[[PageOutline]] * [http://communities.vmware.com/thread/90149 VMware Communities: How to tell current config of VMNETs? ...] * VMware Workstation for LinuxのGUI版Virtual Network Editorを移植すれば、Serverでも同様に使える模様。(もちろんconsole環境からは使えない) * [http://communities.vmware.com/thread/163647 VMware Communities: why vmware delete "Virtual Network ...] * It is. Unfortunately we didn't have time to do all the packaging and testing work to get the editor in to Server 2.0. However, if you copy it over there manually, it'll work (or if you hack your installation so that you can install Server 2.0 and Workstation 6.5 side-by-side, which is wildly unsupported but can be done). * [http://communities.vmware.com/message/1541772 VMware Communities: virtual network editor disapeared? ...] * The Virtual Network configuration tool is also missing from VMWare Player 3.1 for Linux. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be included in the installation package; at least I can't find it. Anyway I've found a way to get vmnetcfg for Player on Linux (its not pretty). * GUI版Virtual Network Editorを移植する具体的手順が書かれている。 = add and customize Virtual Network on VMware Server = * VMware Workstationでは「仮想ネットワークの設定」や「チーム LAN セグメント」によって、ESXiではvSphere Clientから仮想ネットワークをGUIのみを使って簡単に増設・設定できるが、VMware Serverにおいては、web UIからはそもそも設定以前に、ネットワーク構成の詳細を知ることも出来ない。 * Linux ホストOS上でvmware-config.plを用いて増設・設定をする手順を以下にまとめる。 * Ubuntu Lucid上でvmware-config.plが動かない問題については => [../Server2onLucid] == initial state == * attachment:3nics_with_vic.png * attachment:3nics_with_web.png {{{ . vmnet0 is bridged to eth0 . vmnet1 is a host-only network on private subnet . vmnet8 is a NAT network on private subnet }}}