[[PageOutline]] [[TitleIndex(TipAndDoc/VM/VMware/Workstation,format=group)]] * [http://communities.vmware.com/message/1561322 VMware Communities: Purpose of GuestAppsCache files?] * [http://vm-sickbay.com/2010/06/01/how-to-disable-unity-for-all-vms-in-ws-71/ VM-sickbay » Blog Archive » How to disable Unity for all VMs in WS 7.1] > isolation.tools.unity.disable = “true” * [http://communities.vmware.com/thread/270287 VMware Communities: Workstation 7.1 caches directory?] > You would have to create the config.ini file, and it would go in your %APPDATA%\VMware directory (alongside the preferences.ini file). * C:\Users\mitty\AppData\Roaming\VMware\config.ini など {{{ isolation.tools.unity.disable = "true" }}} = VMware Workstation for Linux without X = * X11Forwardingを用いることで、Xが入っていないホストでも動作可能 * [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/amt/20101231/DnDlogDotConfErrr VmWare8起動時 に ~/.vmware/dndlogs/dndlog.conf がないよ、と怒られる問題 - おもてなしの空間] > % mkdir -p ~/.vmware/dndlogs/ && touch ~/.vmware/dndlogs/dndlog.conf * [[Image(dndlog.conf.png,33%)]] * ~~インストーラをX11forward経由で起動する場合、root権限が必要となる関係からroot login via sshが必要となる~~ * PuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not match * => wiki:TipAndDoc/network/ssh#X11Forwardingwithanotheruser * CygwinのX Serverでも十分実用に耐える[[br]][[Image(vmware-ws-installer.png,33%)]] * 以下のようなエラーが出て、ゲストを起動できないことがある {{{ Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory. }}} * lsmod | grep vm で何も出ない場合は、sudo service vmware start