#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use utf8; ## IMPORTANT ## # When Net::Twitter::Lite encounters a Twitter API error or a network error, # it throws a Net::Twitter::Lite::Error object. # You can catch and process these exceptions by using eval blocks and testing $@ ## from http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Net::Twitter::Lite#ERROR_HANDLING use Net::Twitter::Lite; use FindBin qw($Bin); use YAML::Tiny; use Data::Dumper; use Encode; my $help = sub { die <authorized) { die "$0: this client is not yet authorized."; } eval { my $page = 0; while ($pages - $page && $page <= 160) { $page++; my $param = ($screen_name) ? { page => $page, screen_name => $screen_name, } : { page => $page, } ; my $res; if ($method eq 'user_timeline' || $method eq 'u') { $res = $bot->user_timeline($param); } elsif ($method eq 'retweeted_by_me' || $method eq 'r') { $res = $bot->retweeted_by_me($param); } elsif ($method eq 'mentions' || $method eq 'm') { $res = $bot->mentions($param); } else { warn "$0: unknown method '$method'"; &{$help}; } if ($dump) { foreach my $line (split /\n/, Dumper $res) { if ($line =~ /undef/) { next; } print $line, "\n"; } } else { foreach my $status (@{$res}) { my $text = ""; $text .= "(". $status->{id} . ") "; $text .= $status->{user}{screen_name} . "|"; $text .= $status->{user}{name}; $text .= " [" . $status->{created_at} . "]"; $text .= " ". $status->{text}; $text =~ s/\n//; print encode('utf8', $text), "\n"; } } } }; if ($@) { evalrescue($@); } sub loadconf { # load configration data from yaml formatted file # param => scalar string of filename # ret => hash object of yaml data my $file = shift @_; my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read($file); if ($!) { warn "$0: '$file' $!"; } return $yaml->[0]; } sub login { # make Net::Twitter::Lite object and login # param => hash object of configration # ret => Net::Twitter::Lite object my $conf = shift @_; my $bot = Net::Twitter::Lite->new( consumer_key => $conf->{consumer_key}, consumer_secret => $conf->{consumer_secret}, ); $bot->access_token($conf->{access_token}); $bot->access_token_secret($conf->{access_token_secret}); return $bot; } sub evalrescue { # output error message at eval error use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); if (blessed $@ && $@->isa('Net::Twitter::Lite::Error')) { warn $@->error; if ($@->twitter_error) { my %twitter_error = %{$@->twitter_error}; map { $twitter_error{"$_ => "} = $twitter_error{$_} . "\n"; delete $twitter_error{$_} } keys %twitter_error; warn join("", %twitter_error); } } else { warn $@; } }