snprintf         1317 global/global.c 			snprintf(edit, sizeof(edit), "^/%s", pattern + 1);
snprintf         1864 global/global.c 			snprintf(e, size, "%%%02x", *p);
snprintf          577 gozilla/gozilla.c 		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s %s \"%s\"", path, browser, url);
snprintf          579 gozilla/gozilla.c 		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s \"%s\"", path, url);
snprintf          598 gozilla/gozilla.c 		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s -remote \"openURL(%s)\"", browser, url);
snprintf          604 gozilla/gozilla.c 		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s \"%s\"", browser, url);
snprintf           48 gtags-cscope/build.c 	snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s -i", gtags_command);
snprintf          407 gtags-cscope/command.c 	snprintf(globalcommand, sizeof(globalcommand), "%s %s %s > %s", global_command, globaloption, newpat, temp2);
snprintf          770 gtags-cscope/command.c 		    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Cannot write to file %s", newfile);
snprintf          479 gtags-cscope/display.c 			(void) snprintf(lastmsg, sizeof(lastmsg), "Could not find the %s: %s [%s]",
snprintf          482 gtags-cscope/display.c 			(void) snprintf(lastmsg, sizeof(lastmsg), "Could not find the %s: %s", 
snprintf          518 gtags-cscope/display.c 			snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%ld", current);
snprintf          521 gtags-cscope/display.c 			snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%ld", max);
snprintf          528 gtags-cscope/display.c 			snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "> %s %ld of %ld", what, current, max);
snprintf          566 gtags-cscope/display.c 	(void) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %s", text, s);
snprintf          112 gtags-cscope/edit.c 	(void) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s +%s %s", mybasename(editor), linenum, file);
snprintf          114 gtags-cscope/edit.c 	(void) snprintf(plusnum, sizeof(plusnum), lineflag, linenum);
snprintf          123 gtags-cscope/edit.c 		(void) snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s %s \"%s\"", editor, file, plusnum);
snprintf          127 gtags-cscope/edit.c 		(void) snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s %s \"%s\"", editor, plusnum, file);
snprintf          141 gtags-cscope/edit.c 		(void) snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", prependpath, file);
snprintf          133 gtags-cscope/exec.c     snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "\nCannot exec %s", a);
snprintf           31 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s --encode-path=\" \t\" --result=cscope%s%s",
snprintf           43 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -d %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf           46 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -rs %s >> %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf           60 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -d %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf           86 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s --from-here=\"%s\" %s > %s", common(), p, quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf          100 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -r %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf          114 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -g --literal %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf          133 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -g %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf          147 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -P %s > %s", common(), quote_shell(pattern), temp1);
snprintf          168 gtags-cscope/find.c 	snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -g " INCLUDE " | sed \"s/<unknown>/<global>/\" > %s",
snprintf          349 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c     snprintf(tempdirpv, sizeof(tempdirpv), "%s/cscope.%d", tmpdir, pid);
snprintf          358 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c     snprintf(temp1, sizeof(temp1), "%s/cscope.1", tempdirpv);
snprintf          359 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c     snprintf(temp2, sizeof(temp2), "%s/cscope.2", tempdirpv);
snprintf          411 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c 	snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s -p >" NULL_DEVICE, global_command);
snprintf          565 gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c     snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Removed file %s because write failed", file);
snprintf          392 gtags/gtags.c  				snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "./%s", q + 1);
snprintf          398 gtags/gtags.c  				snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "%s", p);
snprintf          400 gtags/gtags.c  				snprintf(regular_path_name, MAXPATHLEN, "./%s", p);
snprintf          647 gtags/gtags.c  			snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", id);
