[[PageOutline]] [[TitleIndex(TipAndDoc/monitor/munin,format=group)]] * http://munin-monitoring.org/ * [http://wp.serpere.info/archives/2272 muninの集計負荷をtmpfsで低減する(集計時間の短縮も) | へびにっき] * [http://beeznest.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/howto-rename-munin-node-without-loosing-history/ HOWTO Rename Munin node without losing history « BeezNest Open-Source specialists] * [http://ref.layer8.sh/ja/entry/show/id/2667 munin設定チェックリストまとめ - Layer8 Reference] * [http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/MuninTLSSetup MuninTLSSetup - Munin - Trac] > If your Munin installations resides in a hostile network environment, or if you just don't want anyone passing by with a network sniffer to know the CPU load of your Munin nodes, a quick solution is to enable Munin's built-in Transport Layer Security (TLS) support. * [http://masaru.org/diary/20101112.html Munin で温度を記録しよう。 - よこいまさる日記(2010-11-12)] * http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Munin_Statistics * [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/over80/20080701/1214926377 muninのプラグインの追加/削除 - 玉虫色に染まれ!] * [http://techno-st.net/2009/12/10/munin-munin-node-configure.html munin で困ったときは munin-node-configure してみる - trial and error] * [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/830564 Bug #830564 in munin (Ubuntu): “munin_stats plugin does not work”] > {{{#!diff > --- munin_stats > +++ munin_stats > @@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ > > if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { > print "graph_title Munin processing time\n", > - "graph_info This graph shows the run time of the four different processes making up a munin-master run. Munin-master is run from cron every 5 minutes and we want each of the programmes in munin-master to complete before the next instance starts. Especially munin-update and munin-graph are time consuming and their run time bears watching. If munin-update uses too long time to run please see the munin-update graph to determine which host is slowing it down. If munin-graph is running too slow you need to get clever (email the munin-users mailing list) unless you can buy a faster computer with better disks to run munin on.", > + "graph_info This graph shows the run time of the four different processes making up a munin-master run. Munin-master is run from cron every 5 minutes and we want each of the programmes in munin-master to complete before the next instance starts. Especially munin-update and munin-graph are time consuming and their run time bears watching. If munin-update uses too long time to run please see the munin-update graph to determine which host is slowing it down. If munin-graph is running too slow you need to get clever (email the munin-users mailing list) unless you can buy a faster computer with better disks to run munin on.\n", > "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n", > "graph_scale yes\n", > "graph_vlabel seconds\n", > }}} * [http://serverfault.com/questions/224359/adjusting-munins-accept-timeout Adjusting Munin's accept timeout - Server Fault] >> I have a Munin master that's contacting 5 nodes at the moment and I'm seeing one to two warnings like this in the munin-update.log. >> {{{ >> [WARNING] Call to accept timed out. Remaining workers: xyz;abc >> }}} > in your plugin configuration file add > > timeout 120 > > or on a per plugin basis in plugin-conf.d > > [plugin_name] timeout 120 * [http://forums.cpanel.net/f42/fixing-munin-68412.html Fixing Munin] > Here is how you fix Munin 1.24 for CPanel to get the mysql graphs, the HDD temp graphs, and the Mailman graphs: > {{{ > (snip) > > [mailman] > user mailman > }}} * Debianでは「user list」 * MLの数が多いと数え上げがタイムアウトするので、タイムアウト秒数を増やしておくこと * [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/over80/20080703/1215100867 muninの設定(つづき) - 玉虫色に染まれ!] > * sensors_fan のアラートを消す > * ping プラグインの追加 > * 複数のグラフを1つにまとめる * [http://www.maruko2.com/mw/rrdtool_%E3%81%AE_RRD_%E3%81%AF%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AD%E3%83%86%E3%82%AF%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%81%8C%E7%95%B0%E3%81%AA%E3%82%8B%E3%81%A8%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E3%81%A7%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84 rrdtool の RRD はアーキテクチャが異なると使用できない - maruko2 Note.] > この場合、XML 形式に書き出した後、バイナリ形式の RRD として読み込めばよい。 * [http://pocketstudio.jp/log3/2012/02/09/how_to_use_munin-cgi-graph/ MuninのグラフをCGIリアルタイム生成して負荷軽減する方法(munin-cgi-graph) | Pocketstudio.jp log3] > 5. CGI 版のバグに対する対処(ここがハマりどころ) * 1.4.6-3ubuntu3.4 では修正済の模様 * [http://buty4649.hatenablog.com/entries/2014/07/25 muninグラフで夜間帯に色を付ける] = munin 2.0 = * デフォルトではpngによるグラフ画像は生成されなくなった模様 * [http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/CgiHowto2 CgiHowto2 - Munin - Trac] * /var/log/munin/munin-graph.log {{{ 2012/10/06 22:10:08 Opened log file 2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 74. 2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] Use of uninitialized value $graph_fh in at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 75. 