 libdb/bt_open.c if ((meta = mpool_new(t->bt_mp, &npg)) == NULL) NULL 387 libdb/bt_open.c if ((root = mpool_new(t->bt_mp, &npg)) == NULL) NULL 413 libdb/bt_open.c if (envtmp == NULL) NULL 428 libdb/bt_open.c (void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL); NULL 460 libdb/bt_open.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 462 libdb/bt_open.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 105 libdb/bt_overflow.c *buf = (char *)(*buf == NULL ? malloc(sz) : realloc(*buf, sz)); NULL 106 libdb/bt_overflow.c if (*buf == NULL) NULL 117 libdb/bt_overflow.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 156 libdb/bt_overflow.c for (last = NULL, p = dbt->data, sz = dbt->size;; NULL 158 libdb/bt_overflow.c if ((h = __bt_new(t, &npg)) == NULL) NULL 208 libdb/bt_overflow.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 223 libdb/bt_overflow.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 88 libdb/bt_page.c (h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, t->bt_free, 0)) != NULL) { NULL 79 libdb/bt_put.c EPG *e = NULL; NULL 90 libdb/bt_put.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 92 libdb/bt_put.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 158 libdb/bt_put.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, t->, 0)) == NULL) NULL 168 libdb/bt_put.c if (t->bt_order == NOT || (e = bt_fast(t, key, data, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 169 libdb/bt_put.c if ((e = __bt_search(t, key, &exact)) == NULL) NULL 277 libdb/bt_put.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, t->bt_last.pgno, 0)) == NULL) { NULL 279 libdb/bt_put.c return (NULL); NULL 321 libdb/bt_put.c return (NULL); NULL 76 libdb/bt_search.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 77 libdb/bt_search.c return (NULL); NULL 160 libdb/bt_search.c if (( = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->nextpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 198 libdb/bt_search.c if (( = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->prevpg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 90 libdb/bt_seq.c if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) { NULL 92 libdb/bt_seq.c t->bt_pinned = NULL; NULL 173 libdb/bt_seq.c if (key->data == NULL || key->size == 0) { NULL 182 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 203 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 269 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, c->pg.pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 291 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 314 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 359 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((ep = __bt_search(t, key, exactp)) == NULL) NULL 392 libdb/bt_seq.c h->prevpg, 0)) == NULL) { NULL 423 libdb/bt_seq.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 447 libdb/bt_seq.c if (t-> != NULL) { NULL 450 libdb/bt_seq.c t-> = NULL; NULL 90 libdb/bt_split.c BINTERNAL *bi = NULL; NULL 91 libdb/bt_split.c BLEAF *bl = NULL, *tbl; NULL 111 libdb/bt_split.c if (h == NULL) NULL 154 libdb/bt_split.c while ((parent = BT_POP(t)) != NULL) { NULL 159 libdb/bt_split.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, parent->pgno, 0)) == NULL) NULL 223 libdb/bt_split.c if (h == NULL) NULL 356 libdb/bt_split.c if ((r = __bt_new(t, &npg)) == NULL) NULL 357 libdb/bt_split.c return (NULL); NULL 388 libdb/bt_split.c if ((l = (PAGE *)malloc(t->bt_psize)) == NULL) { NULL 390 libdb/bt_split.c return (NULL); NULL 404 libdb/bt_split.c if ((tp = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, h->nextpg, 0)) == NULL) { NULL 407 libdb/bt_split.c return (NULL); NULL 461 libdb/bt_split.c if ((l = __bt_new(t, &lnpg)) == NULL || NULL 462 libdb/bt_split.c (r = __bt_new(t, &rnpg)) == NULL) NULL 463 libdb/bt_split.c return (NULL); NULL 619 libdb/bt_split.c void *src = NULL; NULL 791 libdb/bt_split.c if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) NULL 85 libdb/bt_utils.c if (key == NULL) NULL 95 libdb/bt_utils.c p = (void *)(rkey->data == NULL ? NULL 97 libdb/bt_utils.c if (p == NULL) NULL 111 libdb/bt_utils.c if (data == NULL) NULL 122 libdb/bt_utils.c p = (void *)(rdata->data == NULL ? NULL 125 libdb/bt_utils.c if (p == NULL) NULL 176 libdb/bt_utils.c bigkey = NULL; NULL 342 libdb/btree.h #define BT_POP(t) (t->bt_sp == t->bt_stack ? NULL : --t->bt_sp) NULL 198 libdb/compat.h #ifndef NULL /** @NAME{ANSI C} @CODE{\#define}s @VAR{NULL} everywhere. */ NULL 74 libdb/db.c return (NULL); NULL 93 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 96 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 100 libdb/mpool.c if ((mp = (MPOOL *)calloc(1, sizeof(MPOOL))) == NULL) NULL 101 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 160 libdb/mpool.c if ((bp = mpool_bkt(mp)) == NULL) NULL 161 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 193 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 201 libdb/mpool.c if ((bp = mpool_look(mp, pgno)) != NULL) { NULL 225 libdb/mpool.c if ((bp = mpool_bkt(mp)) == NULL) NULL 226 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 237 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 241 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 245 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 262 libdb/mpool.c if (mp->pgin != NULL) NULL 375 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 393 libdb/mpool.c new: if ((bp = (BKT *)malloc(sizeof(BKT) + mp->pagesize)) == NULL) NULL 394 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 469 libdb/mpool.c return (NULL); NULL 119 libdb/queue.h { NULL } NULL 131 libdb/queue.h #define SLIST_EMPTY(head) ((head)->slh_first == NULL) NULL 139 libdb/queue.h (head)->slh_first = NULL; \ NULL 183 libdb/queue.h { NULL, &(head).stqh_first } NULL 195 libdb/queue.h #define STAILQ_EMPTY(head) ((head)->stqh_first == NULL) NULL 198 libdb/queue.h (head)->stqh_first = NULL; \ NULL 206 libdb/queue.h NULL : \ NULL 214 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.stqe_next = (head)->stqh_first) == NULL) \ NULL 220 libdb/queue.h (elm)->field.stqe_next = NULL; \ NULL 226 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.stqe_next = (tqelm)->field.stqe_next) == NULL)\ NULL 235 libdb/queue.h (head)->stqh_first->field.stqe_next) == NULL) \ NULL 240 libdb/queue.h if (((head)->stqh_first = (elm)->field.stqe_next) == NULL) \ NULL 253 libdb/queue.h curelm->field.stqe_next->field.stqe_next) == NULL) \ NULL 269 libdb/queue.h { NULL } NULL 282 libdb/queue.h #define LIST_EMPTY(head) ((head)->lh_first == NULL) NULL 290 libdb/queue.h (head)->lh_first = NULL; \ NULL 294 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.le_next = (listelm)->field.le_next) != NULL) \ NULL 309 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.le_next = (head)->lh_first) != NULL) \ NULL 318 libdb/queue.h if ((elm)->field.le_next != NULL) \ NULL 336 libdb/queue.h { NULL, &(head).tqh_first } NULL 349 libdb/queue.h #define TAILQ_EMPTY(head) ((head)->tqh_first == NULL) NULL 370 libdb/queue.h (head)->tqh_first = NULL; \ NULL 375 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.tqe_next = (head)->tqh_first) != NULL) \ NULL 385 libdb/queue.h (elm)->field.tqe_next = NULL; \ NULL 392 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.tqe_next = (listelm)->field.tqe_next) != NULL)\ NULL 409 libdb/queue.h if (((elm)->field.tqe_next) != NULL) \ NULL 216 libglibc/getopt.c if (new_str == NULL) NULL 285 libglibc/getopt.c d->__nextchar = NULL; NULL 312 libglibc/getopt.c if (__getopt_nonoption_flags == NULL NULL 323 libglibc/getopt.c if (__getopt_nonoption_flags == NULL) NULL 407 libglibc/getopt.c d->optarg = NULL; NULL 429 libglibc/getopt.c if (d->__nextchar == NULL || *d->__nextchar == '\0') NULL 505 libglibc/getopt.c + (longopts != NULL && argv[d->optind][1] == '-')); NULL 523 libglibc/getopt.c if (longopts != NULL NULL 530 libglibc/getopt.c const struct option *pfound = NULL; NULL 553 libglibc/getopt.c else if (pfound == NULL) NULL 582 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 600 libglibc/getopt.c if (pfound != NULL) NULL 657 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 694 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 713 libglibc/getopt.c if (longind != NULL) NULL 728 libglibc/getopt.c || strchr (optstring, *d->__nextchar) == NULL) NULL 768 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 794 libglibc/getopt.c if (temp == NULL || c == ':') NULL 818 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 835 libglibc/getopt.c const struct option *pfound = NULL; NULL 865 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 910 libglibc/getopt.c else if (pfound == NULL) NULL 935 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 951 libglibc/getopt.c if (pfound != NULL) NULL 977 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 1016 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 