yy_init           298 htags/asm.c    static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           790 htags/asm.c    	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           792 htags/asm.c    		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2011 htags/asm.c        (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           298 htags/c.c      static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           826 htags/c.c      	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           828 htags/c.c      		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2144 htags/c.c          (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           298 htags/cpp.c    static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           790 htags/cpp.c    	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           792 htags/cpp.c    		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2009 htags/cpp.c        (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           298 htags/java.c   static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           767 htags/java.c   	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           769 htags/java.c   		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          1912 htags/java.c       (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           298 htags/php.c    static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           868 htags/php.c    	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           870 htags/php.c    		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2187 htags/php.c        (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           311 libparser/asm_scan.c static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           939 libparser/asm_scan.c 	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           941 libparser/asm_scan.c 		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2246 libparser/asm_scan.c     (yy_init) = 0;
yy_init           311 libparser/php.c static int yy_init = 0;		/* whether we need to initialize */
yy_init           995 libparser/php.c 	if ( !(yy_init) )
yy_init           997 libparser/php.c 		(yy_init) = 1;
yy_init          2268 libparser/php.c     (yy_init) = 0;