
Version 9 (modified by mitty, 13 years ago) (diff)


target system

  • /proc/cpuinfo
    system type             : Atheros AR7161 rev 2
    machine                 : Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H
    processor               : 0
    cpu model               : MIPS 24Kc V7.4
    BogoMIPS                : 452.19
    wait instruction        : yes
    microsecond timers      : yes
    tlb_entries             : 16
    extra interrupt vector  : yes
    hardware watchpoint     : yes, count: 4, address/irw mask: [0x0ff8, 0x0ffc, 0x0ff8, 0x0ff8]
    ASEs implemented        : mips16
    shadow register sets    : 1
    kscratch registers      : 0
    core                    : 0
    VCED exceptions         : not available
    VCEI exceptions         : not available

host system type

  • mitty@starseed:~$ wget ";a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD" -O config.guess
  • mitty@starseed:~$ wget ";a=blob_plain;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD" -O config.sub
  • mitty@starseed:~$ chmod +x config.*
  • mitty@starseed:~$ ./config.guess
    ./config.guess: unable to guess system type
    This script, last modified 2012-06-17, has failed to recognize
    the operating system you are using. It is advised that you
    download the most up to date version of the config scripts from
    If the version you run (./config.guess) is already up to date, please
    send the following data and any information you think might be
    pertinent to <> in order to provide the needed
    information to handle your system.
    config.guess timestamp = 2012-06-17
    uname -m = mips
    uname -r = 3.3.6
    uname -s = Linux
    uname -v = #1 Thu May 17 02:19:20 PDT 2012
    /usr/bin/uname -p =
    /bin/uname -X     =
    hostinfo               =
    /bin/universe          =
    /usr/bin/arch -k       =
    /bin/arch              =
    /usr/bin/oslevel       =
    /usr/convex/getsysinfo =
    UNAME_MACHINE = mips
    UNAME_RELEASE = 3.3.6
    UNAME_SYSTEM  = Linux
    UNAME_VERSION = #1 Thu May 17 02:19:20 PDT 2012


  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64
  • mitty@precise:~$ sudo aptitude install subversion build-essential libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk gcc-multilib flex git-core gettext libssl-dev xsltproc bison
  • mitty@precise:~$ mkdir openwrt
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk$ make prereq
    Collecting package info: done
    Collecting target info: done
    Checking 'working-make'... ok.
    Checking 'case-sensitive-fs'... ok.
    Checking 'getopt'... ok.
    Checking 'fileutils'... ok.
    Checking 'working-gcc'... ok.
    Checking 'working-g++'... ok.
    Checking 'ncurses'... ok.
    Checking 'zlib'... ok.
    Checking 'gawk'... ok.
    Checking 'flex'... ok.
    Checking 'unzip'... ok.
    Checking 'bzip2'... ok.
    Checking 'patch'... ok.
    Checking 'perl'... ok.
    Checking 'python'... ok.
    Checking 'wget'... ok.
    Checking 'git'... ok.
    Checking 'gnutar'... ok.
    Checking 'svn'... ok.
    Checking 'gnu-find'... ok.
    Checking 'getopt-extended'... ok.
    Checking 'non-root'... ok.
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk$ make -j 5 V=99 2>&1 | tee build.log | grep -i error
    make[2]: [package/rootfs-prepare] Error 2 (ignored)
    Compression errors: 0
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wpe72.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    Compression errors: 0
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wp543.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    [mkmylofw] Error: file /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/build_dir/linux-ar71xx_generic/tmp/vmlinux-wpe72.bin.lzma is too big
    make[5]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
    make[3]: [/home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/bin/ar71xx/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2] Error 1 (ignored)
    make[3]: [/home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/bin/ar71xx/OpenWrt-ImageBuilder-ar71xx_generic-for-Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2] Error 1 (ignored)
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ cat > test.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
            printf("char        -> %ld\n", sizeof(char));
            printf("short       -> %ld\n", sizeof(short));
            printf("int         -> %ld\n", sizeof(int));
            printf("long        -> %ld\n", sizeof(long));
            printf("long long   -> %ld\n", sizeof(long long));
            printf("float       -> %ld\n", sizeof(float));
            printf("double      -> %ld\n", sizeof(double));
            printf("long double -> %ld\n", sizeof(long double));
            return 0;
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ gcc test.c -o test.x86
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ ./trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- test.c -o test
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc: warning: environment variable 'STAGING_DIR' not defined
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc: warning: environment variable 'STAGING_DIR' not defined
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc: warning: environment variable 'STAGING_DIR' not defined
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ file test test.x86
    test:     ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), with unknown capability 0x41000000 = 0xf676e75, with unknown capability 0x10000 = 0x70403, not stripped
    test.x86: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x53177842cbc614b1f4c71bae24df294892906443, not stripped
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ ./test.x86
    char        -> 1
    short       -> 2
    int         -> 4
    long        -> 8
    long long   -> 8
    float       -> 4
    double      -> 8
    long double -> 16
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ ./test
    bash: ./test: cannot execute binary file
  • mitty@starseed:~$ uname -a
    Linux starseed 3.3.6 #1 Thu May 17 02:19:20 PDT 2012 mips GNU/Linux
  • mitty@starseed:~$ ./test
    char        -> 1
    short       -> 2
    int         -> 4
    long        -> 4
    long long   -> 8
    float       -> 4
    double      -> 8
    long double -> 8