1034 libglibc/getopt.c if (longind != NULL) NULL 1043 libglibc/getopt.c d->__nextchar = NULL; NULL 1057 libglibc/getopt.c d->optarg = NULL; NULL 1058 libglibc/getopt.c d->__nextchar = NULL; NULL 1086 libglibc/getopt.c __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", buf); NULL 1109 libglibc/getopt.c d->__nextchar = NULL; NULL 59 libglibc/getopt1.c #ifndef NULL NULL 223 libglibc/regex.c #ifndef NULL NULL 672 libglibc/regex.c if (start == NULL) NULL 935 libglibc/regex.c if (where == NULL) NULL 1209 libglibc/regex.c if (fail_stack.stack == NULL) \ NULL 1242 libglibc/regex.c (fail_stack).stack == NULL \ NULL 1442 libglibc/regex.c if (string_temp != NULL) \ NULL 1694 libglibc/regex.c if (bufp->buffer == NULL) \ NULL 1950 libglibc/regex.c if (compile_stack.stack == NULL) NULL 2450 libglibc/regex.c if (compile_stack.stack == NULL) return REG_ESPACE; NULL 2756 libglibc/regex.c beg_interval = NULL; NULL 2764 libglibc/regex.c beg_interval = NULL; NULL 3228 libglibc/regex.c assert (fastmap != NULL && p != NULL); NULL 3539 libglibc/regex.c return re_search_2 (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size, startpos, range, NULL 3760 libglibc/regex.c # define FREE_VAR(var) if (var) REGEX_FREE (var); var = NULL NULL 3800 libglibc/regex.c int result = re_match_2_internal (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size, NULL 3976 libglibc/regex.c const char *match_end = NULL; NULL 4026 libglibc/regex.c = best_regend = reg_dummy = NULL; NULL 4027 libglibc/regex.c reg_info = reg_info_dummy = (register_info_type *) NULL; NULL 4054 libglibc/regex.c if (size2 == 0 && string1 != NULL) NULL 4193 libglibc/regex.c if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL) NULL 4209 libglibc/regex.c if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL) NULL 4693 libglibc/regex.c PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p + mcnt, NULL, -2); NULL 4959 libglibc/regex.c PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (NULL, NULL, -2); NULL 4972 libglibc/regex.c PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (NULL, NULL, -2); NULL 5539 libglibc/regex.c return NULL; NULL 5576 libglibc/regex.c if (re_comp_buf.buffer == NULL) NULL 5582 libglibc/regex.c if (re_comp_buf.fastmap == NULL) NULL 5596 libglibc/regex.c return NULL; NULL 5682 libglibc/regex.c if (preg->translate == NULL) NULL 5690 libglibc/regex.c preg->translate = NULL; NULL 5722 libglibc/regex.c preg->fastmap = NULL; NULL 5775 libglibc/regex.c if (regs.start == NULL) NULL 5865 libglibc/regex.c if (preg->buffer != NULL) NULL 5867 libglibc/regex.c preg->buffer = NULL; NULL 5872 libglibc/regex.c if (preg->fastmap != NULL) NULL 5874 libglibc/regex.c preg->fastmap = NULL; NULL 5877 libglibc/regex.c if (preg->translate != NULL) NULL 5879 libglibc/regex.c preg->translate = NULL; NULL 41 libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h if (mem) { free ((void *)mem); mem = NULL; } } LT_STMT_END NULL 102 libltdl/loaders/dld_link.c vtable = NULL; NULL 157 libltdl/loaders/dlopen.c vtable = NULL; NULL 190 libltdl/loaders/dyld.c vtable = NULL; NULL 299 libltdl/loaders/dyld.c if ((const struct section *) NULL != NULL 404 libltdl/loaders/dyld.c return NULL; NULL 100 libltdl/loaders/load_add_on.c vtable = NULL; NULL 71 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c iface_id = lt_dlinterface_register ("ltdl loadlibrary", NULL); NULL 102 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c if (mem) { LocalFree ((void *)mem); mem = NULL; } } LT_STMT_END NULL 125 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c vtable = NULL; NULL 146 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c GetModuleFileName (NULL, wpath, sizeof (wpath)); NULL 197 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c setthreaderrormode (errormode | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS, NULL); NULL 203 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c setthreaderrormode (errormode, NULL); NULL 293 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c NULL, NULL 297 libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c 0, NULL); NULL 135 libltdl/loaders/preopen.c vtable = NULL; NULL 143 libltdl/loaders/shl_load.c vtable = NULL; NULL 43 libltdl/lt__dirent.c assert (entry != (DIR *) NULL); NULL 57 libltdl/lt__strl.c assert(dst != NULL); NULL 58 libltdl/lt__strl.c assert(src != (const char *) NULL); NULL 105 libltdl/lt__strl.c assert(dst != NULL); NULL 