snprintf          799 gtags/gtags.c  				snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", id);
snprintf          278 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 		snprintf(url, size, "%s#L%d", result->path, line);
snprintf          280 htags-refkit/htags_path2url.c 		snprintf(url, size, "%s", result->path);
snprintf           98 htags/anchor.c 			snprintf(comline, sizeof(comline), "%s -f%s --encode-path=\" \t\" --result=ctags-xid --nofilter=path", quote_shell(global_path), options[db]);
snprintf          452 htags/common.c 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "L%d", number);
snprintf          101 htags/defineindex.c 	snprintf(command, sizeof(command), PQUOTE "%s -c" PQUOTE, quote_shell(global_path));
snprintf          118 htags/defineindex.c 				snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d %s", alpha_count, msg);
snprintf          152 htags/defineindex.c 				snprintf(alpha_f, sizeof(alpha_f), "%03d%03d", c, i2);
snprintf          170 htags/defineindex.c 				snprintf(alpha_f, sizeof(alpha_f), "%03d", c);
snprintf          172 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/defines/%s.%s", distpath, alpha_f, HTML);
snprintf          175 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%s]", alpha);
snprintf          207 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(url_for_map, sizeof(url_for_map), "%s/%s.%s",
snprintf          219 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(guide, sizeof(guide), "Multiple defined in %s places.", enumber);
snprintf          226 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(url_for_map, sizeof(url_for_map), "%s/%s.%s#L%s",
snprintf          231 htags/defineindex.c 			snprintf(guide, sizeof(guide), "Defined at %s in %s.", lno, path);
snprintf          252 htags/defineindex.c 		snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d %s", alpha_count, msg);
snprintf           63 htags/dupindex.c 	snprintf(srcdir, sizeof(srcdir), "../%s", SRCS);
snprintf          157 htags/dupindex.c 						snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%d.%s", distpath, dirs[db], count, HTML);
snprintf          314 htags/fileindex.c 	snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "*****");
snprintf          367 htags/fileindex.c 		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/files/%s.%s", distpath, path2fid(basedir), HTML);
snprintf          445 htags/fileindex.c 						snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%s bytes", insert_comma(size));
snprintf          447 htags/fileindex.c 						snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%s byte", insert_comma(size));
snprintf          621 htags/fileindex.c 		snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%s bytes", insert_comma(size));
snprintf          623 htags/fileindex.c 		snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%s byte", insert_comma(size));
snprintf          664 htags/fileindex.c 		snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%d files", count);
snprintf          666 htags/fileindex.c 		snprintf(tips, sizeof(tips), "%d file", count);
snprintf          819 htags/fileindex.c 	snprintf(command, sizeof(command), PQUOTE "%s -gnx --encode-path=\" \t\" \"^[ \t]*(#[ \t]*(import|include)|include[ \t]*\\()\"" PQUOTE, quote_shell(global_path));
snprintf          870 htags/fileindex.c 			snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%d.%s", distpath, INCS, no, HTML);
snprintf          908 htags/fileindex.c 			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", ptable.part[PART_LNO].start, decode_path(ptable.part[PART_PATH].start));
snprintf          915 htags/fileindex.c 			snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%d.%s", distpath, INCREFS, no, HTML);
snprintf          971 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(html, sizeof(html), "%s/%s/%s.%s", distpath, SRCS, path2fid(path), HTML);
snprintf         1047 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Powered by GLOBAL-%s.", get_version());
snprintf         1110 htags/htags.c  			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), PQUOTE "%s --result=ctags-xid --encode-path=\" \t\" --nofilter=path %s" PQUOTE, quote_shell(global_path), main_func);
snprintf         1447 htags/htags.c  	snprintf(command, sizeof(command), PQUOTE "%s --config" PQUOTE, quote_shell(gtags_path));
snprintf         1866 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(distpath, sizeof(distpath), "%s/HTML", realpath);
snprintf         1868 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(distpath, sizeof(distpath), "%s/HTML", cwdpath);
snprintf         1880 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(saction, sizeof(saction), "%s/global.cgi", script_alias);
snprintf         1882 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(completion_saction, sizeof(completion_saction), "%s/completion.cgi", script_alias);
snprintf         1884 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/gtags/%s", localstatedir, SITEKEYDIRNAME);
snprintf         1895 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/gtags/%s/%s", localstatedir, SITEKEYDIRNAME, sitekey);
