
Version 20 (modified by mitty, 9 years ago) (diff)




    It is not possible to stripe an existing volume, nor reshape the stripes across more/less physical volumes, nor to convert to a different RAID level/linear volume. A stripe set can be mirrored. It is possible to extend a stripe set across additional physical volumes, but they must be added in multiples of the original stripe set (which will effectively linearly append a new stripe set).

    • RAID1,4,5,6でreshapeなどが使えないのは結構厳しい制限に思える。MD-RAIDでは可能なので、そのうちサポートされるかも知れない


  • mdadm と LVM で作る、全手動 BeyondRAID もどき - 守破離

    ざっくり言うと、RAID1 か RAID5 でHDDを横断する領域をいくつか作って、その領域をまとめあげる事で大容量のストレージを作る感じですね。 これのイケてる点は HDD が 1 台消えても大丈夫な上に、状況によっては HDD を 1 台交換するだけでストレージの容量がアップすること。 最低 2 台の HDD を大容量の物に交換すれば確実に容量が増えます。

Thin provisioning

  • (CentOS) LVM thinpool snapshots broken in 6.5?

    For the people who run into this as well: This is apparently a feature and not a bug. Thin provisioning snapshots are no longer automatically activated and a "skip activation" flag is set during creation by default. One has to add the "-K" option to "lvchange -ay <snapshot-volume>" to have lvchange ignore this flag and activate the volume for real. "-k" can be used on lvcreate to not add this flag to the volume. See man lvchange/lvcreate for more details. /etc/lvm/lvm.conf also contains a "auto_set_activation_skip" option now that controls this.

    Apparently this was changed in 6.5 but the changes were not mentioned in the release notes.

    • thin snapshotはデフォルトではinactiveで作成され、activateするにはlvchangeに'-K'オプションが必要となった('-k y -K'とするのが良さそう)
  • 現時点(ArchLinux 4.0.1-1-ARCH, lvm2 2.02.116-1)では、thin poolは拡張は出来るが縮小は出来ない
    • # lvextend -l100%VG vg/pool0
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tdata changed from 2.00 GiB (512 extents) to 2.59 GiB (663 extents).
        Logical volume pool0 successfully resized
    • # lvreduce -L2.5G vg/pool0
        Thin pool volumes cannot be reduced in size yet.
        Run `lvreduce --help' for more information.



  • ThinDataLV, ThinMetaLVとも、extendについては問題なく行える

  1. ThinPoolLV, ThinLVの作成
    • # lvcreate -L 2G -T --thinpool pool0 vg
        Logical volume "pool0" created.
    • # lvcreate -T vg/pool0 -V 3G -n lv1
        Logical volume "lv1" created.
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize   Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-a-tz-- 768.00U pool0        0.00
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------   1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz-- 512.00U              0.00   1.17
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao---- 512.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----   1.00U
  2. データの書き込み
    • # mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg/lv1
    • # mount /dev/vg/lv1 /data/lv1/
    • # dd if=/dev/urandom of=/data/lv1/tmp bs=1024 count=1024000
    • # sha1sum -b /data/lv1/tmp > /tmp/sha1
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize   Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz-- 768.00U pool0        36.24
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------   1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz-- 512.00U              54.37  14.65
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao---- 512.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----   1.00U
  3. lvextend ThinLV
    • # lvextend -L+2G /dev/vg/lv1
        Size of logical volume vg/lv1 changed from 3.00 GiB (768 extents) to 5.00 GiB (1280 extents).
        Logical volume lv1 successfully resized
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz-- 1280.00U pool0        21.75
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  512.00U              54.37  14.65
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao----  512.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----    1.00U
  4. lvextend ThinPoolLV
    • # lvextend -l+1 /dev/vg/pool0
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tdata changed from 2.00 GiB (512 extents) to 2.00 GiB (513 extents).
        Logical volume pool0 successfully resized
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz-- 1280.00U pool0        21.75
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  513.00U              54.26  14.65
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao----  513.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----    1.00U
  5. ThinDataLVを指定しての拡張は出来ない
    • # lvextend -l+100 /dev/vg/pool0_tdata
        Can't resize internal logical volume pool0_tdata
        Run `lvextend --help' for more information.
    • # lvextend -l+100 /dev/vg/pool0
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tdata changed from 2.00 GiB (513 extents) to 2.39 GiB (613 extents).
        Logical volume pool0 successfully resized
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  613.00U              45.41  14.65
  6. lvextend ThinMetaLV
    • # lvextend -l+100 /dev/vg/pool0_tmeta
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tmeta changed from 4.00 MiB (1 extents) to 404.00 MiB (101 extents).
        Logical volume pool0_tmeta successfully resized
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz-- 1280.00U pool0        21.75
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  613.00U              45.41  0.15
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao----  613.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----  101.00U
  • # sha1sum -c /tmp/sha1
    /data/lv1/tmp: OK