106 libltdl/lt__strl.c assert(src != (const char *) NULL); NULL 55 libltdl/lt_dlloader.c return streq (vtable->name, name) ? (void *) item : NULL; NULL 122 libltdl/lt_dlloader.c slist_foreach (slist_tail (loaders), loader_dump_callback, NULL); NULL 142 libltdl/lt_dlloader.c return (const lt_dlvtable *) (loader ? ((SList *) loader)->userdata : NULL); NULL 169 libltdl/lt_dlloader.c iface = lt_dlinterface_register (id_string, NULL); NULL 335 libltdl/ltdl.c for (loader = (lt_dlloader *) lt_dlloader_next (NULL); loader;) NULL 1289 libltdl/ltdl.c if ((*phandle == NULL) || (archive_name == NULL)) NULL 1315 libltdl/ltdl.c newhandle = NULL; NULL 1476 libltdl/ltdl.c newhandle = NULL; NULL 1619 libltdl/ltdl.c return lt_dlopenadvise (filename, NULL); NULL 1664 libltdl/ltdl.c if (try_dlopen (&handle, filename, NULL, advise) != 0) NULL 185 libltdl/slist.c return slist ? slist->next : NULL; NULL 607 libparser/C.c else if ((cc = nexttoken(NULL, c_reserved_word)) == SYMBOL && !strcmp(token, "notdef")) NULL 641 libparser/C.c while ((cc = nexttoken(NULL, c_reserved_word)) != EOF && cc != '\n') { NULL 589 libparser/Cpp.c (void)nexttoken(";", NULL); NULL 650 libparser/Cpp.c else if ((cc = nexttoken(NULL, cpp_reserved_word)) == SYMBOL && !strcmp(token, "notdef")) NULL 684 libparser/Cpp.c while ((cc = nexttoken(NULL, cpp_reserved_word)) != EOF && cc != '\n') { NULL 119 libparser/asm_parse.c const char *line_image = linetable_get(lno, NULL); \ NULL 121 libparser/asm_parse.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 124 libparser/asm_parse.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 42 libparser/asm_parse.y const char *line_image = linetable_get(lno, NULL); \ NULL 44 libparser/asm_parse.y if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 47 libparser/asm_parse.y if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 297 libparser/asm_scan.c : NULL) NULL 722 libparser/asm_scan.c const char *line_image = linetable_get(lno, NULL); \ NULL 724 libparser/asm_scan.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 727 libparser/asm_scan.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 821 libparser/asm_scan.c static int *yy_start_stack = NULL; NULL 1918 libparser/asm_scan.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 1952 libparser/asm_scan.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2251 libparser/asm_scan.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2275 libparser/asm_scan.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2281 libparser/asm_scan.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2285 libparser/asm_scan.c (yy_start_stack) = NULL; NULL 2349 libparser/asm_scan.c LEXRESTART(NULL); NULL 71 libparser/parser.c if ((ip = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) NULL 73 libparser/parser.c for (tablesize = 0; (p = strbuf_fgets(ib, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) != NULL; tablesize++) NULL 97 libparser/parser.c if (words == NULL) NULL 101 libparser/parser.c return (result != NULL) ? 1 : 0; NULL 133 libparser/parser.c } plugin_list = { NULL, &(plugin_list).stqh_first }; NULL 164 libparser/parser.c if (p == NULL) NULL 171 libparser/parser.c if (p != NULL) NULL 174 libparser/parser.c if (q == NULL) { NULL 183 libparser/parser.c if (pent->handle == NULL) NULL 187 libparser/parser.c if (pent->entry.parser == NULL) NULL 191 libparser/parser.c if (p == NULL) NULL 204 libparser/parser.c if (pluginspec_saved == NULL) NULL 242 libparser/parser.c if (lang == NULL) NULL 298 libparser/parser.c if (langmap == NULL) NULL 304 libparser/parser.c if (pluginspec != NULL) NULL 347 libparser/parser.c if (suffix == NULL) NULL 350 libparser/parser.c if (lang == NULL) NULL 297 libparser/php.c : NULL) NULL 784 libparser/php.c const char *line_image = linetable_get(lno, NULL); \ NULL 786 libparser/php.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 789 libparser/php.c if (nl != NULL) \ NULL 1247 libparser/php.c const char *keyword = strtrim((const char *)LEXTEXT, TRIM_HEAD, NULL); NULL 1972 libparser/php.c if (new_buffer == NULL) NULL 2006 libparser/php.