root              107 global/global.c const char *root;			/**< root of source tree	*/
root              615 global/global.c 		root = get_root();
root              622 global/global.c 		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", (rflag) ? root : dbpath);
root              634 global/global.c 		if (chdir(root) < 0)
root              635 global/global.c 			die("cannot change directory to '%s'.", root);
root              685 global/global.c 			completion_idutils(dbpath, root, av);
root              689 global/global.c 			completion(dbpath, root, av, db);
root              700 global/global.c 		if (strcmp(root, cwd) != 0) {
root              701 global/global.c 			const char *p = cwd + strlen(root);
root              710 global/global.c 		fprintf(stderr, "root=%s\n", root);
root              753 global/global.c 		chdir(root);
root              760 global/global.c 		chdir(root);
root              767 global/global.c 		chdir(root);
root              774 global/global.c 		chdir(root);
root              775 global/global.c 		parsefile(argv, cwd, root, dbpath, db);
root              781 global/global.c 		tagsearch(av, cwd, root, dbpath, db);
root              795 global/global.c completion_tags(const char *dbpath, const char *root, const char *prefix, int db)
root              798 global/global.c 	GTOP *gtop = gtags_open(dbpath, root, db, GTAGS_READ, 0);
root              868 global/global.c completion(const char *dbpath, const char *root, const char *prefix, int db)
root              875 global/global.c 	count = completion_tags(dbpath, root, prefix, db);
root              916 global/global.c completion_idutils(const char *dbpath, const char *root, const char *prefix)
root              943 global/global.c 	if (chdir(root) < 0)
root              944 global/global.c 		die("cannot move to '%s' directory.", root);
root             1107 global/global.c 	cv = convert_open(type, format, root, cwd, dbpath, stdout, NOTAGS);
root             1216 global/global.c 	cv = convert_open(type, format, root, cwd, dbpath, stdout, NOTAGS);
root             1325 global/global.c 	cv = convert_open(type, format, root, cwd, dbpath, stdout, GPATH);
root             1439 global/global.c parsefile(char *const *argv, const char *cwd, const char *root, const char *dbpath, int db)
root             1472 global/global.c = convert_open(type, format, root, cwd, dbpath, stdout, db);
root             1504 global/global.c 		if (!test("f", makepath(root, path, NULL))) {
root             1570 global/global.c search(const char *pattern, const char *root, const char *cwd, const char *dbpath, int db)
root             1588 global/global.c 	gtop = gtags_open(dbpath, root, db, GTAGS_READ, 0);
root             1589 global/global.c 	cv = convert_open(type, format, root, cwd, dbpath, stdout, db);
root             1648 global/global.c 					fp = fopen(makepath(root, curpath, NULL), "r");
root             1795 global/global.c tagsearch(const char *pattern, const char *cwd, const char *root, const char *dbpath, int db)
root             1803 global/global.c 	count = search(pattern, root, cwd, dbpath, db);
root               73 gozilla/gozilla.c const char *cwd, *root, *dbpath;
root              185 gozilla/gozilla.c 	else if (test("d", makepath(root, "HTML", NULL)))
root              186 gozilla/gozilla.c 		strlimcpy(htmldir, makepath(root, "HTML", NULL), sizeof(htmldir));
root              187 gozilla/gozilla.c 	else if (test("d", makepath(root, "html/HTML", NULL)))
root              189 gozilla/gozilla.c 		strlimcpy(htmldir, makepath(root, "html/HTML", NULL), sizeof(htmldir));
root              302 gozilla/gozilla.c 				root = get_root();
root              534 gtags/gtags.c  incremental(const char *dbpath, const char *root)
root              603 gtags/gtags.c  			find_open_filelist(file_list, root);
root              680 gtags/gtags.c  			updatetags(dbpath, root, deleteset, addlist);
root              767 gtags/gtags.c  updatetags(const char *dbpath, const char *root, IDSET *deleteset, STRBUF *addlist)
root              778 gtags/gtags.c  	data.gtop[GTAGS] = gtags_open(dbpath, root, GTAGS, GTAGS_MODIFY, 0);
