fid 1386 global/global.c const char *fid; /**< fid of the file under processing */ fid 1435 global/global.c convert_put_using(data->cv, tag, path, lno, line_image, data->fid); fid 1482 global/global.c data.fid = NULL; fid 1527 global/global.c data.fid = s_fid; fid 1624 global/global.c const char *fid, *tagname; fid 1627 global/global.c fid = p; fid 1705 global/global.c convert_put_using(cv, tagname, gtp->path, n, src, fid); fid 1735 global/global.c convert_put_using(cv, tagname, gtp->path, n, src, fid); fid 1748 global/global.c const char *fid, *tagname, *image; fid 1750 global/global.c fid = p; fid 1771 global/global.c convert_put_using(cv, tagname, gtp->path, gtp->lineno, image, fid); fid 577 gtags/gtags.c const char *fid; fid 583 gtags/gtags.c fid = gpath_path2fid(single_update, &type); fid 584 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) { fid 597 gtags/gtags.c idset_add(deleteset, atoi(fid)); fid 607 gtags/gtags.c const char *fid; fid 619 gtags/gtags.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); fid 620 gtags/gtags.c if (fid) { fid 621 gtags/gtags.c n_fid = atoi(fid); fid 625 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) fid 628 gtags/gtags.c if (fid == NULL) { fid 644 gtags/gtags.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 647 gtags/gtags.c snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", id); fid 652 gtags/gtags.c if ((path = gpath_fid2path(fid, &type)) == NULL) fid 736 gtags/gtags.c const char *fid; fid 756 gtags/gtags.c gtags_put_using(gtop, tag, lno, data->fid, line_image); fid 793 gtags/gtags.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 799 gtags/gtags.c snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", id); fid 800 gtags/gtags.c path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); fid 832 gtags/gtags.c data.fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); fid 833 gtags/gtags.c if (data.fid == NULL) fid 838 gtags/gtags.c gtags_flush(data.gtop[GTAGS], data.fid); fid 840 gtags/gtags.c gtags_flush(data.gtop[GRTAGS], data.fid); fid 895 gtags/gtags.c data.fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); fid 896 gtags/gtags.c if (data.fid == NULL) fid 902 gtags/gtags.c gtags_flush(data.gtop[GTAGS], data.fid); fid 903 gtags/gtags.c gtags_flush(data.gtop[GRTAGS], data.fid); fid 141 htags/anchor.c int type, fid; fid 142 htags/anchor.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(ctags_xid, NULL, &fid); fid 147 htags/anchor.c if (current_fid != fid) { fid 175 htags/cflowindex.c const char *fid = NULL; fid 180 htags/cflowindex.c if (test("f", path) && (fid = path2fid_readonly(path)) != NULL) fid 181 htags/cflowindex.c fprintf(op, gen_href_begin(SRCS, fid, HTML, lineno)); fid 615 htags/common.c gen_list_body(const char *srcdir, const char *ctags_x, const char *fid) /* virtually const */ fid 628 htags/common.c if (fid == NULL) fid 629 htags/common.c fid = path2fid(path); fid 634 htags/common.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(srcdir, fid, HTML, ptable.part[PART_LNO].start)); fid 641 htags/common.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(srcdir, fid, HTML, ptable.part[PART_LNO].start)); fid 671 htags/common.c strbuf_puts(sb, gen_href_begin(srcdir, fid, HTML, ptable.part[PART_LNO].start)); fid 204 htags/defineindex.c const char *fid = line + 1; fid 205 htags/defineindex.c const char *enumber = nextstring(fid); fid 208 htags/defineindex.c DEFS, fid, HTML); fid 217 htags/defineindex.c strbuf_sprintf(url, "%s/%s.%s", DEFS, fid, HTML); fid 222 htags/defineindex.c const char *fid = nextstring(line); fid 223 htags/defineindex.c const char *path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); fid 227 htags/defineindex.c SRCS, fid, HTML, lno); fid 230 htags/defineindex.c strbuf_sprintf(url, "%s/%s.%s#L%s", SRCS, fid, HTML, lno); fid 100 htags/dupindex.