#!/bin/sh set -x export LANG=C PROJECT_NAME="${1:?"usage: $0 [-noinit] "}" SUB_ROOTDIR="${2:?"usage: $0 [-noinit] "}" # stop script if "$1" exists isexist () { if [ -e "$1" ] ; then echo "$1" already exists exit fi } # set global environments NEWREPOS="/var/svn/${SUB_ROOTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" REPOSBACKUP="/var/backups/svn/${SUB_ROOTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" HOOKSKEL="/home/tools/svn/hooks" # check paths to be created isexist ${NEWREPOS} isexist ${REPOSBACKUP} # make repos mkdir -p ${NEWREPOS} svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs ${NEWREPOS} for HOOK in `ls ${HOOKSKEL}`; do ln -s ${HOOKSKEL}/${HOOK} ${NEWREPOS}/hooks done mkdir -p ${NEWREPOS}/dav chgrp -R www-data ${NEWREPOS} chmod -R o-rw ${NEWREPOS} chmod -R g+ws ${NEWREPOS}/db chmod -R g+ws ${NEWREPOS}/dav # make repos backup mkdir -p ${REPOSBACKUP}/incremental chgrp -R www-data ${REPOSBACKUP} chmod -R g+ws ${REPOSBACKUP} if [ "$3" != "-noinit" ]; then # initial commit svn mkdir -m "REPOS init." file://${NEWREPOS}/trunk file://${NEWREPOS}/tags file://${NEWREPOS}/branches file://${NEWREPOS}/vendor fi echo "done" echo "${NEWREPOS} ${REPOSBACKUP} are created"