root              780 gtags/gtags.c  		data.gtop[GRTAGS] = gtags_open(dbpath, root, GRTAGS, GTAGS_MODIFY, 0);
root              854 gtags/gtags.c  createtags(const char *dbpath, const char *root)
root              866 gtags/gtags.c  	data.gtop[GTAGS] = gtags_open(dbpath, root, GTAGS, GTAGS_CREATE, openflags);
root              870 gtags/gtags.c  	data.gtop[GRTAGS] = gtags_open(dbpath, root, GRTAGS, GTAGS_CREATE, openflags);
root              883 gtags/gtags.c  		find_open_filelist(file_list, root);
root              198 htags/src2html.c fill_anchor(const char *root, const char *path)
root              210 htags/src2html.c 	if (root != NULL)
root              211 htags/src2html.c 		strbuf_sprintf(sb, "%sroot%s/", gen_href_begin_simple(root), gen_href_end());
root              373 libdb/bt_open.c 	PAGE *meta, *root;
root              387 libdb/bt_open.c 	if ((root = mpool_new(t->bt_mp, &npg)) == NULL)
root              392 libdb/bt_open.c 	root->pgno = npg;
root              393 libdb/bt_open.c 	root->prevpg = root->nextpg = P_INVALID;
root              394 libdb/bt_open.c 	root->lower = BTDATAOFF;
root              395 libdb/bt_open.c 	root->upper = t->bt_psize;
root              396 libdb/bt_open.c 	root->flags = P_BLEAF;
root              399 libdb/bt_open.c 	mpool_put(t->bt_mp, root, MPOOL_DIRTY);
root              188 libutil/abs2rel.c normalize(const char *path, const char *root, const char *cwd, char *result, const int size)
root              207 libutil/abs2rel.c 	p = locatestring(abs, root, MATCH_AT_FIRST);
root              209 libutil/abs2rel.c 		p = locatestring(root, abs, MATCH_AT_FIRST);
root              545 libutil/find.c find_open_filelist(const char *filename, const char *root)
root              572 libutil/find.c 	if (!strcmp(root+ROOT, "/"))
root              573 libutil/find.c 		strlimcpy(rootdir, root, sizeof(rootdir));
root              575 libutil/find.c 		snprintf(rootdir, sizeof(rootdir), "%s/", root);
root              576 libutil/find.c 	strlimcpy(cwddir, root, sizeof(cwddir));
root              190 libutil/getdbpath.c static char root[MAXPATHLEN];
root              231 libutil/getdbpath.c 		if (realpath(p, root) == NULL) {
root              253 libutil/getdbpath.c 			if (!gtagsexist(root, dbpath, MAXPATHLEN, verbose)) {
root              264 libutil/getdbpath.c 		strlimcpy(root, cwd, MAXPATHLEN);
root              265 libutil/getdbpath.c 		p = root + strlen(root);
root              266 libutil/getdbpath.c 		while (!gtagsexist(root, dbpath, MAXPATHLEN, verbose)) {
root              267 libutil/getdbpath.c 			if (!strcmp(root+ROOT, "/")) { 	/* reached the system's root directory */
root              268 libutil/getdbpath.c 				*(root+ROOT) = '\0';
root              271 libutil/getdbpath.c 			while (*--p != '/' && p > (root+ROOT))
root              273 libutil/getdbpath.c 			if (p == (root+ROOT))
root              277 libutil/getdbpath.c 		if (*(root+ROOT) == 0) {
root              290 libutil/getdbpath.c 			path = makepath(root, "GTAGSROOT", NULL);
root              311 libutil/getdbpath.c 					s = realpath(makepath(root, s, NULL), buf);
root              312 libutil/getdbpath.c 				strlimcpy(root, s, MAXPATHLEN);
root              319 libutil/getdbpath.c 	if (!strcmp(root+ROOT, "/"))
root              320 libutil/getdbpath.c 		strlimcpy(root_with_slash, root, sizeof(root_with_slash));
root              322 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(root_with_slash, sizeof(root_with_slash), "%s/", root);
root              337 libutil/getdbpath.c 	return (const char *)root;
root              327 libutil/gtagsop.c gtags_open(const char *dbpath, const char *root, int db, int mode, int flags)
root              449 libutil/gtagsop.c 		assert(root != NULL);
root              450 libutil/gtagsop.c 		strlimcpy(gtop->root, root, sizeof(gtop->root));
root              108 libutil/gtagsop.h 	char root[MAXPATHLEN];	/**< root directory of source tree */
root              197 libutil/pathconvert.c convert_open(int type, int format, const char *root, const char *cwd, const char *dbpath, FILE *op, int db)
root              204 libutil/pathconvert.c 	strbuf_puts(cv->abspath, root);