
Version 20 (modified by mitty, 9 years ago) (diff)




  • Bash-scripting for iptables/munin

    I am trying to write this munin script to log all the accepted TCP/UDP/ICMP packets that are comming trough my iptable firewall.

    echo tcp.value `iptables -vxL | grep 'ACCEPT.*tcp' | cut -c1-8`

plugin list

acpiautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor the temperature in different ACPI Thermal zones.
amavisautoautoconfplugin to monitor the amavis mail filter.
apache_accessesautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor the number of accesses to Apache servers. It handles a list of ports passed in from a plugin configuration file.
apache_processesautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor the number of apache-processes running on the machine.
apache_volumeautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor the volume of data sent from Apache servers.
apc_envunit_autoautoconf suggestplugin to monitor temperature and humidity
apc_niscontribN/APlugin to monitor APC UPS via the nis port of apcupsd
aptmanualautoconfMonitor the packages that should be installed on systems using apt-get.
apt_allmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor packages that should be installed on systems using apt-get (mostly Debian, but also RedHat).
asterisk_channelscontribN/APlugin to monitor number of active channels
asterisk_channelstypescontribN/APlugin to graph the number of channel types in use
asterisk_codecscontribN/APlugin to monitor number of active channels by codec used
asterisk_meetmecontribN/APlugin to monitor number of active conferences
asterisk_meetmeuserscontribN/APlugin to monitor number of active users in all the conferences
asterisk_sipchannelscontribN/APlugin to monitor number of active SIP channels by codec used
asterisk_sippeerscontribN/APlugin to monitor number of sip peers registered
asterisk_voicemailcontribN/APlugin to monitor number of messages in all voicemail boxes
bind9manualN/APlugin to monitor usage of bind 9 servers
bind9_rndcmanualN/APlugin to monitor usage of bind 9 servers using rndc stats
bonding_err_autoautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to graph bonding interface errors
buddyinfomanualautoconfPlugin to monitor memory fragmentation on Linux systems.
cmc_tc_sensor_contribsuggestWildcard plugin for monitoring CMC temperature sensors via SNMP
colour_testercontribN/AJust draw coloured lines to show of palette.
courier_contribautoconfplugin to graph courier logins and logouts
courier_mta_mailqueueautoautoconfPlugin to monitor courier-mta mail spool
courier_mta_mailstatsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of mails delivered and rejected by courier-mta.
courier_mta_mailvolumeautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the volume og mails delivered by courier-mta
cps_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor connections per second, for LVS loadbalancers.
cpuautoautoconfPlugin to monitor CPU usage.
cpuspeedautoautoconfPlugin to monitor CPU speed
cupsys_pagesautoautoconfPlugin to monitor number of pages pr printer printed by CUPS
dfautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor disk usage
df_absmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor absolute disk usage
df_inodeautoautoconfPlugin to monitor inode-usage.
dhcpd3contribautoconfPlugin to monitor dhcpd3 leases
digitemp_manualN/APlugin to monitor Dallas 1-wire temperature sensors using digitemp
diskstat_manualautoconf suggestMunin wildcard plugin to monitor various values provided via C</proc/diskstats>
diskstatsautoautoconfMunin multigraph plugin to monitor various values provided via C</proc/diskstats> or C</sys/block/*/stat>
ejabberd_contribautoconf suggestMunin wildcard plugin to monitor ejabberd2
entropyautoautoconfPlugin to monitor available entropy
envtestN/APlugin for testing enviroment setting.
exim_mailqueueautoautoconfPlugin to monitor exim queue size
exim_mailqueue_altcontribN/APlugin to monitor the exim mail queue
exim_mailstatsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of mails received and delivered by exim.
fail2banautoautoconfPlugin to monitor fail2ban blacklists
files_contribautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of open files in the system.
foldingathome_rankcontribautoconfFolding@Home Rank
foldingathome_wucontribautoconfPlugin to graph the number of working units submitted to folding@home
forksautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of forks per second on the machine
freeradius_acctmanualN/APlugin to count the daily amount of freeradius accounting packets.
freeradius_authmanualN/APlugin to count the daily amount of freeradius authentication packets.
freeradius_proxy_acctmanualN/APlugin to count the daily amount of freeradius proxied accounting packets.
freeradius_proxy_authmanualN/APlugin to count the daily amount of freeradius proxied authentication packets.
fw_conntrackautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of tracked connections through a Linux 2.4/2.6 firewall
fw_forwarded_localautoautoconfPlugin to monitor network connections.
fw_packetsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the throuhgput of a firewall
haproxy_contribN/AGraph stats from the haproxy daemon
hddtempcontribN/APlugin to monitor harddrive temperatures through SMART.
hddtemp_smartctlautoautoconfPlugin to monitor harddrive temperatures through SMART
hddtemp2contribautoconfPlugin to monitor hard drive temperatures.
hddtempdcontribautoconfMunin plugin to monitor hdd temperature from a hddtemp daemon. This plugin is an alternative to the hddtemp_smartctl, which is the preferred one.
http_loadtimeautoautoconfPlugin to graph HTTP response time of a specific page
idtestN/APlugin for testing user and group statements in the plugin config.
if_autoautoconf suggestWildcard-plugin to monitor traffic and errors on network interfaces.
if_err_autoautoconf suggestWildcard-plugin to monitor network interfaces
ifx_concurrent_sessions_manualN/AMunin wildcard plug-in that connects to Informix instance and counts number of concurrent sessions from syssqlstat view of sysmaster of instance.
interruptsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of interrupts and context switches on a system.
iostatautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor io-bound traffic (in blocks) on disks
iostat_iosautoautoconfShow IO-operation latency pr. device.
ip_autoautoconf suggestWildcard-plugin to monitor IP addresses through iptables
ipac-ngcontribautoconfSkeleton-plugin to monitor ipac-ng rules.
ipmi_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor temperature or fan speed using IPMI
ipmi_sensor_contribautoconf suggestWildcard plugin for the sensors data provided by ipmi
ircumanualautoconfPlugin to graph the number of clients, channels and servers on an IRC network.
irqstatsautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor individual interrupts on a Linux machine
jmx_autoautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to monitor Java application servers via JMX
loadautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the load average on a system.
loggrepmanualN/ACounts the number of matching log lines
lpar_cpucontribN/APlugin to monitor physical cpu usage in an IBM POWER P5 / OpenPower LPAR
lpstatautoautoconfPlugin to graph the queue size for the list of printers available through the command "lpstat"
mailmancontribN/APlugin to monitor activity on mailman mailing list management systems
mailscannercontribN/APlugin to show statistics for e-mails passing through a MailScanner filter
mbmon_contribautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor Motherboard temparature using mbmon (
memcached_contribnoautoconfPlugin to monitor memcache statistics
memoryautoautoconfPlugin to monitor memory usage
multigraph_testertestautoconfHandle the case where the munin node does not understand multigraph.
multipingmanualN/APlugin to monitor ping times against several hosts
multipsmanualautoconfMunin plugin to monitor number of processes. Which processes are configured in client-conf.d
multips_memorymanualautoconfMunin plugin to monitor memory usage of processes. Which processes are configured in a file in plugin-conf.d.
munin_updatemanualautoconfMunin plugin to graph the time to query about each host from the nodes.
mysql_autosuggest autoconfMunin plugin to display misc MySQL server status
mysql_bytesmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of bytes sent from and received by mysql.
mysql_innodbmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor free space in a pre-allocated innodb tablespace
mysql_isam_space_manualsuggest autoconfWildcard plugin to monitor the percent of table space used on isam and myisam tables on a mysql server. Note that this is a old plugin which is no longer installed by default. It is retained for compatability with old installations.
mysql_queriesmanualautoconfMunin plugin to display MySQL query rate.
mysql_slowqueriesmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of slow queries on a mysql-server
mysql_threadsmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of threads on a mysql-server.
namedcontribN/APlugin to monitor named statistics
netstatautoautoconfPlugin to monitor network connections
nfs_clientautoautoconfPlugin to monitor NFS client traffic
nfs4_clientautoautoconfPlugin to monitor NFSv4 client traffic
nfsdautoautoconfPlugin to monitor NFS server activity
nfsd4autoautoconfPlugin to graph NFSv4 server activity
nginx_requestautoautoconfMunin plugin to show number of requests pr. second to nginx.
nginx_statusautoautoconfMunin plugin to show connection status for nginx
nomadix_users_contribN/ASNMP wildcard plugin to monitor the number of users of Nomadix Enterprise WiFi devices
ntp_manualautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor NTP statistics
ntp_kernel_errautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the PLL estimated error for the kernel NTP status
ntp_kernel_pll_freqautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the kernel's PLL frequency for the NTP status
ntp_kernel_pll_offautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the kernel's PLL offset for the NTP status
ntp_offsetautoautoconfPlugin to monitor NTP time offset
ntp_statesmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor NTP states
nut_misccontribN/APlugin to monitor UPS via the upsc command
nut_voltscontribN/APlugin to monitor UPS via the upsc command
nutups_contribautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor various statistics exported by a UPS.
nvidia_autoautoconf suggestMunin wildcard plugin to monitor nvidia graphics cards with the help of the nvclock command. Run as nvidia_temp, nvidia_clock or nvidia_volt
open_filesautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of open files in the system
open_inodesautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of open files in the system
openvpncontribautoconfPlugin to monitor number of users connected to openvpn server
perditioncontribautoconfPlugin to graph perdition connections and errors
ping_manualN/APlugin to monitor ping times
pm3users_contribN/ASNMP wildcard plugin to monitor busy channels on L(ivingston|ucent) Portmaster Network Access Servers
port_manualautoconf suggestMunin wildcard plugin to monitor netwok port usage.
postfix_mailqueueautoautoconfPlugin to monitor postfix mail spools
postfix_mailstatsmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of mails delivered and rejected by postfix
postfix_mailvolumeautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the volume of mails delivered by postfix.
postgres_bgwriterautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the PostgreSQL Background Writer.
postgres_cache_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor the PostgreSQL Buffer Cache Activity.
postgres_checkpointsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL checkpoints.
postgres_connections_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL connections.
postgres_connections_dbautoautoconfPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL connections per database.
postgres_locks_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL locks.
postgres_querylength_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL long running queries.
postgres_scans_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL scan types.
postgres_size_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL database size.
postgres_transactions_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL transactions.
postgres_tuples_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor PostgreSQL tuple access.
postgres_usersautoautoconfPlugin to monitor connected PostgreSQL users.
postgres_xlogautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the size of the PostgreSQL transaction log
proc_priautoautoconfMunin-plugin to monitor the processes priority on a Linux machine
processesautoautoconfPlugin to monitor processes on Linux FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris and OSX.
proxy_pluginmanualN/APlugin to proxy connections to another process speaking the munin-node protocol. The typical use-case for this is to proxy requests to for example a JBoss application server, without giving up the ability to run local plugins from munin-node as well.
ps_autoautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to monitor number of processes
psu_manualautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to graph the number of processes by a given user.
qmailqstatautoautoconfPlugin to show the amount of messages in the qmail queue
qmailscancontribN/APlugin to graph output from qmailscan and clamav
qmailscan-simplecontribN/APlugin to count the daily amount of Virii (qmailscan)
quota_usage_manualN/APlugin to monitor quota on a specified device. Needs repquota and root privs
sambacontribautoconfPlugin to monitor number of files held open by the CIFS clients
selinux_avcstatautoautoconfPlugin to monitor SELinux' Access Vector Cache (AVC).
sendmail_mailqueueautoautoconfPlugin to graph the sendmail queue size
