#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Encode; use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFC); my $top = shift @ARGV || exit; if (! -d $top) { exit; } my $utf8 = find_encoding("utf8"); checkdir($top); sub match { my $str = shift @_; $str = $utf8->decode($str); if ($str ne NFC($str)) { return $utf8->encode(NFC($str)); } return ''; } sub checkdir { my $target = shift @_; print STDERR "# checking '$target'\n"; opendir(my $dir, $target) || return $target; my @entries = sort grep { !m/^(\.|\.\.)$/g } readdir($dir); closedir($dir); my @dirs; while (my $entry = shift @entries) { if (my $composed = match($entry)) { print "'$target/$entry' can be composed to '$composed'\n"; next; } if (-d "$target/$entry") { push @dirs, $entry; next; } } while (my $entry = pop @dirs) { checkdir("$target/$entry"); } }