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2293 libparser/php.c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE = NULL; NULL 2299 libparser/php.c (yy_buffer_stack) = NULL; NULL 2372 libparser/php.c LEXRESTART(NULL); NULL 2401 libparser/php.c if (strchr(str, '$') == NULL) NULL 192 libutil/abs2rel.c if (normalize_pathname(path, result, size) == NULL) NULL 199 libutil/abs2rel.c if (rel2abs(result, cwd, abs, sizeof(abs)) == NULL) NULL 208 libutil/abs2rel.c if (p == NULL) { NULL 216 libutil/abs2rel.c return NULL; NULL 321 libutil/abs2rel.c return NULL; NULL 351 libutil/abs2rel.c return (NULL); NULL 402 libutil/abs2rel.c return (NULL); NULL 433 libutil/abs2rel.c return (NULL); NULL 504 libutil/abs2rel.c return (NULL); NULL 64 libutil/args.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 84 libutil/args.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 118 libutil/args.c p = NULL; NULL 130 libutil/args.c if (*argslist != NULL) NULL 152 libutil/args.c if (ip != NULL && ip != stdin) NULL 154 libutil/args.c ip = NULL; NULL 157 libutil/args.c if (gp != NULL) NULL 159 libutil/args.c gp = NULL; NULL 43 libutil/assoc.c assoc->dbop = dbop_open(NULL, 1, 0600, 0); NULL 44 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc->dbop == NULL) NULL 57 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc == NULL) NULL 59 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc->dbop == NULL) NULL 74 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc->dbop == NULL) NULL 89 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc->dbop == NULL) NULL 103 libutil/assoc.c if (assoc->dbop == NULL) NULL 45 libutil/checkalloc.c if (p == NULL) NULL 62 libutil/checkalloc.c if (p == NULL) NULL 78 libutil/checkalloc.c if (p == NULL) NULL 112 libutil/compress.c ab2name[i].name = NULL; NULL 140 libutil/compress.c name2ab = NULL; NULL 125 libutil/conf.c while ((p = strbuf_fgets(ib, fp, flag)) != NULL) { NULL 143 libutil/conf.c if ((candidate = strmake(p, "|:")) == NULL) NULL 165 libutil/conf.c return NULL; NULL 210 libutil/conf.c if (getenv("GTAGSCONF") != NULL) NULL 215 libutil/conf.c else if ((p = get_home_directory()) && test("r", makepath(p, GTAGSRC, NULL))) NULL 216 libutil/conf.c strbuf_puts(sb, makepath(p, GTAGSRC, NULL)); NULL 218 libutil/conf.c else if ((p = get_home_directory()) && test("r", makepath(p, DOS_GTAGSRC, NULL))) NULL 219 libutil/conf.c strbuf_puts(sb, makepath(p, DOS_GTAGSRC, NULL)); NULL 229 libutil/conf.c else if (test("r", makepath(SYSCONFDIR, "gtags.conf", NULL))) NULL 230 libutil/conf.c strbuf_puts(sb, makepath(SYSCONFDIR, "gtags.conf", NULL)); NULL 232 libutil/conf.c return NULL; NULL 279 libutil/conf.c if ((label = getenv("GTAGSLABEL")) == NULL) NULL 301 libutil/conf.c if (!getconfs("langmap", NULL)) { NULL 305 libutil/conf.c if (!getconfs("skip", NULL)) { NULL 332 libutil/conf.c if ((p = locatestring(confline, buf, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) { NULL 334 libutil/conf.c if (num != NULL) NULL 361 libutil/conf.c while ((p = locatestring(p, buf, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) { NULL 424 libutil/conf.c if (locatestring(confline, buf, MATCH_FIRST) != NULL) NULL 444 libutil/conf.c confline = NULL; NULL 60 libutil/date.c if ((ip = popen("date", "r")) != NULL) { NULL 134 libutil/dbop.c sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; NULL 147 libutil/dbop.c if (lc_all == NULL) NULL 150 libutil/dbop.c CreateProcess(sort, argv, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); NULL 158 libutil/dbop.c if (dbop->sortout == NULL || dbop->sortin == NULL) NULL 180 libutil/dbop.c NULL NULL 231 libutil/dbop.c if (dbop->sortout == NULL || dbop->sortin == NULL) NULL 236 libutil/dbop.c while (waitpid(dbop->pid, NULL, 0) < 0 && errno == EINTR) NULL 287 libutil/dbop.c if (getenv("GTAGSCACHE") != NULL) NULL 296 libutil/dbop.c if (path != NULL && mode == 1 && test("f", path)) NULL 300 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 302 libutil/dbop.c if (path == NULL) NULL 309 libutil/dbop.c dbop->lastdat = NULL; NULL 311 libutil/dbop.c dbop->sortout = NULL; NULL 312 libutil/dbop.c dbop->sortin = NULL; NULL 346 libutil/dbop.c return (NULL); NULL 370 libutil/dbop.c if (dbop->sortout != NULL) { NULL 501 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 504 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 533 libutil/dbop.c return (NULL); NULL 563 libutil/dbop.c assert( != NULL); NULL 584 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 587 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 595 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 653 libutil/dbop.c if ((p = dbop_get(dbop, key)) == NULL) NULL 654 libutil/dbop.c return NULL; NULL 685 libutil/dbop.c if ((p = dbop_getoption(dbop, VERSIONKEY)) != NULL) NULL 713 libutil/dbop.c if (dbop->sortout != NULL) { NULL 725 libutil/dbop.c dbop->sortout = NULL; NULL 33 libutil/defined.c static DBOP *dbop = NULL; NULL 42 libutil/defined.c if (dbop == NULL) { NULL 50 libutil/defined.c dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, "GTAGS", NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 51 libutil/defined.