sendmail_mailstatsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor sendmail statistics
sendmail_mailtrafficautoautoconfPlugin to monitor sendmail statistics
sensors_manualautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to monitor sensors.
slapd_autoautoconf suggestGraphs values from the monitor backend in OpenLDAP
slapd_bdb_cache_autoautoconf suggestShows cache hit efficiency on Openldap BDB files
slony_lag_autoautoconfPlugin to monitor slony replication lag.
smart_autoautoconf suggestMunin wildcard-plugin to monitor S.M.A.R.T. attribute values through smartctl
snmp__cpuloadsnmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to monitor CPU-load by use of SNMP.
snmp__dfsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to check disk usage of a remote host via SNMP
snmp__fc_if_snmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch fibrechannel data from remote hosts via SNMP.
snmp__if_snmpautosnmpconfSNMP wildcard plugin to monitor network interfaces of any networked equipment.
snmp__if_err_snmpautosnmpconfSNMP wildcard plugin to monitor errors on network interfaces of any networked equipment.
snmp__if_multisnmpautosnmpconfSNMP card plugin to monitor the network interfaces of any networked equipment.
snmp__loadsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to monitor load of a remote server via SNMP
snmp__memorysnmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to monitor memory usage of a remote host via SNMP.
snmp__netapp_diskusage_snmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to retrieve file systems usage on NetApp storage appliances.
snmp__netapp_inodeusage_snmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to retrieve inodes usage on NetApp storage appliances.
snmp__netstatsnmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to monitor network connection by use of SNMP. Based on snmp__df plugin.
snmp__print_pagessnmpautosnmpconfSNMP plugin to monitor pages printed on printers adhering to RFC1759.
snmp__print_suppliessnmpautosnmpconfSNMP plugin to monitor supplies levels on printers adhering to RFC1759
snmp__rdp_userssnmpautosnmpconfMonitor the number of pages printed. This plugin was written because the snmp_ _users gives some magic results on Windows. The user count is not related to the number of current users.
snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_fansnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch fan data from the SNMP agent on the management blade on Fujitsu Simens BX series blade servers
snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_tempsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch temperature data from the SNMP agent on the management blade on Fujitsu Simens BX series blade servers
snmp__sensors_fsc_fansnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch fan data from the ServerView SNMP agent on Fujitsu Simens servers
snmp__sensors_fsc_tempsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch temperature data from the ServerView SNMP agent on Fujitsu Simens servers
snmp__sensors_mbm_fansnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch sensor data from Windows boxes running Motherboard Monitor <> and SNMP-Informant - MBM agent <>.
snmp__sensors_mbm_tempsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch sensor data from Windows boxes running Motherboard Monitor <> and SNMP-Informant - MBM agent <>.
snmp__sensors_mbm_voltsnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to fetch sensor data from Windows boxes running Motherboard Monitor <> and SNMP-Informant - MBM agent <>.
snmp__swapsnmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to monitor swap usage by use of SNMP.
snmp__uptimesnmpautosnmpconfMunin plugin to retrive uptime information from a SNMP device.
snmp__userssnmpautosnmpconfPlugin to check the number of logged in users via SNMP
snort_alertsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of alerts in Snort
snort_bytes_pktautoautoconfPlugin to monitor average size in KBytes per packet
snort_drop_rateautoautoconfPlugin to monitor Snort packet drop rate
snort_pattern_matchautoautoconfPlugin to monitor percent of data received that Snort processes in pattern matching.
snort_pktsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of packets per second passed through Snort filters
snort_trafficautoautoconfPlugin to monitor Snort traffic in Mbites per second
spamstatscontribN/APlugin to graph spamassassin throughput
squeezebox_autoautoconf suggestplugin to monitor a SqueezeCenter and associated players.
squid_cacheautoautoconfPlugin to graph the size of the squid cache
squid_icpmanualautoconfPlugin to graph traffic to the ICP peers
squid_objectsizeautoautoconfPlugin to graph the mean size of stored objects in the squid cache
squid_requestsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor squid requests.
squid_trafficautoautoconfPlugin to monitor squid cache traffic
surfboardcontribN/APlugin to monitor surfboard cable modems
swapautoautoconfPlugin to monitor swap IO in number of blocks per second
sybase_spacemanualN/APlugin to monitor sybase database space usage
tcpmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor IPV4/6 TCP socket status on a Linux host.
threadsautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of threads on Linux
tomcat_autoautoconf suggestMunin plugin to monitor tomcat servers.
tomcat_accessmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of accesses to Tomcat servers.
tomcat_jvmmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the memory of the JVM in Tomcat servers.
tomcat_threadsmanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of tomcat-threads running on the machine, and (in addition to a simple process count), separate then into "busy" or "idle" servers.
tomcat_volumemanualautoconfPlugin to monitor the volume of data sent from Tomcat servers.
uptimeautoautoconfPlugin to measure uptime.
usersautoautoconfMunin plugin to monitor the number of users logged in to a Unix box.
varnish_autoautoconf suggestMunin plugin to monitor various aspects of varnish
vlan_manualautoconf suggestWildcard-script to monitor network interfaces. To monitor an interface, link vlan_<interface> to this file.
vlan_inetuse_manualN/AWildcard-script to monitor network interfaces. To monitor an interface, link vlan_<interface> to this file.
vlan_linkuse_manualN/AWildcard-script to monitor network interfaces. To monitor an interface, link vlan_<interface> to this file.
vmstatautoautoconfPlugin to monitor the number of processes in io-sleep and other wait states.
vserver_cpu_autoautoconf suggestWildcard plugin to graph CPU usage types per vserver
vserver_loadavgautoautoconfPlugin to graph vserver load average
vserver_resourcesautoautoconfPlugin to graph Vserver resource usage and limits
yumautoautoconfPlugin for monitoring pending package upgrades with yum
zimbra_autoautoconf suggestPlugin to monitor all sorts of Zimbra statistics
  • $ aptitude show munin-node
    Version: 1.4.4-1ubuntu1
  • $ aptitude show munin-plugins-extra
    Version: 1.4.4-1ubuntu1
  • $ dpkg -L munin-node
  • $ dpkg -L munin-plugins-extra