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 102 htags/dupindex.c ctags_x = parse_xid(ctags_xid, fid, NULL); fid 130 htags/dupindex.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 131 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); fid 137 htags/dupindex.c strbuf_puts(tmp, fid); fid 151 htags/dupindex.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 152 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); fid 163 htags/dupindex.c fputs_nl(gen_list_body(srcdir, ctags_x, fid), op); fid 170 htags/dupindex.c fputs_nl(gen_list_body(srcdir, ctags_x, fid), op); fid 198 htags/dupindex.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 199 htags/dupindex.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(first_line, fid, NULL); fid 205 htags/dupindex.c strbuf_puts(tmp, fid); fid 1116 htags/htags.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 1117 htags/htags.c const char *ctags_x = parse_xid(_, fid, NULL); fid 1119 htags/htags.c strbuf_puts_nl(sb, gen_list_body(SRCS, ctags_x, fid)); fid 456 htags/src2html.c const char *fid = line + 1; fid 457 htags/src2html.c const char *count = nextstring(fid); fid 490 htags/src2html.c file = fid; fid 498 htags/src2html.c const char *fid = nextstring(line); fid 499 htags/src2html.c const char *path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); fid 510 htags/src2html.c strbuf_puts(outbuf, gen_href_begin_with_title(upperdir(SRCS), fid, HTML, lno, tooltip(type, atoi(lno), path))); fid 154 libutil/gpathop.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 165 libutil/gpathop.c snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", _nextkey++); fid 170 libutil/gpathop.c strbuf_puts0(sb, fid); fid 181 libutil/gpathop.c dbop_put_withlen(dbop, fid, strbuf_value(sb), strbuf_getlen(sb)); fid 195 libutil/gpathop.c const char *fid = dbop_get(dbop, path); fid 197 libutil/gpathop.c if (fid && type) { fid 202 libutil/gpathop.c return fid; fid 214 libutil/gpathop.c gpath_fid2path(const char *fid, int *type) fid 216 libutil/gpathop.c const char *path = dbop_get(dbop, fid); fid 232 libutil/gpathop.c const char *fid; fid 237 libutil/gpathop.c fid = dbop_get(dbop, path); fid 238 libutil/gpathop.c if (fid == NULL) fid 240 libutil/gpathop.c dbop_delete(dbop, fid); fid 260 libutil/gpathop.c char fid[MAXFIDLEN]; fid 270 libutil/gpathop.c snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", _nextkey); fid 271 libutil/gpathop.c dbop_update(dbop, NEXTKEY, fid); fid 466 libutil/gtagsop.c gtags_put_using(GTOP *gtop, const char *tag, int lno, const char *fid, const char *img) fid 509 libutil/gtagsop.c strbuf_puts(gtop->sb, fid); fid 525 libutil/gtagsop.c gtags_flush(GTOP *gtop, const char *fid) fid 528 libutil/gtagsop.c flush_pool(gtop, fid); fid 542 libutil/gtagsop.c int fid; fid 548 libutil/gtagsop.c fid = atoi(tagline); fid 552 libutil/gtagsop.c if (idset_contains(deleteset, fid)) fid 958 libutil/gtagsop.c const char *tagline, *fid, *path, *lineno; fid 988 libutil/gtagsop.c fid = (const char *)strmake(tagline, " "); fid 989 libutil/gtagsop.c path = gpath_fid2path(fid, NULL); fid 991 libutil/gtagsop.c die("gtags_first: path not found. (fid=%s)", fid); fid 238 libutil/pathconvert.c const char *fid = NULL; fid 302 libutil/pathconvert.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); fid 303 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) fid 305 libutil/pathconvert.c fputs(fid, cv->op); fid 380 libutil/pathconvert.c convert_put_using(CONVERT *cv, const char *tag, const char *path, int lineno, const char *rest, const char *fid) fid 394 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) { fid 395 libutil/pathconvert.c fid = gpath_path2fid(path, NULL); fid 396 libutil/pathconvert.c if (fid == NULL) fid 399 libutil/pathconvert.c fputs(fid, cv->op);