dbop              221 global/global.c 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop              239 global/global.c 	dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop              240 global/global.c 	if (dbop == NULL)
dbop              242 global/global.c 	if (dbop_getoption(dbop, COMPLINEKEY))
dbop              244 global/global.c 	tagline = dbop_first(dbop, tag, NULL, 0);
dbop              247 global/global.c 		for (; tagline; tagline = dbop_next(dbop)) {
dbop              302 global/global.c 	dbop_close(dbop);
dbop              316 global/global.c 			dbop = dbop_open(makepath(libdbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop              317 global/global.c 			if (dbop == NULL)
dbop              319 global/global.c 			tagline = dbop_first(dbop, tag, NULL, 0);
dbop              320 global/global.c 			dbop_close(dbop);
dbop              971 global/global.c 	DBOP *dbop = dbop_open(NULL, 1, 0600, DBOP_RAW);
dbop              977 global/global.c 	if (dbop == NULL)
dbop              992 global/global.c 			dbop_put(dbop, path + 1, "");
dbop              997 global/global.c 				dbop_put(dbop, p, "");
dbop             1003 global/global.c 				dbop_put(dbop, p, "");
dbop             1008 global/global.c 	for (path = dbop_first(dbop, NULL, NULL, DBOP_KEY); path != NULL; path = dbop_next(dbop)) {
dbop             1012 global/global.c 	dbop_close(dbop);
dbop             1265 global/global.c 							(user_specified) ? NULL : gp->dbop->lastdat);
dbop             1344 global/global.c 			convert_put_using(cv, "path", path, 1, " ", gp->dbop->lastdat);
dbop             1382 global/global.c 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop             1423 global/global.c 			if (dbop_get(data->dbop, key) != NULL) {
dbop             1476 global/global.c 		data.dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GTAGS), NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop             1477 global/global.c 		if (data.dbop == NULL)
dbop             1480 global/global.c 		data.dbop = NULL;
dbop             1540 global/global.c 	if (data.dbop != NULL)
dbop             1541 global/global.c 		dbop_close(data.dbop);
dbop              325 gtags/gtags.c  		DBOP *dbop = NULL;
dbop              331 gtags/gtags.c  		if ((dbop = dbop_open(dump_target, 0, 0, DBOP_RAW)) == NULL)
dbop              336 gtags/gtags.c  		if (dbop_get(dbop, NEXTKEY))
dbop              338 gtags/gtags.c  		for (dat = dbop_first(dbop, NULL, NULL, 0); dat != NULL; dat = dbop_next(dbop)) {
dbop              339 gtags/gtags.c  			const char *flag = is_gpath ? dbop_getflag(dbop) : "";
dbop              342 gtags/gtags.c  				printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", dbop->lastkey, dat, flag);
dbop              344 gtags/gtags.c  				printf("%s\t%s\n", dbop->lastkey, dat);
dbop              346 gtags/gtags.c  		dbop_close(dbop);
dbop               47 htags/path2url.c 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop               53 htags/path2url.c 	dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop               54 htags/path2url.c 	if (dbop == NULL)
dbop               56 htags/path2url.c 	for (path = dbop_first(dbop, "./", NULL, DBOP_PREFIX | DBOP_KEY); path; path = dbop_next(dbop)) {
dbop               57 htags/path2url.c 		const char *no = dbop_lastdat(dbop, NULL);
dbop               65 htags/path2url.c 	dbop_close(dbop);
dbop               43 libutil/assoc.c 	assoc->dbop = dbop_open(NULL, 1, 0600, 0);
dbop               44 libutil/assoc.c 	if (assoc->dbop == NULL)
dbop               46 libutil/assoc.c 	assoc->dbop->put_errmsg = "cannot write to temporary file.\nYou can specify the directory for the temporary file using environment variable 'TMPDIR'.";
dbop               59 libutil/assoc.c 	if (assoc->dbop == NULL)
dbop               61 libutil/assoc.c 	dbop_close(assoc->dbop);
dbop               74 libutil/assoc.c 	if (assoc->dbop == NULL)
dbop               76 libutil/assoc.c 	dbop_put(assoc->dbop, name, value);
dbop               89 libutil/assoc.c 	if (assoc->dbop == NULL)
dbop               91 libutil/assoc.c 	dbop_put_withlen(assoc->dbop, name, value, len);
dbop              103 libutil/assoc.c 	if (assoc->dbop == NULL)
dbop              105 libutil/assoc.c 	return dbop_get(assoc->dbop, name);
dbop               25 libutil/assoc.h 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop               88 libutil/dbop.c start_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop               92 libutil/dbop.c terminate_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop              106 libutil/dbop.c start_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop              155 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->pid = pi.hProcess;
dbop              156 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortout = fdopen(_open_osfhandle((long)opipe[1], _O_WRONLY), "w");
dbop              157 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortin = fdopen(_open_osfhandle((long)ipipe[0], _O_RDONLY), "r");