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 89 libutil/env.c for (e = environ; *e != NULL; e++) NULL 74 libutil/fileop.c if (fp == NULL) NULL 101 libutil/fileop.c if (fp == NULL) NULL 105 libutil/fileop.c if (fp == NULL) NULL 146 libutil/find.c char *sufflist = NULL; NULL 147 libutil/find.c char *langmap = NULL; NULL 244 libutil/find.c return NULL; NULL 270 libutil/find.c if ((p = locatestring(p, ",", MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) NULL 318 libutil/find.c if (suff == NULL) { NULL 320 libutil/find.c if (suff == NULL) NULL 347 libutil/find.c if (skip == NULL) { NULL 349 libutil/find.c if (skip == NULL) NULL 400 libutil/find.c if (realpath(dir, real) == NULL) NULL 419 libutil/find.c if (realpath(dir, real) == NULL) NULL 471 libutil/find.c if ((dirp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) { NULL 475 libutil/find.c while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { NULL 480 libutil/find.c if (stat(makepath(dir, dp->d_name, NULL), &st) < 0) { NULL 519 libutil/find.c if (realpath(start, rootdir) == NULL) NULL 555 libutil/find.c if (temp == NULL) { NULL 559 libutil/find.c while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) NULL 566 libutil/find.c if (ip == NULL) NULL 590 libutil/find.c path = NULL; NULL 622 libutil/find.c strlimcpy(path, makepath(dir, unit, NULL), sizeof(path)); NULL 685 libutil/find.c curp->sb = NULL; NULL 687 libutil/find.c curp->real = NULL; NULL 697 libutil/find.c return NULL; NULL 714 libutil/find.c if (path == NULL) { NULL 717 libutil/find.c return NULL; NULL 747 libutil/find.c if (normalize(path, rootdir, cwddir, buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) { NULL 68 libutil/getdbpath.c if ((p = getenv("MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX")) != NULL) { NULL 75 libutil/getdbpath.c if ((p = getenv("MAKEOBJDIR")) != NULL) { NULL 98 libutil/getdbpath.c if (makeobjdir == NULL) NULL 125 libutil/getdbpath.c return NULL; NULL 149 libutil/getdbpath.c if (makeobjdir == NULL) NULL 219 libutil/getdbpath.c if ((p = getenv("GTAGSROOT")) != NULL) { NULL 231 libutil/getdbpath.c if (realpath(p, root) == NULL) { NULL 239 libutil/getdbpath.c if ((p = getenv("GTAGSDBPATH")) != NULL) { NULL 290 libutil/getdbpath.c path = makepath(root, "GTAGSROOT", NULL); NULL 295 libutil/getdbpath.c if (fp == NULL) { NULL 311 libutil/getdbpath.c s = realpath(makepath(root, s, NULL), buf); NULL 120 libutil/gpathop.c dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), mode, 0644, 0); NULL 121 libutil/gpathop.c if (dbop == NULL) NULL 131 libutil/gpathop.c if (path == NULL) NULL 160 libutil/gpathop.c if (dbop_get(dbop, path) != NULL) NULL 238 libutil/gpathop.c if (fid == NULL) NULL 305 libutil/gpathop.c gfind->dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), 0, 0, 0); NULL 306 libutil/gpathop.c if (gfind->dbop == NULL) NULL 308 libutil/gpathop.c gfind->path = NULL; NULL 334 libutil/gpathop.c return NULL; NULL 338 libutil/gpathop.c gfind->path = dbop_first(gfind->dbop, gfind->prefix, NULL, DBOP_KEY | DBOP_PREFIX); NULL 342 libutil/gpathop.c if (gfind->path == NULL) { NULL 122 libutil/gtagsop.c if (p == NULL) NULL 123 libutil/gtagsop.c return NULL; NULL 360 libutil/gtagsop.c strlimcpy(tagfile, makepath(dbpath, dbname(db == GSYMS ? GRTAGS : db), NULL), sizeof(tagfile)); NULL 362 libutil/gtagsop.c if (gtop->dbop == NULL) { NULL 368 libutil/gtagsop.c const char *gtags = makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL); NULL 372 libutil/gtagsop.c if (gtop->gtags == NULL) NULL 399 libutil/gtagsop.c dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPACTKEY, NULL); NULL 405 libutil/gtagsop.c dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPLINEKEY, NULL); NULL 407 libutil/gtagsop.c dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPNAMEKEY, NULL); NULL 426 libutil/gtagsop.c if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPACTKEY) != NULL) NULL 428 libutil/gtagsop.c if ((p = dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPRESSKEY)) != NULL) { NULL 432 libutil/gtagsop.c if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPLINEKEY) != NULL) NULL 