| 125 | |
| 126 | == show_status of retweet tweet == |
| 127 | {{{ |
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| 144 | 'created_at' => 'Mon Oct 04 10:16:43 +0000 2010', |
| 145 | 'contributors' => undef, |
| 146 | 'text' => 'EVERYONE has #newtwitter EXCEPT me! damn you #twitter peeople! @Shahaaa', |
| 147 | 'user' => { |
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| 162 | 'name' => 'Naina I.', |
| 163 | 'description' => 'A Pollyanna who appreciates art in any form. SRK, Bollywood & iPhone lover. Tweets A LOT, consider yourself forewarned.', |
| 164 | 'favourites_count' => 86, |
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| 186 | 'retweet_count' => undef, |
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| 188 | 'created_at' => 'Mon Oct 04 10:18:16 +0000 2010', |
| 189 | 'contributors' => undef, |
| 190 | 'text' => 'RT @nainaa: EVERYONE has #newtwitter EXCEPT me! damn you #twitter peeople! @Shahaaa', |
| 191 | 'user' => { |
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| 207 | 'description' => 'television show producer/director (MNBC).i try to be a good friend.', |
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| 209 | 'profile_background_tile' => $VAR1->{'retweeted'}, |
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| 230 | }}} |