dbop              158 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->sortout == NULL || dbop->sortin == NULL)
dbop              162 libutil/dbop.c terminate_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop              163 libutil/dbop.c 	WaitForSingleObject(dbop->pid, INFINITE);
dbop              164 libutil/dbop.c 	CloseHandle(dbop->pid);
dbop              183 libutil/dbop.c start_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop              207 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->pid = fork();
dbop              208 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->pid == 0) {
dbop              222 libutil/dbop.c 	} else if (dbop->pid < 0)
dbop              229 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortout = fdopen(opipe[1], "w");
dbop              230 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortin = fdopen(ipipe[0], "r");
dbop              231 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->sortout == NULL || dbop->sortin == NULL)
dbop              235 libutil/dbop.c terminate_sort_process(DBOP *dbop) {
dbop              236 libutil/dbop.c 	while (waitpid(dbop->pid, NULL, 0) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
dbop              259 libutil/dbop.c 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop              301 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop = (DBOP *)check_calloc(sizeof(DBOP), 1);
dbop              303 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->dbname[0] = '\0';
dbop              305 libutil/dbop.c 		strlimcpy(dbop->dbname, path, sizeof(dbop->dbname));
dbop              306 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->db	= db;
dbop              307 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->openflags	= flags;
dbop              308 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->perm	= (mode == 1) ? perm : 0;
dbop              309 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastdat	= NULL;
dbop              310 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastsize	= 0;
dbop              311 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortout	= NULL;
dbop              312 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->sortin	= NULL;
dbop              316 libutil/dbop.c 	if (mode != 0 && dbop->openflags & DBOP_SORTED_WRITE)
dbop              317 libutil/dbop.c 		start_sort_process(dbop);
dbop              318 libutil/dbop.c 	return dbop;
dbop              328 libutil/dbop.c dbop_get(DBOP *dbop, const char *name)
dbop              330 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              338 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastdat = (char *)dat.data;
dbop              339 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastsize = dat.size;
dbop              358 libutil/dbop.c dbop_put(DBOP *dbop, const char *name, const char *data)
dbop              360 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              370 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->sortout != NULL) {
dbop              371 libutil/dbop.c 		fputs(name, dbop->sortout);
dbop              372 libutil/dbop.c 		putc(SORT_SEP, dbop->sortout);
dbop              373 libutil/dbop.c 		fputs(data, dbop->sortout);
dbop              374 libutil/dbop.c 		putc('\n', dbop->sortout);
dbop              388 libutil/dbop.c 		die(dbop->put_errmsg ? dbop->put_errmsg : "dbop_put failed.");
dbop              402 libutil/dbop.c dbop_put_withlen(DBOP *dbop, const char *name, const char *data, int length)
dbop              404 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              424 libutil/dbop.c 		die(dbop->put_errmsg ? dbop->put_errmsg : "dbop_put_withlen failed.");
dbop              434 libutil/dbop.c dbop_delete(DBOP *dbop, const char *path)
dbop              436 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              457 libutil/dbop.c dbop_update(DBOP *dbop, const char *key, const char *dat)
dbop              459 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop_put(dbop, key, dat);
dbop              475 libutil/dbop.c dbop_first(DBOP *dbop, const char *name, regex_t *preg, int flags)
dbop              477 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              481 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->preg = preg;
dbop              487 libutil/dbop.c 		strlimcpy(dbop->key, name, sizeof(dbop->key));
dbop              495 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->keylen = key.size;
dbop              500 libutil/dbop.c 				if (strncmp((char *)key.data, dbop->key, dbop->keylen))
dbop              503 libutil/dbop.c 				if (strcmp((char *)key.data, dbop->key))
dbop              511 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->keylen = dbop->key[0] = 0;
dbop              516 libutil/dbop.c 			if (ismeta(key.data) && !(dbop->openflags & DBOP_RAW))
dbop              523 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastdat = (char *)dat.data;
dbop              524 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastsize = dat.size;