434 libutil/gtagsop.c if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPNAMEKEY) != NULL) NULL 449 libutil/gtagsop.c assert(root != NULL); NULL 485 libutil/gtagsop.c if (entry->value == NULL) NULL 499 libutil/gtagsop.c if ((key = locatestring(tag, ".", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 501 libutil/gtagsop.c else if ((key = locatestring(tag, "::", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 544 libutil/gtagsop.c for (tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, NULL, NULL, 0); tagline; tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop)) { NULL 553 libutil/gtagsop.c dbop_delete(gtop->dbop, NULL); NULL 580 libutil/gtagsop.c const char *key = NULL; NULL 586 libutil/gtagsop.c gtop->path_hash = NULL; NULL 590 libutil/gtagsop.c gtop->path_array = NULL; NULL 594 libutil/gtagsop.c if (flags & GTOP_PREFIX && pattern != NULL) NULL 608 libutil/gtagsop.c preg = NULL; NULL 609 libutil/gtagsop.c } else if (pattern == NULL || !strcmp(pattern, ".*")) { NULL 614 libutil/gtagsop.c key = NULL; NULL 615 libutil/gtagsop.c preg = NULL; NULL 632 libutil/gtagsop.c key = NULL; NULL 636 libutil/gtagsop.c preg = NULL; NULL 659 libutil/gtagsop.c tagline != NULL; NULL 665 libutil/gtagsop.c if (p == NULL) NULL 670 libutil/gtagsop.c if (entry->value == NULL) { NULL 671 libutil/gtagsop.c cp = gpath_fid2path(tagline, NULL); NULL 672 libutil/gtagsop.c if (cp == NULL) NULL 688 libutil/gtagsop.c for (entry = strhash_first(gtop->path_hash); entry != NULL; entry = strhash_next(gtop->path_hash)) NULL 698 libutil/gtagsop.c return NULL; NULL 703 libutil/gtagsop.c gtop->gtp.tag != NULL; NULL 709 libutil/gtagsop.c return gtop->gtp.tag ? >op->gtp : NULL; NULL 711 libutil/gtagsop.c if (gtop->vb == NULL) NULL 715 libutil/gtagsop.c if (gtop->segment_pool == NULL) NULL 719 libutil/gtagsop.c if (gtop->path_hash == NULL) NULL 724 libutil/gtagsop.c if (tagline == NULL) NULL 725 libutil/gtagsop.c return NULL; NULL 749 libutil/gtagsop.c return NULL; NULL 754 libutil/gtagsop.c gtop->gtp.tag != NULL; NULL 760 libutil/gtagsop.c return gtop->gtp.tag ? >op->gtp : NULL; NULL 773 libutil/gtagsop.c return NULL; NULL 788 libutil/gtagsop.c flush_pool(gtop, NULL); NULL 818 libutil/gtagsop.c if (s_fid == NULL && (s_fid = gpath_path2fid(gtop->cur_path, NULL)) == NULL) NULL 838 libutil/gtagsop.c if ((key = locatestring(entry->name, ".", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 840 libutil/gtagsop.c else if ((key = locatestring(entry->name, "::", MATCH_LAST)) != NULL) NULL 966 libutil/gtagsop.c while ((tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop)) != NULL) { NULL 989 libutil/gtagsop.c path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); NULL 990 libutil/gtagsop.c if (path == NULL) NULL 995 libutil/gtagsop.c if (lineno == NULL) NULL 101 libutil/idset.c if (bit == NULL) { NULL 49 libutil/is_unixy.c unix_shell = (s == NULL) ? 0 : _is_unixy_shell(s); NULL 96 libutil/langmap.c if (!strcmp(suffix, ".h") && getenv("GTAGSFORCECPP") != NULL) NULL 109 libutil/langmap.c return NULL; NULL 125 libutil/langmap.c )) != NULL && (*p == '\0' || *p == '.')) NULL 74 libutil/linetable.c if ((ip = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) NULL 172 libutil/linetable.c s = linetable_get(lineno, NULL); NULL 181 libutil/linetable.c p = linetable_get(lineno + 1, NULL); NULL 122 libutil/locatestring.c const char *p = NULL; NULL 67 libutil/logging.c if (logfile == NULL || (lp = fopen(logfile, "a")) == NULL) NULL 95 libutil/logging.c if (lp == NULL && logging_open() < 0) { NULL 77 libutil/makepath.c if (dir != NULL) { NULL 133 libutil/path.c while ((p = strchr(p, '\\')) != NULL) NULL 92 libutil/pathconvert.c if (strchr(path, '%') == NULL) NULL 235 libutil/pathconvert.c char *tagnextp = NULL; NULL 237 libutil/pathconvert.c char *tag = NULL, *lineno = NULL, *path, *rest = NULL; NULL 238 libutil/pathconvert.c const char *fid = NULL; NULL 302 libutil/pathconvert.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 303 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) NULL 394 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) { NULL 395 libutil/pathconvert.