snprintf         2074 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(cgidir, sizeof(cgidir), "%s/cgi-bin", distpath);
snprintf         2247 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s/gtags/style.css.tmpl", datadir, distpath);
snprintf         2250 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "cp %s/gtags/style.css%s %s/style.css", datadir, template, distpath);
snprintf         2252 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "cp %s/gtags/style.css.tmpl %s/style.css", datadir, distpath);
snprintf         2258 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "cp -r %s/gtags/jquery/* %s/js", datadir, distpath);
snprintf         2272 htags/htags.c  			snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/gtags/%s/%s", localstatedir, SITEKEYDIRNAME, sitekey);
snprintf         2287 htags/htags.c  		snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "cp -r %s/gtags/icons %s", datadir, distpath);
snprintf           98 htags/path2url.c 		snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%d", ++nextkey);
snprintf         1119 htags/php.c    				snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", get_current_dir(), path);
snprintf          260 htags/src2html.c 				snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", ref[i]);
snprintf          265 htags/src2html.c 			snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%s", (i != A_INDEX && i != A_HELP && ref[i] == 0) ? "n_" : "", icons[i]);
snprintf          304 htags/src2html.c 				snprintf(lineno, sizeof(lineno), "%d", ref[i]);
snprintf          550 htags/src2html.c 		snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "%d", inc->id);
snprintf          817 htags/src2html.c 	snprintf(lineno_format, sizeof(lineno_format), "%%%dd ", ncol);
snprintf          828 htags/src2html.c 	snprintf(indexlink, sizeof(indexlink), "../mains.%s", normal_suffix);
snprintf          922 htags/src2html.c 				snprintf(s_count, sizeof(s_count), "%d", incref->ref_count);
snprintf          923 htags/src2html.c 				snprintf(s_id, sizeof(s_id), "%d", incref->id);
snprintf          959 htags/src2html.c 				snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", ancref->lineno);
snprintf          418 libdb/bt_open.c 	(void)snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
snprintf          331 libutil/conf.c 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ":%s#", name);
snprintf          359 libutil/conf.c 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ":%s=", name);
snprintf          423 libutil/conf.c 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ":%s:", name);
snprintf          671 libutil/dbop.c 		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", key, string);
snprintf          673 libutil/dbop.c 		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", key);
snprintf          697 libutil/dbop.c 	snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%d", version);
snprintf           99 libutil/fileop.c 		snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "gzip -c >\"%s\"", path);
snprintf          575 libutil/find.c 		snprintf(rootdir, sizeof(rootdir), "%s/", root);
snprintf          100 libutil/getdbpath.c 	snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", candidate, makeobjdir);
snprintf          110 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", makeobjdirprefix, candidate);
snprintf          156 libutil/getdbpath.c 	snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", candidate_without_slash, dbname(GTAGS));
snprintf          162 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(dbpath, size, "%s", candidate);
snprintf          165 libutil/getdbpath.c 	snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
snprintf          172 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(dbpath, size, "%s/%s", candidate_without_slash, makeobjdir);
snprintf          176 libutil/getdbpath.c 	snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
snprintf          183 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(dbpath, size, "%s%s", makeobjdirprefix, candidate_without_slash);
snprintf          227 libutil/getdbpath.c 			snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "directory '%s' not found.", p);
snprintf          232 libutil/getdbpath.c 			snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "cannot get real path of '%s'.", p);
snprintf          247 libutil/getdbpath.c 				snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "directory '%s' not found.", p);
snprintf          322 libutil/getdbpath.c 		snprintf(root_with_slash, sizeof(root_with_slash), "%s/", root);
snprintf          165 libutil/gpathop.c 	snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", _nextkey++);
snprintf          270 libutil/gpathop.c 		snprintf(fid, sizeof(fid), "%d", _nextkey);
snprintf          251 libutil/statistics.c 		w = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%." PRECISION_STRING(PERCENT) "f", t->percent);
snprintf          450 libutil/strbuf.c 					snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, va_arg(ap, int));
snprintf          452 libutil/strbuf.c 					snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, va_arg(ap, char *));