build others


  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package$ svn co utvpn
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ ./configure
    SoftEther UT-VPN for Unix
    Copyright (C) 2004-2010 SoftEther Corporation.
    Copyright (C) 2004-2010 University of Tsukuba, Japan.
    Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Daiyuu Nobori. All Rights Reserved.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    Please select your Operating System below:
     1: Linux
     2: FreeBSD
     3: Solaris
     4: Mac OS X
    Which is your operating system (1-4):
    Please select your CPU Bits below:
     1: 32-bit
     2: 64-bit
    Which is the bits of your CPU (1-2):
    Makefile is generated. Please execute 'make' to build UT-VPN.
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ sha1sum Makefile makefiles/linux_32bit_ja.mak
    5d63c1cbb04ef9a3ecc6d4b8f1150cac20fbfa9d  Makefile
    5d63c1cbb04ef9a3ecc6d4b8f1150cac20fbfa9d  makefiles/linux_32bit_ja.mak
    • Makefileは単純にcpしているだけ
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ svn cp makefiles/linux_32bit_ja.mak Makefile

build with gcc for mips

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ export PATH=$PATH:~/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc LD=mips-openwrt-linux-ld
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc -DNDEBUG -DVPN_SPEED -DUNIX -DUNIX_LINUX -D_REENTRANT -DREENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_THREADSAFE -DTHREAD_SAFE -DTHREADSAFE -I./src/ -I./src/Cedar/ -I./src/Mayaqua/ -O2 -fsigned-char -c src/Mayaqua/Cfg.c -o tmp/objs/Mayaqua/Cfg.o
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc: warning: environment variable 'STAGING_DIR' not defined
    In file included from src/Mayaqua/Cfg.c:90:0:
    ./src/Mayaqua/Mayaqua.h:219:31: fatal error: readline/readline.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [tmp/objs/Mayaqua/Cfg.o] Error 1
  • mitty@precise:~$ sudo aptitude install -R libssl-dev libreadline-dev libncurses-dev
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ export STAGING_DIR=~/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc LD=mips-openwrt-linux-ld
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc tmp/as/Ham.a -O2 -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz -o output/ham/ham
    /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- cannot find -lssl
    /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- cannot find -lcrypto
    /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- cannot find -lreadline
    /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- cannot find -lncurses
    /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- cannot find -lz
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

rebuild after libraries were installed

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make clean
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc LD=mips-openwrt-linux-ld
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc tmp/as/Ham.a -O2 -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz -o output/ham/ham
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `IconvWideToStrInternal':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x634): undefined reference to `iconv_open'
    Internat.c:(.text+0x648): undefined reference to `iconv_open'
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `IconvStrToWideInternal':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x66c): undefined reference to `iconv_open'
    Internat.c:(.text+0x680): undefined reference to `iconv_open'
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `IconvFreeInternal':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x690): undefined reference to `iconv_close'
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `UnixUniToStr':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x7b0): undefined reference to `iconv'
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `InitInternational':
    Internat.c:(.text+0xb68): undefined reference to `iconv_close'
    Internat.c:(.text+0xbcc): undefined reference to `iconv_close'
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `UnixStrToUni':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x37e4): undefined reference to `iconv'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [output/ham/ham] Error 1

make install iconv

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ wget
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/libiconv-1.14$ CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR --host=mips-openwrt-linux
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/libiconv-1.14$ make
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/libiconv-1.14$ make install
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make clean
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc LD=mips-openwrt-linux-ld
    mips-openwrt-linux-gcc tmp/as/Ham.a -O2 -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz -o output/ham/ham
    tmp/as/Ham.a(Internat.o): In function `IconvWideToStrInternal':
    Internat.c:(.text+0x634): undefined reference to `iconv_open'

fix source

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ vim src/Mayaqua/Mayaqua.h
    • src/Mayaqua/Mayaqua.h