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); NULL 396 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) NULL 127 libutil/pool.c obstack_free(&pool->obstack, NULL); NULL 191 libutil/split.c if (n_fid != NULL) NULL 72 libutil/statistics.c #define GET_ELAPSED_TIME(p) gettimeofday(p, NULL) NULL 126 libutil/statistics.c assert(sb == NULL); NULL 422 libutil/statistics.c { NULL, NULL, NULL }, NULL 440 libutil/statistics.c assert(T_all != NULL); NULL 446 libutil/statistics.c if (style->print_header != NULL) NULL 452 libutil/statistics.c if (style->print_time != NULL) NULL 459 libutil/statistics.c if (style->print_footer != NULL) NULL 463 libutil/statistics.c T_all = NULL; NULL 464 libutil/statistics.c sb = NULL; NULL 154 libutil/strbuf.c if (sb == NULL) NULL 353 libutil/strbuf.c return NULL; NULL 125 libutil/strhash.c if (entry == NULL && force) { NULL 128 libutil/strhash.c entry->value = NULL; NULL 157 libutil/strhash.c sh->cur_entry = NULL; NULL 168 libutil/strhash.c struct sh_entry *entry = NULL; NULL 172 libutil/strhash.c if (entry == NULL) { NULL 179 libutil/strhash.c sh->cur_entry = (entry) ? SLIST_NEXT(entry, ptr) : NULL; NULL 99 libutil/test.c if (path != NULL) NULL 69 libutil/token.c if ((ip = fopen(file, "rb")) == NULL) NULL 73 libutil/token.c sp = cp = lp = NULL; ptok[0] = '\0'; lineno = 0; NULL 238 libutil/token.c if (interested == NULL || strchr(interested, c)) NULL 270 libutil/token.c if (cp != NULL) { NULL 385 libutil/token.c if (sp == NULL) NULL 387 libutil/token.c if (cp == NULL) NULL 40 libutil/token.h (cp == NULL ? \ NULL 41 libutil/token.h ((sp = cp = strbuf_fgets(ib, ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) == NULL ? \ NULL 44 libutil/token.h (lp = cp, cp = NULL, continued_line = 0, '\n') : \ NULL 47 libutil/token.h (lp = cp, cp = NULL, continued_line = 0, '\n') : \ NULL 72 libutil/usable.c return NULL; NULL 77 libutil/usable.c if (test("fx", makepath(BINDIR, command, NULL))) { NULL 78 libutil/usable.c strlimcpy(path, makepath(BINDIR, command, NULL), sizeof(path)); NULL 92 libutil/usable.c if ((p = locatestring(p, PATHSEP, MATCH_FIRST)) != NULL) NULL 94 libutil/usable.c if (test("fx", makepath(dir, command, NULL))) { NULL 95 libutil/usable.c strlimcpy(path, makepath(dir, command, NULL), sizeof(path)); NULL 108 libutil/usable.c return *path ? path : NULL; NULL 102 libutil/varray.c vb->vbuf = NULL; NULL 126 libutil/varray.c return NULL; NULL 143 libutil/varray.c if (vb->vbuf == NULL) NULL 54 libutil/version.c if (name == NULL) NULL 136 libutil/xargs.c repeat_lastpath = NULL; NULL 165 libutil/xargs.c if (xp->skip_assembly && locatestring(path, ".s", MATCH_AT_LAST|IGNORE_CASE) != NULL) {\ NULL 198 libutil/xargs.c FILE *pipe = NULL; NULL 234 libutil/xargs.c strbuf_fgets(xp->path, xp->ip, STRBUF_NOCRLF))) != NULL)) NULL 251 libutil/xargs.c for (; LT_MAX && (p = repeat_find_read()) != NULL; repeat_find_next()) NULL 268 libutil/xargs.c if (pipe == NULL) NULL 289 libutil/xargs.c xp->pipe = NULL; NULL 300 libutil/xargs.c xp->verbose = NULL; NULL 418 libutil/xargs.c assert(xp != NULL); NULL 420 libutil/xargs.c return NULL; NULL 425 libutil/xargs.c if (xp->pipe && strbuf_fgets(xp->result, xp->pipe, STRBUF_NOCRLF) != NULL) { NULL 438 libutil/xargs.c if (xp->pipe && strbuf_fgets(xp->result, xp->pipe, STRBUF_NOCRLF) != NULL) { NULL 451 libutil/xargs.c return NULL; NULL 461 libutil/xargs.c assert(xp != NULL); NULL 474 libutil/xargs.c assert(xp != NULL); NULL 476 libutil/xargs.c assert(xp->pipe == NULL); NULL 56 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c NULL, NULL 64 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c NULL NULL 82 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c while ((p = strstr(src, ",cpp:")) != NULL) { NULL 100 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (argv[1] == NULL) NULL 128 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (ip == NULL || op == NULL) NULL 133 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (linebuf == NULL) NULL 144 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 149 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c while (waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) < 0 && errno == EINTR) NULL 159 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (fgets(linebuf + linelen, bufsize - linelen, ip) == NULL) { NULL 161 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c return NULL; NULL 170 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (linebuf == NULL) NULL 212 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (filename == NULL || filename == ctags_x) NULL 255 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (op == NULL) NULL 266 plugin-factory/exuberant-ctags.c if (ctags_x == NULL)