munin 2.0

  • /var/log/munin/munin-graph.log
    2012/10/06 22:10:08 Opened log file
    2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 74.
    2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] Use of uninitialized value $graph_fh in <HANDLE> at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 75.
    2012/10/06 22:10:08 [PERL WARNING] readline() on unopened filehandle at /usr/share/munin/munin-graph line 75.
    • バグ?
    • User support list for the munin RRD graphing front end
    • /usr/share/munin/munin-graph
      my $graph_fh = new IO::File($config->{libdir} . "/graphs");
    • /etc/munin/munin.conf に次の一文を追加すればとりあえずエラーは出なくなる
      libdir /var/lib/munin
    • 別のエラーを引き起こす
    • /usr/bin/munin-cron
      2012/10/09 17:47:46 [ERROR] config error under [] for 'libdir /var/lib/munin' : Parse error in /etc/munin/munin.conf for libdir:
       Unknown keyword at end of left hand side of line 9 (libdir )
       at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49
      ERROR: Failed to parse config file '/etc/munin/munin.conf': [ERROR] config error under [] for 'libdir /var/lib/munin' : Parse error in /etc/munin/munin.conf for libdir:
       Unknown keyword at end of left hand side of line 9 (libdir )
       at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49
       at /usr/share/munin/munin-update line 49

counter vs derive