  • Thin Poolのlvreduceは現在は行えない
  • metadataは一見縮小できるように見えるが、問題が起きる
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-a-tz-- 1280.00U pool0        21.75
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  613.00U              45.41  0.15
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao----  613.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----  101.00U
    • # umount /data/lv1
    • # lvchange -an /dev/vg/lv1
    • # lvchange -an /dev/vg/pool0
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi---tz-- 1280.00U pool0
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi---tz--  613.00U
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-------  613.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-------  101.00U
  • LVをinactivateすると、reduce出来るようになるが……
    • # lvreduce -l -1 /dev/vg/pool0_tmeta
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tmeta changed from 404.00 MiB (101 extents) to 400.00 MiB (100 extents).
        Logical volume pool0_tmeta successfully resized
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi---tz-- 1280.00U pool0
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi---tz--  613.00U
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-------  613.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-------  100.00U
  • activate出来なくなる
    • # lvchange -ay /dev/vg/pool0
        device-mapper: resume ioctl on  failed: Invalid argument
        Unable to resume vg-pool0-tpool (252:2)
      May 10 20:31:58 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: metadata device (102400 blocks) too small: expected 103424
      May 10 20:31:58 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: table: 252:2: thin-pool: preresume failed, error = -22
    • # lvchange -ay /dev/vg/lv1
        device-mapper: resume ioctl on  failed: Invalid argument
        Unable to resume vg-pool0-tpool (252:2)
      May 10 20:32:30 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: metadata device (102400 blocks) too small: expected 103424
      May 10 20:32:30 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: table: 252:2: thin-pool: preresume failed, error = -22
  • reduceする前より大きなサイズに戻すとactivate出来るようになる。ただし、内部的に不整合などが起きてないかは不明
    • # lvextend -l+1 /dev/vg/pool0_tmeta
        Size of logical volume vg/pool0_tmeta changed from 400.00 MiB (100 extents) to 404.00 MiB (101 extents).
        Logical volume pool0_tmeta successfully resized
    • # lvchange -ay /dev/vg/pool0
    • # lvchange -ay /dev/vg/lv1
    • # lvs -a --units 4m
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize    Pool  Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
        lv1             vg   Vwi-a-tz-- 1280.00U pool0        21.75
        [lvol0_pmspare] vg   ewi-------    1.00U
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--  613.00U              45.41  0.15
        [pool0_tdata]   vg   Twi-ao----  613.00U
        [pool0_tmeta]   vg   ewi-ao----  101.00U
    • # mount /dev/vg/lv1 /data/lv1/
    • # sha1sum -c /tmp/sha1
      /data/lv1/tmp: OK
  • ThinPoolLV, ThinDataLVが対象だと拒否される
    • # lvreduce -l -1 /dev/vg/pool0_tdata
        Can't resize internal logical volume pool0_tdata
        Run `lvreduce --help' for more information.
    • # lvreduce -l -1 /dev/vg/pool0
        Thin pool volumes cannot be reduced in size yet.
        Run `lvreduce --help' for more information.




  • 0 (default)
    • thin poolが一杯になると、書き込みはキューイングされる。thin poolはout-of-data-space modeになる
      May 10 12:35:10 raid-test lvm[303]: Thin vg-pool0-tpool is now 96% full.
      May 10 12:40:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: reached low water mark for data device: sending event.
      May 10 12:40:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to out-of-data-space mode
      May 10 12:40:36 raid-test lvm[303]: Thin vg-pool0-tpool is now 100% full.
    • #l vs -a -o+lv_when_full
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert WhenFull
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz--   3.00g pool0        66.67
        pool0           vg   twi-aotzD-   2.00g              100.00 25.98                            queue
    • (デフォルトでは)60秒、thin poolが拡張されるのを待ち、失敗するとファイルシステムへエラーを返す。thin poolは read-only modeになる
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to read-only mode
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-8): ext4_end_bio:317: I/O error -5 writing to inode 17 (offset 25165824 size 8388608 starting block 591856)
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: buffer_io_error: 38109 callbacks suppressed
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-8, logical block 591856
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-8): ext4_end_bio:317: I/O error -5 writing to inode 17 (offset 25165824 size 8388608 starting block 591857)
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-8, logical block 591857
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: metadata operation 'dm_pool_commit_metadata' failed: error = -1
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: aborting current metadata transaction
      May 10 12:41:36 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to read-only mode
    • # lvs -a -o+lv_when_full
        LV              VG   Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert WhenFull
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz--   3.00g pool0        66.67
        pool0           vg   twi-aotzM-   2.00g              100.00 25.98                            queue
    • read-onlyから復旧するには、全てのthin LVをinactivate -> thin pool LVをinactivate -> lvconvert --repair thinpoolLV する必要がある
  • 1
    • thin poolが一杯になると、書き込みは即座に失敗する。
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: reached low water mark for data device: sending event.
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to out-of-data-space mode
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-8): ext4_end_bio:317: I/O error -28 writing to inode 17 (offset 33554432 size 8388608 starting block 591872)
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: buffer_io_error: 39292 callbacks suppressed
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-8, logical block 591872
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-8): ext4_end_bio:317: I/O error -28 writing to inode 17 (offset 33554432 size 8388608 starting block 591873)
      May 10 12:53:17 raid-test lvm[303]: Thin vg-pool0-tpool is now 100% full.
      May 10 12:53:27 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning: 135366 callbacks suppressed
      May 10 12:53:27 raid-test kernel: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-8): ext4_end_bio:317: I/O error -28 writing to inode 17 (offset 588054528 size 4857856 starting block 727248)
      May 10 12:53:27 raid-test kernel: buffer_io_error: 135366 callbacks suppressed
    • # lvs -a -o+lv_when_full
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz--   3.00g pool0        66.67
        pool0           vg   twi-aotzD-   2.00g              100.00 26.86                            error
    • fstrimなどを用いて、割り当てを解放すると、すぐに復旧する
      May 10 12:55:29 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to write mode
      May 10 12:55:29 raid-test kernel: device-mapper: thin: 252:2: switching pool to write mode
    • # lvs -a -o+lv_when_full
        lv1             vg   Vwi-aotz--   3.00g pool0        65.62
        pool0           vg   twi-aotz--   2.00g              98.44  26.46                            error
  • オンラインで即座に変更可能
    • # lvchange --errorwhenfull y vg/pool0
        Logical volume "pool0" changed.

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