Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of TipAndDoc/VM/VMware/Workstation

Apr 6, 2012 8:25:03 PM (12 years ago)



  • TipAndDoc/VM/VMware/Workstation

    v23 v24  
    139139 * [ VMware Communities: Promiscuous Mode and LAN Segments] 
    140140 > Well, Linux host?  In that case it seems that code is using /dev/vmnet0 when it meets with PVN. 
     142 = Debian 6.0 = 
     143 * VMware Workstation 8 on Debian 6.0 x86_64では、insservまわりでエラーが出る 
     144  * aptitude install ... で次のようなエラー 
     145  * $ sudo aptitude install -R mdadm 
     149insserv: warning: script 'S50vmware-USBArbitrator' missing LSB tags and overrides 
     150insserv: warning: script 'vmware' missing LSB tags and overrides 
     151insserv: warning: script 'vmware-workstation-server' missing LSB tags and overrides 
     152insserv: warning: script 'vmware-USBArbitrator' missing LSB tags and overrides 
     153insserv: There is a loop at service munin-node if started 
     154insserv: There is a loop between service vmware-USBArbitrator and checkroot if started 
     159 * [ vmwareのinitスクリプト修正for Squeeze - labunix の ラボゆにっくす] 
     160 * [ amd64版で module-init-tools を update したら、設定が失敗する問題 - おもてなしの空間] => 採用 
     161  * [ Fixing VMware Workstation 8 and insserv | schlü.tech] 
     162  * [ Debian User Forums • View topic - [Solved] Vmware errors when I use apt-get, aptitude, etc.] 
     163 > * 下の内容の /etc/insserv/overrides/vmware というファイルを作って、実行パーミッションを立てる 
     164 > {{{ 
     165 > ### BEGIN INIT INFO 
     166 > # Provides: vmware 
     167 > # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog 
     168 > # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog 
     169 > # X-Start-Before: 
     170 > # X-Stop-After: 
     171 > # Default-Start: 2 3 5 
     172 > # Default-Stop: 0 6 
     173 > # Short-Description: This service starts and stops VmWare sercices 
     174 > # Description: c.f. 
     175 > ### END INIT INFO 
     176 > }}} 
     177 > * /etc/insserv/overrides/vmware-USBArbitrator というファイルも同様に作って実行パミッションを立てる 
     178 > {{{ 
     179 > ### BEGIN INIT INFO 
     180 > # Provides: vmware-USBArbitrator 
     181 > # Required-Start: $local_fs 
     182 > # Required-Stop:  $local_fs 
     183 > # X-Start-Before: 
     184 > # X-Stop-After: 
     185 > # Default-Start: 2 3 5 
     186 > # Default-Stop:  2 3 5 
     187 > # Short-Description: This services starts and stops the USB Arbitrator daemon when vmware starts 
     188 > ### END INIT INFO 
     189 > }}} 
     190 > * /etc/insserv/overrides/vmware-vmware-workstation-server 
     191 > {{{ 
     192 > ### BEGIN INIT INFO 
     193 > # Provides: vmware-workstation-server 
     194 > # Required-Start: $network vmware vmware-USBArbitrator hal 
     195 > # Required-Stop:  $network vmware vmware-USBArbitrator hal 
     196 > # X-Start-Before: 
     197 > # X-Stop-After: 
     198 > # Default-Start: 2 3 5 
     199 > # Default-Stop: 0 6 
     200 > # Short-Description: This service starts and stops the Workstation as a Server 
     201 > ### END INIT INFO 
     202 > }}} 
     203 > * 以下を実行 
     204 > {{{ 
     205 > % cd /etc/insserv/overrides 
     206 > % sudo insserv -r vmware-workstation-server 
     207 > % sudo insserv -r vmware-USBArbitrator 
     208 > % sudo insserv -r vmware 
     209 > % sudo insserv vmware 
     210 > % sudo insserv vmware-USBArbitrator 
     211 > % sudo insserv vmware-workstation-server 
     212 > }}}