dbop              525 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastkey = (char *)key.data;
dbop              526 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->lastkeysize = key.size;
dbop              535 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->ioflags = flags;
dbop              537 libutil/dbop.c 		strlimcpy(dbop->prev, (char *)key.data, sizeof(dbop->prev));
dbop              551 libutil/dbop.c dbop_next(DBOP *dbop)
dbop              553 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              554 libutil/dbop.c 	int flags = dbop->ioflags;
dbop              558 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->unread) {
dbop              559 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->unread = 0;
dbop              560 libutil/dbop.c 		return dbop->lastdat;
dbop              565 libutil/dbop.c 		if (!(dbop->openflags & DBOP_RAW)) {
dbop              572 libutil/dbop.c 			if (!strcmp(dbop->prev, (char *)key.data))
dbop              576 libutil/dbop.c 			strlimcpy(dbop->prev, (char *)key.data, sizeof(dbop->prev));
dbop              578 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->lastdat	= (char *)dat.data;
dbop              579 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->lastsize	= dat.size;
dbop              580 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->lastkey = (char *)key.data;
dbop              581 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->lastkeysize = key.size;
dbop              583 libutil/dbop.c 			if (strncmp((char *)key.data, dbop->key, dbop->keylen))
dbop              585 libutil/dbop.c 		} else if (dbop->keylen) {
dbop              586 libutil/dbop.c 			if (strcmp((char *)key.data, dbop->key))
dbop              589 libutil/dbop.c 		if (dbop->preg && regexec(dbop->preg, (char *)key.data, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
dbop              605 libutil/dbop.c dbop_unread(DBOP *dbop)
dbop              607 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop->unread = 1;
dbop              617 libutil/dbop.c dbop_lastdat(DBOP *dbop, int *size)
dbop              620 libutil/dbop.c 		*size = dbop->lastsize;
dbop              621 libutil/dbop.c 	return dbop->lastdat;
dbop              627 libutil/dbop.c dbop_getflag(DBOP *dbop)
dbop              630 libutil/dbop.c 	const char *dat = dbop_lastdat(dbop, &size);
dbop              648 libutil/dbop.c dbop_getoption(DBOP *dbop, const char *key)
dbop              653 libutil/dbop.c 	if ((p = dbop_get(dbop, key)) == NULL)
dbop              655 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->lastsize <= strlen(key))
dbop              666 libutil/dbop.c dbop_putoption(DBOP *dbop, const char *key, const char *string)
dbop              674 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop_put(dbop, key, buf);
dbop              680 libutil/dbop.c dbop_getversion(DBOP *dbop)
dbop              685 libutil/dbop.c 	if ((p = dbop_getoption(dbop, VERSIONKEY)) != NULL)
dbop              693 libutil/dbop.c dbop_putversion(DBOP *dbop, int version)
dbop              698 libutil/dbop.c 	dbop_putoption(dbop, VERSIONKEY, number);
dbop              706 libutil/dbop.c dbop_close(DBOP *dbop)
dbop              708 libutil/dbop.c 	DB *db = dbop->db;
dbop              713 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->sortout != NULL) {
dbop              724 libutil/dbop.c 		fclose(dbop->sortout);
dbop              725 libutil/dbop.c 		dbop->sortout = NULL;
dbop              729 libutil/dbop.c 		while (strbuf_fgets(sb, dbop->sortin, STRBUF_NOCRLF)) {
dbop              735 libutil/dbop.c 			dbop_put(dbop, strbuf_value(sb), p);
dbop              737 libutil/dbop.c 		fclose(dbop->sortin);
dbop              739 libutil/dbop.c 		terminate_sort_process(dbop);
dbop              747 libutil/dbop.c 	(void)db->close(db, dbop->dbname[0] == '\0' ? 1 : 0);
dbop              749 libutil/dbop.c 	if (dbop->dbname[0] != '\0') {
dbop              750 libutil/dbop.c 		if (dbop->perm && chmod(dbop->dbname, dbop->perm) < 0)
dbop              753 libutil/dbop.c 	(void)free(dbop);
dbop               33 libutil/defined.c static DBOP *dbop = NULL;
dbop               42 libutil/defined.c 	if (dbop == NULL) {
dbop               50 libutil/defined.c 		dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, "GTAGS", NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop               51 libutil/defined.c 		if (dbop == NULL)
dbop               54 libutil/defined.c 	if (dbop_get(dbop, name))
dbop               43 libutil/gpathop.c static DBOP *dbop;
dbop              120 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), mode, 0644, 0);
dbop              121 libutil/gpathop.c 	if (dbop == NULL)
dbop              124 libutil/gpathop.c 		dbop_putversion(dbop, create_version);
dbop              129 libutil/gpathop.c 		const char *path = dbop_get(dbop, NEXTKEY);
dbop              134 libutil/gpathop.c 		format_version = dbop_getversion(dbop);
dbop              160 libutil/gpathop.c 	if (dbop_get(dbop, path) != NULL)
dbop              173 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_put_withlen(dbop, path, strbuf_value(sb), strbuf_getlen(sb));