2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] readline() on unopened filehandle at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 75. }}} * バグ? * [http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.rddtool.munin.general/7443 User support list for the munin RRD graphing front end] * [https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/commit/fd27d4c fix munin-graph typo in opening $graph_fh · fd27d4c · munin-monitoring/munin] * /usr/share/munin/munin-graph {{{#!perl my $graph_fh = new IO::File($config->{libdir} . "/graphs"); }}} * ~~/etc/munin/munin.conf に次の一文を追加すればとりあえずエラーは出なくなる~~ {{{ libdir /var/lib/munin }}} * 別のエラーを引き起こす * /usr/bin/munin-cron {{{ 2012/10/09 17:47:46 [ERROR] config error under [] for 'libdir /var/lib/munin' : Parse error in /etc/munin/munin.conf for libdir: Unknown keyword at end of left hand side of line 9 (libdir ) at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49 ERROR: Failed to parse config file '/etc/munin/munin.conf': [ERROR] config error under [] for 'libdir /var/lib/munin' : Parse error in /etc/munin/munin.conf for libdir: Unknown keyword at end of left hand side of line 9 (libdir ) at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49 at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49 }}} = counter vs derive = * [http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/fieldname.type fieldname.type – Munin] * [http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/HowToWritePlugins#DERIVEvs.COUNTER HowToWritePlugins – Munin] > To avoid spikes in the graph when counters are reset (as opposed to wrapping), use {{{${name}.type}}} DERIVE and {{{${name}.min}}} 0. * [http://atmarkit.mine.nu/blog/?p=840 munin×JMXでColdFusionのJVMをモニタリングする | @哀T] > ==== 追記:GAUGE、COUNTER、DERIVE、ABSOLUTEの違いについて = change interval = * [http://serverfault.com/questions/165104/showing-a-longer-timespan-in-munin graph - Showing a longer timespan in Munin - Server Fault] * [http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/format-graph_data_size format-graph_data_size – Munin] * [http://munin-monitoring.org/ticket/1282 #1282 (update_rate needs documentation) – Munin] * [http://www.justinsilver.com/technology/linux/change-interval-munin-existing-rrd-data/ Change Interval in Munin With Existing RRD Data - Justin Silver] * [http://blog.pwkf.org/post/2010/08/Waiting-for-Munin-2.0-Keep-more-data-with-custom-data-retention-plans Waiting for Munin 2.0 - Keep more data with custom data retention plans - Personal Workflow Blog] = Windows = * http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/HowToMonitorWindows * http://code.google.com/p/munin-nude-win32/ * github:munin-monitoring/munin-node-win32 * github:rrzefox/munin-node-win32/tree/recompile forked version * http://www.iversendata.no/snmagent/ * [http://qiita.com/murachi1208/items/20c7ba20009f47568c68 Serf を使用した Munin-node 自動追加, ついでに Winodws8 に Munin-nodeいれてみる - Qiita] * [http://hydra.geht.net/tino/howto/monitoring/munin/win/ Windows] {{{ [MuninNode] PortNumber=4949 LogConnections=1 MasterAddress=* }}} * [http://www.aska-inet.co.jp/business/download/munin.html Munin Node for Windows x64] = plugins = * standard plugin list => [./plugins] * https://github.com/renard/munin-exchange-plugins/blob/master/munin-exchange/cpuspeed2 * [http://docs.fedoraproject.org/ja-JP/Fedora/14/html/Power_Management_Guide/tuning_cpufreq_policy_and_speed.html 3.2.3. CPUfreq のポリシーと速度のチューニング] * [http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-scripting-for-iptables-munin-760352/ Bash-scripting for iptables/munin] > > I am trying to write this munin script to log all the accepted TCP/UDP/ICMP packets that are comming trough my iptable firewall. > {{{ > echo tcp.value `iptables -vxL | grep 'ACCEPT.*tcp' | cut -c1-8` > }}} * [https://ostlogd.spenneberg.net/wordpress/?p=220 IPTables und Munin analysieren Netzwerktraffic] * [http://munin-monitoring.org/ticket/1341 #1341 (cpuspeed plugin doesn't work with new p-state) – Munin] > Since linux-3.9 there is a new intel cpufreq scaling driver which does not provide "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state". > Instead you will find "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq" showing the current frequency: > # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq > 1598000 * https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/pcc-cpufreq.txt * https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/user-guide.txt * [http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50517#p290654 Debian User Forums • View topic - lenny & disable CPU frequency scaling on Core i7] * [https://www.pantz.org/software/cpufreq/usingcpufreqonlinux.html CPU frequency scaling in Linux with cpufreq] * github:SweBarre/munin-lvm * github:kvisle/munin-plugins * [http://pocketstudio.jp/log3/2012/05/21/aws-estimated-charge-munin-plugin/ AWS利用料金グラフ化Muninプラグインを書いてみた( ^ω^) | Pocketstudio.jp log3] * [https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/issues/771 Unable to determine eth0 interface speed on KVM guest with if_ plugin · Issue #771 · munin-monitoring/munin] * https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/commit/f982751a * https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/blob/master/plugins/node.d.linux/if_#L93 * [https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/munin-node/ ArchLinux] ではまだ修正版が適用されていない模様 (munin-node 2.0.26-2) == minecraft == * [http://wiki.natenom.name/minecraft/munin-plugin Minecraft Munin-Plugin [wiki.natenom.name]] * github:Natenom/munin-plugins * github:wckd/Dev/tree/master/Minecraft * requred: github:rmichela/MCStats2 * [http://blog.thefinn93.com/2012/11/munin-plugins-for-minecraft.html Munin Plugins for Minecraft | Finn's Blog] * github:thefinn93/munin-minecraft * http://www.wiki.vg/Rcon * github:barneygale/MCRcon == diskstats == * [http://serverfault.com/questions/645331/what-is-the-counter-type-for-linuxs-sys-block-device-stat performance - What is the counter type for Linux's /sys/block/$DEVICE/stat - Server Fault] * [http://lister.munin-monitoring.org/pipermail/commits/2013-November/001458.html (git/munin-dev) devel: This corrects the truncating of negative values in the diskstats plugin and calculates its value based on the evidence that this is a overflow value. (91a9e62)]