[[PageOutline]] [[TitleIndex(TipAndDoc/VM/KVM,format=group)]] = KVM = * [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM The Kernel Virtual Machine - Community Ubuntu Documentation] * [http://blog.sibrof.net/ken/2008/05/17/778/ KVM – Ubuntu Hardy | Ken's blog] * [http://blog.sibrof.net/ken/2008/05/18/779/ 動き出したUbuntu Hardy on KVM | Ken's blog] * [http://research.sakura.ad.jp/2010/11/17/kvm-desktop/ KVMを使う(Ubuntu Desktop編) « さくらインターネット研究所] * [http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~aa4t-nngk/kvm.html Stray Penguin - Linux Memo (KVM)] * [http://www.aji.sakura.ne.jp/linux/fedora15_kvm_install.html Fedora 15 - KVM インストール] * [http://serverfault.com/questions/101434/why-does-my-windows-7-vm-running-under-linux-kvm-not-use-all-the-virtual-proces multi core - Why does my Windows 7 VM running under Linux' KVM not use all the virtual processors? - Server Fault] * [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1213053 Bug 1213053 – Backport {Haswell,Broadwell}-noTSX cpu models] * [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1182650 Bug 1182650 – Can't launch any VM : rtm and hle CPU features flags needed by libvirt but not in /proc/cpuinfo] * KVM自体にはIntel-VT or AMD-V が必須 {{{ egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo }}} * AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ with ASUS M2A-VM HDMI => attachment:amdv.png * QEMUはVT/AMD-vが無くても動く(ただし非常に遅い) * -> [../LegacyHardware] * [http://eucalyptus.linux4u.jp/wiki/index.php?Sheepdog%2F%E6%A6%82%E8%A6%81 Sheepdog/概要 - Eucalyptus linux4u.jp Wiki] > SheepdogはKVM用の分散ストレージです. * Guest with Bridged Network => [../../network/bridge] * [http://symfoware.blog68.fc2.com/blog-entry-964.html Ubuntu 12.04 + KVM上のWindows仮想OSのディスクIOの改善 - Symfoware] == Client == * http://www.davereyn.co.uk/ Qemu Manager (for Windows) * ローカルに対するGUIツールなので注意 (Linux boxへ接続して…という使い方は出来ない) * [http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Management_Tools Management Tools - KVM] = Windows Guest = * [https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/695c8997-52cf-4c30-a3f7-f26a40dc703a/failed-install-of-build-10041-in-the-kvm-virtual-machine-system-thread-exception-not-handled?forum=WinPreview2014Setup Failed install of build 10041 in the KVM virtual machine (SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED)] == drivers == * NIC -> virtio * [http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGuestDrivers/Download_Drivers WindowsGuestDrivers/Download Drivers - KVM] * http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/ * Video -> vmvga * http://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/ * http://softwareupdate.vmware.com/cds/vmw-desktop/ws/8.0.1/528992/windows/packages/tools-windows-8.8.1.exe.tar 1. tools-windows-8.8.1.exe.tar -> tools-windows-8.8.1.exe 1. > tools-windows-8.8.1.exe /e tools-windows-8.8.1 1. tools-windows-8.8.1\tools-windows.msi > Data1.cab > windows.iso > setup.exe (圧縮ファイルとして展開) 1. > setup.exe /a * 64bitゲストの場合はsetup64.exeの中身が必要。 1. 適当な場所に展開する 1. VMware SVGA II driver > setup\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware\Drivers\video_xpdm * 参考 [http://www.linux-kvm.com/content/using-vmware-vga-kvm-windows-guests Using Vmware VGA with KVM Windows Guests | KVM - The Linux Kernel-Based Virtual Machine] * デバイスマネージャ[[br]][[Image(KVM-XP.png,33%)]] === block device === * [http://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/1111/why-the-virtio-win-1116vfd-file-is-removed-from Why the virtio-win-1.1.16.vfd file is removed from the download page? - Ask Fedora: Community Knowledge Base and Support Forum] * http://www.linuxwind.org/download/virtio-win-1.1.16.vfd !00ccbf02149a584de5d3bd344823fb33c31af00b (sha1) * http://web.archive.org/web/20110514090604/http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/bin/virtio-win-1.1.16.vfd !00ccbf02149a584de5d3bd344823fb33c31af00b (sha1) * http://autosetup1.googlecode.com/files/virtio-win-1.1.16.vfd !16c8adfe6833e4bc86d661a3158ed0e8faab12a4 (sha1) {{{ 00004A72: 34 2B 00004A73: 3D 40 00004D32: 34 2B 00004D33: 3D 40 00004D72: 34 2B 00004D73: 3D 40 00004DB2: 34 2B 00004DB3: 3D 40 }}} * [http://turukiya.wordpress.com/2012/02/10/windows-xp-%e3%81%ae%e6%ba%96%e4%bb%ae%e6%83%b3%e5%8c%96%e7%92%b0%e5%a2%83/ Windows XP の準仮想化環境 « おたくの日記帳] * virtio-win-1.1.16.vfdを用いてVirtIO diskでセットアップ後、virtio-win-0.1-30.isoによってドライバを更新するとBSODを出して起動しなくなる。 * OSセットアップ直後[[br]][[Image(virtio-win-1.1.16.vfd.png,33%)]] * ドライバ更新[[br]][[Image(virtio-win-0.1-30.iso.png,33%)]] * BSOD[[br]][[Image(virtio-win-0.1-30.iso-BSOD.png,33%)]] = virbr0 = * libvirtdによって自動で作られる「default」のNAT * ps aux | grep dns {{{ nobody 2684 0.0 0.0 21264 792 ? S Feb07 0:01 dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/libvirt/network/default.pid --conf-file= --listen-address --except-interface lo --dhcp-range, --dhcp-lease-max=253 }}} * lease file => /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases == iptables == * sudo iptables-save {{{ # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.8 on Thu Feb 16 10:31:29 2012 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [743892:129452770] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [1179:112796] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1215:115607] -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p tcp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -p udp -j MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535 -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE COMMIT # Completed on Thu Feb 16 10:31:29 2012 # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.8 on Thu Feb 16 10:31:29 2012 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [4957020:3457557240] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [3323525:4327643495] -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -d -o virbr0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -s -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i virbr0 -o virbr0 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -o virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable -A FORWARD -i virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable COMMIT # Completed on Thu Feb 16 10:31:29 2012 }}} === port forwarding === * [http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking#Forwarding_Incoming_Connections Forwarding Incoming Connections] > 3) Create the file /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu (or add the following to an already existing hook script), with contents similar to the following (replace GNAME, IP, GP, and HP appropriately for your setup): * [http://git.zaytsev.net/?p=anubis-puppet.git;a=blob;f=manifests/files/puppet/libvirt/hooks/qemu git repositories at zaytsev.net - anubis-puppet.git/blob - manifests/files/puppet/libvirt/hooks/qemu] = Live Migration = * [http://www.cuspy.org/diary/2010-03-20 qemu-kvm の live migration を試してみたよ - cuspy diary] * [http://research.sakura.ad.jp/2010/06/23/kvm-migration/ KVMを使う(LiveMigration編) « さくらインターネット研究所] * [http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Migration Migration - KVM] * [http://d.hatena.ne.jp/enakai00/20111124/1322106772 RHEL6.1のKVMでストレージ・ライブマイグレーション - めもめも] = kvm-spice = * Ubuntu 12.04でqemu-kvm-spiceをインストールすると、デフォルトのemulatorが/usr/bin/kvm-spiceになって以下の様な問題が起きる * kern.logにAppArmorからDENIEDとエラーが出る {{{ Oct 13 22:45:08 HOSTNAME kernel: [507466.445098] type=1400 audit(1350135908.372:69): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="libvirt-52d08545-a490-c890-654a-260caf35d27d" name="/proc/17685/auxv" pid=17685 comm="kvm-spice" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=104 ouid=104 }}} * Video modelをcirrus以外にすると、画面が表示されなくなる(真っ黒のまま) * [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seabios/+bug/958549 Bug #958549 “Black screen on guest with anything except Cirrus” : Bugs : “seabios” package : Ubuntu] * [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm-spice/+bug/970234 Bug #970234 “Selecting spice and qxl mode results in blank scree...” : Bugs : “qemu-kvm-spice” package : Ubuntu] * [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/975165 Bug #975165 “Can't use spice even though qemu-kvm-spice is insta...” : Bugs : “virt-manager” package : Ubuntu] * [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm-spice/+bug/962376 Bug #962376 “spicevmc not supported in QEMU binary” : Bugs : “qemu-kvm-spice” package : Ubuntu] = start/shutdown log for VM = * Ubuntu 12.04 * /var/log/libvirt/qemu 以下に、VMごとのログが残される {{{ -rw------- 1 root root 3940 Oct 8 00:24 quantal.log -rw------- 1 root root 12394 