dbop              181 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_put_withlen(dbop, fid, strbuf_value(sb), strbuf_getlen(sb));
dbop              195 libutil/gpathop.c 	const char *fid = dbop_get(dbop, path);
dbop              198 libutil/gpathop.c 		const char *flag = dbop_getflag(dbop);
dbop              216 libutil/gpathop.c 	const char *path = dbop_get(dbop, fid);
dbop              219 libutil/gpathop.c 		const char *flag = dbop_getflag(dbop);
dbop              237 libutil/gpathop.c 	fid = dbop_get(dbop, path);
dbop              240 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_delete(dbop, fid);
dbop              241 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_delete(dbop, path);
dbop              266 libutil/gpathop.c 		dbop_close(dbop);
dbop              271 libutil/gpathop.c 		dbop_update(dbop, NEXTKEY, fid);
dbop              273 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_close(dbop);
dbop              305 libutil/gpathop.c 	gfind->dbop = dbop_open(makepath(dbpath, dbname(GPATH), NULL), 0, 0, 0);
dbop              306 libutil/gpathop.c 	if (gfind->dbop == NULL)
dbop              314 libutil/gpathop.c 	gfind->version = dbop_getversion(gfind->dbop);
dbop              338 libutil/gpathop.c 			gfind->path = dbop_first(gfind->dbop, gfind->prefix, NULL, DBOP_KEY | DBOP_PREFIX);
dbop              340 libutil/gpathop.c 			gfind->path = dbop_next(gfind->dbop);
dbop              350 libutil/gpathop.c 		flag = dbop_getflag(gfind->dbop);
dbop              363 libutil/gpathop.c 	dbop_close(gfind->dbop);
dbop               41 libutil/gpathop.h 	DBOP *dbop;
dbop              274 libutil/gtagsop.c 		int defined = is_defined_in_GTAGS(gtop, gtop->dbop->lastkey);		\
dbop              361 libutil/gtagsop.c 	gtop->dbop = dbop_open(tagfile, dbmode, 0644, DBOP_DUP|DBOP_SORTED_WRITE);
dbop              362 libutil/gtagsop.c 	if (gtop->dbop == NULL) {
dbop              374 libutil/gtagsop.c 		format_version = dbop_getversion(gtop->dbop);
dbop              399 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPACTKEY, NULL);
dbop              401 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPRESSKEY, DEFAULT_ABBREVIATION);
dbop              405 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPLINEKEY, NULL);
dbop              407 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_putoption(gtop->dbop, COMPNAMEKEY, NULL);
dbop              408 libutil/gtagsop.c 		dbop_putversion(gtop->dbop, gtop->format_version); 
dbop              420 libutil/gtagsop.c 		gtop->format_version = dbop_getversion(gtop->dbop);
dbop              426 libutil/gtagsop.c 		if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPACTKEY) != NULL)
dbop              428 libutil/gtagsop.c 		if ((p = dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPRESSKEY)) != NULL) {
dbop              432 libutil/gtagsop.c 		if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPLINEKEY) != NULL)
dbop              434 libutil/gtagsop.c 		if (dbop_getoption(gtop->dbop, COMPNAMEKEY) != NULL)
dbop              516 libutil/gtagsop.c 	dbop_put(gtop->dbop, key, strbuf_value(gtop->sb));
dbop              544 libutil/gtagsop.c 	for (tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, NULL, NULL, 0); tagline; tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop)) {
dbop              553 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_delete(gtop->dbop, NULL);
dbop              658 libutil/gtagsop.c 		for (tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
dbop              660 libutil/gtagsop.c 		     tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
dbop              702 libutil/gtagsop.c 		for (gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
dbop              704 libutil/gtagsop.c 		     gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
dbop              723 libutil/gtagsop.c 		tagline = dbop_first(gtop->dbop, key, preg, dbflags);
dbop              729 libutil/gtagsop.c 		dbop_unread(gtop->dbop);
dbop              753 libutil/gtagsop.c 		for (gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop);
dbop              755 libutil/gtagsop.c 		     gtop->gtp.tag = dbop_next(gtop->dbop))
dbop              800 libutil/gtagsop.c 	dbop_close(gtop->dbop);
dbop              898 libutil/gtagsop.c 						dbop_put(gtop->dbop, key, strbuf_value(gtop->sb));
dbop              922 libutil/gtagsop.c 					dbop_put(gtop->dbop, key, strbuf_value(gtop->sb));
dbop              929 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_put(gtop->dbop, key, strbuf_value(gtop->sb));
dbop              966 libutil/gtagsop.c 	while ((tagline = dbop_next(gtop->dbop)) != NULL) {
dbop              974 libutil/gtagsop.c 			strlimcpy(gtop->cur_tagname, gtop->dbop->lastkey, sizeof(gtop->cur_tagname));
dbop              975 libutil/gtagsop.c 		} else if (strcmp(gtop->cur_tagname, gtop->dbop->lastkey) != 0) {
dbop              979 libutil/gtagsop.c 			dbop_unread(gtop->dbop);
dbop              100 libutil/gtagsop.h 	DBOP *dbop;			/**< descripter of #DBOP */