      221221//#include <curses.h> 
      223223#ifdef  UNIX_LINUX 
       224#include <iconv.h> 
      224226typedef void *iconv_t; 
      225227iconv_t iconv_open (__const char *__tocode, __const char *__fromcode); 
      226228size_t iconv (iconv_t __cd, char **__restrict __inbuf, 
      228230                     char **__restrict __outbuf, 
      229231                     size_t *__restrict __outbytesleft); 
      230232int iconv_close (iconv_t __cd); 
      231234#else   // UNIX_LINUX 
      232235#include <iconv.h> 
      233236#endif  // UNIX_LINUX 
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ vim Makefile
    • Makefile

      30 OPTIONS_LINK_DEBUG=-g -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz 
       30OPTIONS_LINK_DEBUG=-g -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz -liconv 
      34 OPTIONS_LINK_RELEASE=-O2 -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz 
       34OPTIONS_LINK_RELEASE=-O2 -fsigned-char -lm -ldl -lrt -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lreadline -lncurses -lz -liconv 
      36 INSTALL_BINDIR=/usr/bin/ 
      37 INSTALL_UTVPNSERVER_DIR=/usr/utvpnserver/ 
      38 INSTALL_UTVPNCLIENT_DIR=/usr/utvpnclient/ 
      39 INSTALL_UTVPNCMD_DIR=/usr/utvpncmd/ 
      4141ifeq ($(DEBUG),YES) 
      307307    @mkdir -p $(INSTALL_UTVPNSERVER_DIR) 
      308308    cp output/utvpnserver/hamcore.utvpn $(INSTALL_UTVPNSERVER_DIR)hamcore.utvpn 
      309309    cp output/utvpnserver/utvpnserver $(INSTALL_UTVPNSERVER_DIR)utvpnserver 
       310    @mkdir -p $(INSTALL_BINDIR) 
      310311    echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnserver 
      311312    echo $(INSTALL_UTVPNSERVER_DIR)utvpnserver '"$$@"' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnserver 
      312313    echo 'exit $$?' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnserver 
      317318    cp output/utvpnclient/hamcore.utvpn $(INSTALL_UTVPNCLIENT_DIR)hamcore.utvpn 
      318319    cp output/utvpnclient/utvpnclient $(INSTALL_UTVPNCLIENT_DIR)utvpnclient 
      319320    echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnclient 
       321    @mkdir -p $(INSTALL_BINDIR) 
      320322    echo $(INSTALL_UTVPNCLIENT_DIR)utvpnclient '"$$@"' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnclient 
      321323    echo 'exit $$?' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnclient 
      322324    chmod 755 $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpnclient 
      325327    @mkdir -p $(INSTALL_UTVPNCMD_DIR) 
      326328    cp output/utvpncmd/hamcore.utvpn $(INSTALL_UTVPNCMD_DIR)hamcore.utvpn 
      327329    cp output/utvpncmd/utvpncmd $(INSTALL_UTVPNCMD_DIR)utvpncmd 
       330    @mkdir -p $(INSTALL_BINDIR) 
      328331    echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpncmd 
      329332    echo $(INSTALL_UTVPNCMD_DIR)utvpncmd '"$$@"' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpncmd 
      330333    echo 'exit $$?' >> $(INSTALL_BINDIR)utvpncmd 
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc LD=mips-openwrt-linux-ld
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/trunk/package/utvpn$ make install PREFIX=~/tmp
    cp output/utvpnserver/hamcore.utvpn /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnserver/hamcore.utvpn
    cp output/utvpnserver/utvpnserver /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnserver/utvpnserver
    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnserver
    echo /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnserver/utvpnserver '"$@"' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnserver
    echo 'exit $?' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnserver
    chmod 755 /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnserver
    cp output/utvpnclient/hamcore.utvpn /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnclient/hamcore.utvpn
    cp output/utvpnclient/utvpnclient /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnclient/utvpnclient
    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnclient
    echo /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpnclient/utvpnclient '"$@"' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnclient
    echo 'exit $?' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnclient
    chmod 755 /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpnclient
    cp output/utvpncmd/hamcore.utvpn /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpncmd/hamcore.utvpn
    cp output/utvpncmd/utvpncmd /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpncmd/utvpncmd
    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpncmd
    echo /home/mitty/tmp/usr/utvpncmd/utvpncmd '"$@"' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpncmd
    echo 'exit $?' >> /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpncmd
    chmod 755 /home/mitty/tmp/usr/bin/utvpncmd
    Installation completed successfully.
    Please execute 'utvpnserver start' to run UT-VPN Server Background Service.
    Or please execute 'utvpnclient start' to run UT-VPN Client Background Service.
    And please execute 'utvpncmd' to run UT-VPN Command-Line Utility to configure UT-Server or UT-VPN Client.
  • mitty@precise:~$ mv tmp utvpn-unix-v101-7101-public.mips
  • mitty@precise:~$ tar czf utvpn-unix-v101-7101-public.mips.tar.gz utvpn-unix-v101-7101-public.mips