Oct 13 23:13 test.log }}} * /var/log/libvirt/qemu/xp-vm01.log {{{ 2012-10-28 12:46:55.328+0000: starting up LC_ALL=C PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none /usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-1.0 -enable-kvm -m 1024 -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -name xp-vm01 -uuid XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-WWWW-VVVVVVVVVVVV -nodefconfig -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/xp-vm01.monitor,server,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=localtime -no-shutdown -drive file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/xp-vm01.img,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0,bootindex=2 -drive file=/home/mitty/virtio-win-0.1-30.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0,bootindex=1 -netdev tap,fd=16,id=hostnet0 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:a8:d0:1d,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -usb -device usb-tablet,id=input0 -vnc -vga vmware -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4 vmsvga_value_read: Bad register 2b vmsvga_value_read: Bad register 2c qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 1803 2012-10-28 12:51:56.141+0000: shutting down }}} == autoshutdown == * /var/log/libvirt/shutdownlog.log で確認できる {{{ libvirt: libvirt-bin: entering pre-stop at Fri Oct 19 23:22:33 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: attempting clean shutdown of xp-vm02 at Fri Oct 19 23:22:33 JST 2012 libvirt: destroying xp-vm02 libvirt: libvirt-bin: exiting pre-stop at Fri Oct 19 23:23:06 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: entering pre-stop at Fri Oct 26 23:37:35 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: exiting pre-stop at Fri Oct 26 23:37:35 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: entering pre-stop at Sun Oct 28 21:45:17 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: attempting clean shutdown of xp-vm02 at Sun Oct 28 21:45:17 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: attempting clean shutdown of xp-vm01 at Sun Oct 28 21:45:17 JST 2012 libvirt: libvirt-bin: exiting pre-stop at Sun Oct 28 21:45:45 JST 2012 }}} * /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf で制御されている模様 = passthrough = * [http://mzyy94.com/blog/2014/12/12/kvm-intel-hd-graphics-passthrough/ KVMでQSVするためIntel HD Graphicsパススルーするー - 犬アイコンのみっきー] * QEMUの引数に追加されるものの例 {{{ 01:00.0 Multimedia controller [0480]: Altera Corporation Device [1172:4c15] (rev 01) }}} {{{ -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x9 }}} == Marvell controller == * [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=185182 Intel IOMMU not working for Marvell SSD Controller / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux Forums] * [https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42679 Bug 42679 – DMA Read on Marvell 88SE9128 fails when Intel's IOMMU is on] * https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42679#c94 {{{Note, for google: this is the controller embedded in the Plextor m6e M.2 SSD}}} * http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/pci/quirks.c#L3570 === PX-G128M6e === * lspci -nnv {{{ 02:00.0 SATA controller [0106]: Lite-On IT Corp. / Plextor M6e PCI Express SSD [Marvell 88SS9183] [1c28:0122] (rev 14) (prog-if 01 [AHCI 1.0]) Subsystem: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device [1b4b:9183] }}} * root@archiso ~ # uname -a {{{ Linux archiso 4.0.4-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 22 03:05:23 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux }}} * root@archiso ~ # cat /proc/cmdline {{{ BOOT_IMAGE=boot/x86_64/vmlinuz archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH_201506 initrd=boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img intel_iommu=on }}} * root@archiso ~ # dmesg|grep -i -e DMAR -e IOMMU {{{ [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=boot/x86_64/vmlinuz archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH_201506 initrd=boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img intel_iommu=on [ 0.000000] ACPI: DMAR 0x00000000DAC6CED0 0000B8 (v01 INTEL BDW 00000001 INTL 00000001) [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=boot/x86_64/vmlinuz archisobasedir=arch