[[PageOutline]] * [http://itmst.blog71.fc2.com/blog-entry-89.html Electronic Genome - Ubuntu + NFSサーバでファイル共有] * 良くまとまっているので、このページのみでほぼ構成できた。 * [http://masaoo.blogspot.com/2009/08/ubuntu-nfs.html まさおのブログ (表): Ubuntu で NFS サーバの設定をする] * [http://fragments.g.hatena.ne.jp/hogem/20080924/1222266324 nfsのmountオプション - うまい棒の断片 - 断片部] * [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2680917/whats-sure-kill-when-talking-about-nfs-mount-option what's "sure kill" when talking about NFS mount option? - Stack Overflow] > I think it means kill -9, though please note that you are reading a quite old howto (as most other TLDP howtos, I think) from 2002 year, and regarding NFS mount options hard,intr are already default and >> The intr / nointr mount option is deprecated after kernel 2.6.25. Only SIGKILL can interrupt a pending NFS operation on these kernels, and if specified, this mount option is ignored to provide backwards compatibility with older kernels. * [http://archive.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/NFS-HOWTO/performance.html NFS の性能を最適化する] * [http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~aa4t-nngk/nfs.html Stray Penguin - Linux Memo (NFS)] * [http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~aa4t-nngk/nfsv4.html Stray Penguin - Linux Memo (NFSv4)]