  • mitty@precise:~$ export PATH=$PATH:~/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
  • mitty@precise:~$ export STAGING_DIR=~/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ wget
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/zlib-1.2.7$ ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/zlib-1.2.7$ vim Makefile
    • Makefile

      old new  
      1616# To install in $HOME instead of /usr/local, use: 
      1717#    make install prefix=$HOME 
      19 CC=gcc 
      2929TEST_LDFLAGS=-L. libz.a 
      30 LDSHARED=gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,,--version-script, 
      31 CPP=gcc -E 
       30LDSHARED=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,,--version-script, 
       31CPP=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc -E 
      39 AR=ar 
      41 RANLIB=ranlib 
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/zlib-1.2.7$ make
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/zlib-1.2.7$ make install
    cp libz.a /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    chmod 644 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    cp /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    chmod 755 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    cp zlib.3 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    chmod 644 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    cp zlib.pc /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    chmod 644 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    cp zlib.h zconf.h /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    chmod 644 /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-


  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ wget
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/openssl-1.0.1c$ vim Makefile
    • Makefile

      old new  
      2626# for, say, /usr/ and yet have everything installed to /tmp/somedir/usr/. 
      2727# Normally it is left empty. 
      29 INSTALLTOP=/usr/local/ssl 
      3131# Do not edit this manually. Use Configure --openssldir=DIR do change this! 
      32 OPENSSLDIR=/usr/local/ssl 
      3434# NO_IDEA - Define to build without the IDEA algorithm 
      3535# NO_RC4  - Define to build without the RC4 algorithm 
      5959# equal 4. 
      6060# PKCS1_CHECK - pkcs1 tests. 
      62 CC= cc 
       62CC= mips-openwrt-linux-gcc 
      6363CFLAG= -O 
      69 AR= ar $(ARFLAGS) r 
      70 RANLIB= /usr/bin/ranlib 
       69AR= mips-openwrt-linux-ar $(ARFLAGS) r 
       70RANLIB= mips-openwrt-linux-ranlib 
      7171NM= nm 
      7272PERL= /usr/bin/perl 
      7373TAR= tar 
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/openssl-1.0.1c$ make
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/openssl-1.0.1c$ make install
  • mitty@precise:~$ file openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), with unknown capability 0x41000000 = 0xf676e75, with unknown capability 0x10000 = 0x70403, not stripped


  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt$ wget
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR
    checking for egrep... grep -E
    Configuring NCURSES 5.9 ABI 5 (Sun Jun 17 21:04:38 JST 2012)
    checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    Configuring for linux-gnu
    checking for prefix... /home/mitty/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc-
    checking for gcc... mips-openwrt-linux-gcc
    checking for C compiler default output... a.out
    checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
    If you meant to cross compile, use `--host'.

configure with host=mips-unknown-linux-gnu

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc CXX=mips-openwrt-linux-g++ ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR --host=mips-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-g++... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-c++... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-gpp... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-aCC... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-CC... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-cxx... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-cc++... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-cl... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-FCC... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-KCC... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-RCC... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-xlC_r... no
    checking for mips-unknown-linux-gnu-xlC... no
    checking for g++... g++
    • oops

configure with host=mips-openwrt-linux

  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc CXX=mips-openwrt-linux-g++ ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR --host=mips-openwrt-linux
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ make undefined reference to `_Unwind_Resume'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [demo] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mitty/openwrt/ncurses-5.9/c++'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ CC=mips-openwrt-linux-gcc CXX=mips-openwrt-linux-g++ ./configure --prefix=$STAGING_DIR --host=mips-openwrt-linux --enable-echo --enable-const --enable-overwrite --disable-rpath --without-ada --without-debug --without-profile --without-progs --disable-big-core --disable-home-terminfo --with-normal --with-shared --with-terminfo-dirs=/usr/share/terminfo --with-default-terminfo-dir=/usr/share/terminfo
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ make
  • mitty@precise:~/openwrt/ncurses-5.9$ make install
