[[PageOutline]] * https://gsuite.google.co.jp/pricing/ > 5 ユーザー未満は 1 TB / 1 ユーザー * 実際には5ユーザー未満でも制限されない {{{#!html

Googleサポートに聞いてみた。「コピー作成も容量計上される」「現時点では1TB/1ユーザ超えても保存が可能な状態になっている(「バグ」とのこと)」「修正の予定は今のところないがそのうちアップロード・メール受信不可になるかも」「上限超えているから、と追加料金発生したりはしない」 https://t.co/RHJ7i7kjVF

— Ken-ichi Mito (@mittyorz) October 15, 2016
}}} = quota = * https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/reference/about > storageQuota: The user's storage quota limits and usage. All fields are measured in bytes. == limitation of online copy == * [https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/1339 Server side copy in Google Drive stops working · Issue #1339 · ncw/rclone] * [https://forum.rclone.org/t/google-drive-api/2141 Google Drive API - question - rclone forum] {{{#!html


— Ken-ichi Mito (@mittyorz) May 22, 2017
}}} {{{#!html

(回答続き)「制限発生中に再度エラー(API発行制限などに引っかかる)を起こすと、その時点から起算されて24時間待たされることもあるので注意してね」「https://t.co/o84aqhVdyi この辺も参考になるかも」

— Ken-ichi Mito (@mittyorz) May 22, 2017
}}} = clients for Google Drive = * [https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-June/039375.html |arch-general| FS mount for google drive] > I was wondering if someone is using any of them. * [https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Synchronization_and_backup_programs#Third-party_services Synchronization and backup programs - ArchWiki] * aur:google-drive-ocamlfuse * aur:drive * aur:grive * aur:gdrivefs * aur:gdrive * arch:Insync * [http://gdfuse.forge.ocamlcore.org/ google-drive-ocamlfuse - A FUSE filesystem over Google Drive] * github:astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse * [http://o2t.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/09/08/143621 GoogleドライブをLinux(ubuntu14.04)でもマウントしたい - o2tの日記] * [http://dorodorodoroid.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/01/28/001201 Raspberry Pi Raspbian でGoogle Drive / Cloud Storageを使う(マウントしてドライブとして使う) - ジャンカーな日々] * [http://serverfault.com/questions/596598/how-to-use-google-drive-as-secure-storage-on-a-linux-server disk encryption - How to use Google Drive as secure storage on a linux server - Server Fault] * github:dsoprea/GDriveFS == rclone == * [https://forum.rclone.org/t/rclone-mount-on-startup-with-systemd/360 Rclone mount on startup with systemd - question - rclone forum] = mount as filesystem = == google-drive-ocamlfuse == * $ pacaur -S google-drive-ocamlfuse * ocaml-curl-0.5.3-5 is orphaned in AUR * AUR Packages (16) * camlidl-1.05-6 * cppo-1.4.0-1 * gapi-ocaml-0.3.1-1 * google-drive-ocamlfuse-0.6.7-1 * ocaml-biniou-1.0.12-1 * ocaml-cryptokit-1.11-2 * ocaml-curl-0.5.3-5 * ocaml-easy-format-1.2.0-1 * ocaml-extlib-1.7.1-1 * ocaml-pcre-7.2.3-2 * ocaml-sqlite3-4.0.5-2 * ocaml-xmlm-1.2.0-1 * ocaml-yojson-1.3.3-1 * ocamlfuse-2.7.1-6 * ocamlnet-4.1.2-2 * zarith-1.4.1-4 * Repo Packages (9) * aspcud-1.9.1-1 * clasp-3.2.1-1 * clingo-5.1.0-1 * fuse-common-3.0.0-1 * fuse2-2.9.7-3 * ocaml-4.04.0-1 * ocaml-findlib-1.7.1-1 * ocamlbuild-0.9.3-1 * opam-1.2.2-2 * [./error_on_google-drive-ocamlfuse-0.6.7-1]