addstr            310 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    addstr("Write to file: ");
addstr            314 gtags-cscope/command.c 		addstr(appendprompt);
addstr            340 gtags-cscope/command.c 	addstr(readprompt);
addstr            362 gtags-cscope/command.c 	addstr(pipeprompt);
addstr            401 gtags-cscope/command.c 	addstr(globalprompt);
addstr            472 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    addstr(Pattern);
addstr            492 gtags-cscope/command.c 	    addstr(item->text);
addstr            523 gtags-cscope/command.c 	addstr("\b \b");	/* erase the quote character */
addstr            549 gtags-cscope/command.c 		    addstr(toprompt);
addstr            185 gtags-cscope/display.c 	addstr(helpstring);
addstr            189 gtags-cscope/display.c 	addstr(lastmsg);
addstr            211 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    addstr("Line");
addstr            373 gtags-cscope/display.c 	    addstr("* Press the space bar to display the first lines again *");
addstr            384 gtags-cscope/display.c 	addstr(selprompt);
addstr            517 gtags-cscope/display.c 			addstr(what);
addstr            520 gtags-cscope/display.c 			addstr(msg);
addstr            523 gtags-cscope/display.c 			addstr(msg);
addstr            582 gtags-cscope/display.c 		addstr(msg);
addstr            620 gtags-cscope/display.c 		addstr(msg);
addstr             92 gtags-cscope/edit.c 			addstr("Type ^D to stop editing all lines, or any other character to continue: ");
addstr            140 gtags-cscope/help.c 			(void) addstr(*tp++);
addstr            143 gtags-cscope/help.c 			(void) addstr("\n");
addstr            150 gtags-cscope/help.c 		(void) addstr("\n");
addstr            180 gtags-cscope/input.c 		    addstr("\b \b");
addstr            248 gtags-cscope/input.c     addstr("Type any character to continue: ");