archisolabel=ARCH_201506 initrd=boot/intel_ucode.img,boot/x86_64/archiso.img intel_iommu=on [ 0.000000] Intel-IOMMU: enabled [ 0.086964] dmar: Host address width 39 [ 0.086969] dmar: DRHD base: 0x000000fed90000 flags: 0x0 [ 0.086987] dmar: IOMMU 0: reg_base_addr fed90000 ver 1:0 cap c0000020660462 ecap f0101a [ 0.086990] dmar: DRHD base: 0x000000fed91000 flags: 0x1 [ 0.087000] dmar: IOMMU 1: reg_base_addr fed91000 ver 1:0 cap d2008c20660462 ecap f010da [ 0.087003] dmar: RMRR base: 0x000000dbe7b000 end: 0x000000dbe89fff [ 0.087006] dmar: RMRR base: 0x000000dd000000 end: 0x000000df1fffff [ 0.087011] IOAPIC id 8 under DRHD base 0xfed91000 IOMMU 1 [ 7.370829] DMAR: No ATSR found [ 7.371048] IOMMU: dmar0 using Queued invalidation [ 7.371051] IOMMU: dmar1 using Queued invalidation [ 7.371056] IOMMU: Setting RMRR: [ 7.371083] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:02.0 [0xdd000000 - 0xdf1fffff] [ 7.371527] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:14.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 7.371577] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 7.371616] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 7.371644] IOMMU: Prepare 0-16MiB unity mapping for LPC [ 7.371661] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1f.0 [0x0 - 0xffffff] [ 7.673577] [drm] DMAR active, disabling use of stolen memory [ 7.673740] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2 [ 7.673744] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 7.986473] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 3 [ 7.986493] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 9.337664] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2 [ 9.337683] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [00:02.0] fault addr 74ff240000 DMAR:[fault reason 05] PTE Write access is not set [ 12.985456] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2 [ 12.985519] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 13.298243] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 3 [ 13.298307] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 18.297124] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2 [ 18.297152] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 18.609924] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 3 [ 18.609971] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear [ 23.608862] dmar: DRHD: handling fault status reg 2 [ 23.608924] dmar: DMAR:[DMA Write] Request device [02:00.1] fault addr fffe0000 DMAR:[fault reason 02] Present bit in context entry is clear }}} * PX-G128M6eを取り外すと以下のようになる {{{ [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=0f566cb2-aec8-4122-a80a-f2e5f48e4426 rw intel_iommu=on [ 0.000000] ACPI: DMAR 0x00000000DAC6CED0 0000B8 (v01 INTEL BDW 00000001 INTL 00000001) [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=0f566cb2-aec8-4122-a80a-f2e5f48e4426 rw intel_iommu=on [ 0.000000] Intel-IOMMU: enabled [ 0.107383] dmar: Host address width 39 [ 0.107388] dmar: DRHD base: 0x000000fed90000 flags: 0x0 [ 0.107406] dmar: IOMMU 0: reg_base_addr fed90000 ver 1:0 cap c0000020660462 ecap f0101a [ 0.107409] dmar: DRHD base: 0x000000fed91000 flags: 0x1 [ 0.107419] dmar: IOMMU 1: reg_base_addr fed91000 ver 1:0 cap d2008c20660462 ecap f010da [ 0.107422] dmar: RMRR base: 0x000000dbe7b000 end: 0x000000dbe89fff [ 0.107425] dmar: RMRR base: 0x000000dd000000 end: 0x000000df1fffff [ 0.107430] IOAPIC id 8 under DRHD base 0xfed91000 IOMMU 1 [ 0.677861] DMAR: No ATSR found [ 0.678093] IOMMU: dmar0 using Queued invalidation [ 0.678096] IOMMU: dmar1 using Queued invalidation [ 0.678100] IOMMU: Setting RMRR: [ 0.678127] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:02.0 [0xdd000000 - 0xdf1fffff] [ 0.678608] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:14.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 0.678655] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1a.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 0.678697] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1d.0 [0xdbe7b000 - 0xdbe89fff] [ 0.678725] IOMMU: Prepare 0-16MiB unity mapping for LPC [ 0.678743] IOMMU: Setting identity map for device 0000:00:1f.0 [0x0 - 0xffffff] [ 4.326005] [drm] DMAR active, disabling use of stolen memory }}}