[[PageOutline]] * [http://www.nina.jp/server/redhat/bind/named.conf.html named.conf の設定] = disable ipv6 = * [http://www.chanon.net/mt_izumi/2009/05/bind9ipv6.html BIND9のIPV6絡みで発生するエラーと遅延の解決方法 - 知識の泉ちゃん] * 具体的には、以下のようにnamed起動時のオプションに「-4」を指定します。 * man named {{{ -4 Use IPv4 only even if the host machine is capable of IPv6. -4 and -6 are mutually exclusive. }}} * Ubuntu => /etc/default/bind9 = logging = * [http://www.freewheelburning.com/linux/namedlog.html named (BIND9) のログの出力先を変更] * [http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/rensai/bind910/bind910a.html @IT:BIND 9の運用情報収集と分析方法(1/2)] = DHCPとの連携 = * [http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/rensai/bind04/bind04.html BINDでDynamic DNS環境構築] * [http://blog.livedoor.jp/leaf_hiro/archives/51094495.html Linuxに使われる日々 : ubuntuのルータ化~その後~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)] == journal file error == * /var/log/named.log {{{ Nov 8 09:57:43 iqus named[22728]: journal file /etc/bind/db.local.mitty.jp.jnl does not exist, creating it Nov 8 09:57:43 iqus named[22728]: /etc/bind/db.local.mitty.jp.jnl: create: permission denied Nov 8 09:57:43 iqus named[22728]: client updating zone 'local.mitty.jp/IN': error: journal open failed: unexpected error }}} * see [http://on-o.com/page/diary/20070409.html わんこ日記(2007-04-09)] * ls -ld /etc/bind {{{ drwxr-sr-x 3 root bind 4096 2009-11-07 21:05 /etc/bind }}} * sudo chmod g+w /etc/bind